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Descriptions of new species of butterflies - lemmings tavolgovoy and Sappho , as well as additions to the speeches of the day Peacock , многоцветнице and uglokrylnitse With white < em> (Polygonia c-album) .
Descriptions of new species of butterflies - lemmings tavolgovoy and Sappho , as well as additions to the speeches of the day Peacock , ...
In the first series of photographs present images Aethalura punctulata , Aricia artaxerxes , Archinemapogon yildizae , Anacampsis blattariella , Archiearis parthenias , Boloria selene , Boloria titania , Boloria ...
In the first series of photographs present images Aethalura punctulata , Aricia artaxerxes , Archinemapogon yildizae , Anacampsis ...
Edited stories about poplar and willow perelivnitsah.
Edited stories about poplar and willow perelivnitsah.
Additions, changes, and a couple of new lines for the following types of butterflies: large tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros hives - Aglais urticae Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui Sennitsa ordinary - ...
Additions, changes, and a couple of new lines for the following types of butterflies: large tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros ...
Photo Chamaesphecia schmidtiiformis , as well as descriptions of the eight species of butterflies, including the ларенция ocher yellow (Camptogramma bilineata) , checkered Atalia (Melitaea athalia) , scoop pyramid (Amphipyra ...
Photo Chamaesphecia schmidtiiformis , as well as descriptions of the eight species of butterflies, including the ларенция ocher yellow ...
Uglokrylnitsa With white : description and illustration. Spotted ducat : illustrate the description of the new photograph.
Uglokrylnitsa With white : description and illustration. Spotted ducat : illustrate the description of the new photograph.
Lined Article Maxim Klepikova « Butterflies of (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) as a reference group of biological diversity in the planning of protected areas in the Yaroslavl Zavolzhja" and « the fauna of Lepidoptera (Insecta: Lepidoptera) planned ...
Lined Article Maxim Klepikova « Butterflies of (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) as a reference group of biological diversity in the planning of protected ...
Original photo Melitaea athalia , Erebia ligea , Arctia villica , Arctia caja , Aphantopus hyperantus , Euthrix potatoria , Limenitis populi , Papilio machaon and Polyommatus icarus .
Original photo Melitaea athalia , Erebia ligea , Arctia villica , Arctia caja , Aphantopus hyperantus , Euthrix potatoria , ...
Amphipyra pyramidea . Photo only, nothing else.
Amphipyra pyramidea . Photo only, nothing else.
Namely - the description of a dozen species: Cupido argiades - argiad , Lycaena dispar - ducat unpaired , Lycaena phlaeas - chervonets spotted , Neozephyrus quercus - marshmallow oak , Satyrium ilicis - theclinae padubovaya , ...
Namely - the description of a dozen species: Cupido argiades - argiad , Lycaena dispar - ducat unpaired , Lycaena phlaeas - chervonets ...
We talk about various copper-butterfly - as a true blue, and blue, green and even brown: Aricia agestis - copper-butterfly brown , Aricia artaxerxes , Polyommatus semiargus - copper-butterfly bean , Polyommatus coridon - ...
We talk about various copper-butterfly - as a true blue, and blue, green and even brown: Aricia agestis - copper-butterfly brown , Aricia ...
Getting to know some of our views and our tolstogolovok: Carterocephalus palaemon - krepkogolovka Palemon , Thymelicus acteon - tolstogolovka piebald , Thymelicus sylvestris , Erynnis tages - tolstogolovka blackish , Pyrgus malvae - ...
Getting to know some of our views and our tolstogolovok: Carterocephalus palaemon - krepkogolovka Palemon , Thymelicus acteon - tolstogolovka ...
Continued excerpts from the history of satyrs. Today briefly ran over velvet (Lasiommata maera) , krupnoglazke (Lopinga achine) , Sennitsy ordinary (Coenonympha pamphilus) and Sennitsy Gero ( Coenonympha hero) . Moreover, lined with some ...
