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Insecta.pro and the entomological forum Integration 19.03.2024 21:47 Peter Khramov

Integration is coming to an active phase. An email newsletter should soon be sent to users of the entomological forum with explanations and individual links to establish a connection between accounts on Insecta and ento-forum. In this topic, you can ...

07.07.2024 13:25 Peter Khramov, Insecta.pro and the entomological forum Integration

Напоминаю, что открытие разделов форума ...

Еще одна цветовая схема 22.05.2024 21:33 Peter Khramov

Кроме обычной и контрастной, теперь еще одна цветовая схема — серая. Если вы хотите, чтобы цвета на фоновых частях страниц сайта стало ...

22.05.2024 21:33 Peter Khramov, Еще одна цветовая схема

Кроме обычной и контрастной, теперь еще ...

Выложен первый полностью функциональный раздел перенесенного форума 14.05.2024 13:53 Peter Khramov

Выложен первый раздел форума. Для этого был выбран «Отчеты о поездках и экспедициях» — в нем мало тем, но достаточно много постов (более ...

14.05.2024 13:53 Peter Khramov, Выложен первый полностью функциональный раздел перенесенного форума

Выложен первый раздел форума. Для этого ...

Recognition of species/taxa by file names of uploaded photos has become more convenient 09.04.2024 21:13 Peter Khramov

When uploading photos to the website (both by one file and many files in the zip-archives), the system tries to recognize the species in the photo (as well as subspecies and upper taxa) by file name. Previously, the system was quite demanding, now ...

09.04.2024 21:13 Peter Khramov, Recognition of species/taxa by file names of uploaded photos has become more convenient

When uploading photos to the website (both by one file and many files in ...

We changed timeouts for the author to edit some data for his photos on the website 28.03.2024 15:34 Peter Khramov

Now you can edit the identification field (linking a photo to an insect taxon) for an unlimited amount of time — if there are no comments from other users on the photo. But if there are such comments, the possibility of changing the taxon in the ...

28.03.2024 15:34 Peter Khramov, We changed timeouts for the author to edit some data for his photos on the website

Now you can edit the identification field (linking a photo to an insect ...

The website functioning updates 31.07.2023 20:29 Peter Khramov

We are simultaneously working on improving the website in several areas: full redesign (including mobile-friendly version), Google Maps update, Acceleration of the webpages (some of them are too slow now) and we upload new text and graphic data. We ...

08.02.2024 13:23 Peter Khramov, The website functioning updates

We updated the design of comments for photos, species, superspecies taxa, ...

References labeling (including PM) was updated 06.02.2024 19:45 Peter Khramov

The species page now displays more complete information about the sources of information (references) - for synonyms, subspecies and descriptions (previously not all of it was shown). Personal communications are now indicated each with its own code ...

06.02.2024 19:45 Peter Khramov, References labeling (including PM) was updated

The species page now displays more complete information about the sources ...

Autosuggestions by synonyms and local species names when uploading new photos or editing previously uploaded photos 28.12.2023 21:56 Peter Khramov

Earlier, when filling the "taxon" field in the photo upload form (or when editing "taxon" field of a previously uploaded photo), autosuggestions worked only for the main taxon name (full correspondence or incomplete correspondence) and did not ...

28.12.2023 21:56 Peter Khramov, Autosuggestions by synonyms and local species names when uploading new photos or editing previously uploaded photos

Earlier, when filling the "taxon" field in the photo upload form (or when ...

New map mark radius indicating glitch was fixed 18.12.2023 20:54 Peter Khramov

Previously, when setting a new map point, the "Radius" value might not be picked up, and it had to be entered additionally on the mark editing page. Now this problem has been fixed. You can to specify the radius when setting the new point, and it ...

18.12.2023 20:54 Peter Khramov, New map mark radius indicating glitch was fixed

Previously, when setting a new map point, the "Radius" value might not be ...

Linking photos to map marks, unlinking and transferring photos from one map mark to another 06.