Continued excerpts from the history of satyrs. Today briefly ran over velvet (Lasiommata maera) , krupnoglazke (Lopinga achine) , Sennitsy ...
Add a crumb for the following types of information: Brintesia circe - Circe , Hipparchia semele - Semele and Hipparchia fagi .
Add a crumb for the following types of information: Brintesia circe - Circe , Hipparchia semele - Semele and Hipparchia fagi .
Sketches by perstroglazke Galatea (Melanargia galathea) .
Sketches by perstroglazke Galatea (Melanargia galathea) .
Where and how to live perlamutrovka field - Issoria lathonia , perlamutrovka evfrosina - Boloria euphrosyne , perlamutrovka large - Argynnis paphia , perlamutrovka Aglaia - Argynnis aglaja , checkered maturna - Euphydryas maturna , ...
Where and how to live perlamutrovka field - Issoria lathonia , perlamutrovka evfrosina - Boloria euphrosyne , perlamutrovka large - Argynnis ...
New nimfaliy: pestrokrylnitsa volatile (Araschnia levana) , letochnik poplar (Limenitis populi) , Camille lentochnik (Limenitis camilla) , perelivnitsa willow (Apatura iris) and perelivnitsa poplar (Apatura ilia) .
New nimfaliy: pestrokrylnitsa volatile (Araschnia levana) , letochnik poplar (Limenitis populi) , Camille lentochnik (Limenitis camilla) , ...
Texts about hives and NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA - two strongly-known representatives of Nymphalidae, slightly less popular large tortoiseshell and not described for Russian Charaxes jasius .
Texts about hives and NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA - two strongly-known representatives of Nymphalidae, slightly less popular large tortoiseshell and not ...
The texts of the six kinds of our beauties moles: mole chehlonosnaya oak - Coleophora anatipenella , codling moth-grit white - Lyonetia clerkella , moles sprout brown - Argyresthia conjugella , mole chehlonosnaya larch - Coleophora ...
The texts of the six kinds of our beauties moles: mole chehlonosnaya oak - Coleophora anatipenella , codling moth-grit white - Lyonetia ...
Some information about the representatives Nymphalidae - day peacock (Inachis io) , Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) and Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) . Also - a little bit of copper-butterfly (about common blue - Polyommatus icarus , Green ...
Some information about the representatives Nymphalidae - day peacock (Inachis io) , Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) and Painted Lady (Vanessa ...
Lined first brief descriptions of Pandemis cerasana - budworm currant krivousoy , Rhyacionia buoliana - pobegovyuna wintering and Totrix viridana - листовертки oak .
Lined first brief descriptions of Pandemis cerasana - budworm currant krivousoy , Rhyacionia buoliana - pobegovyuna wintering and Totrix ...
Refinement in appearance golden zheltushki .
Refinement in appearance golden zheltushki .
Added a brief description of Macdunnoughia confusa - plusiinae drops and Pyralis farinalis - flour moth .
Added a brief description of Macdunnoughia confusa - plusiinae drops and Pyralis farinalis - flour moth .
New photos of butterflies Samptogramma bilineata , Cupido argiades , Hypena proboscidalis , Macdunnoughia confusa , Pieris brassicae , Pieris napi , Pieris rapae , Pyralis farinalis , Vanessa cardui .
New photos of butterflies Samptogramma bilineata , Cupido argiades , Hypena proboscidalis , Macdunnoughia confusa , Pieris ...
Added photos to the descriptions Admiral , which is Vanessa atalanta and dnevnogo Peacock , which is Inachis io . In addition, the illustrated article on meadow zheltushka , also known as Colias hyale .
Added photos to the descriptions Admiral , which is Vanessa atalanta and dnevnogo Peacock , which is Inachis io . In addition, the illustrated ...
Site publicly begins his mortal existence on the web. Interested visitors are welcomed, and potential authors - even more.
Site publicly begins his mortal existence on the web. Interested visitors are welcomed, and potential authors - even more.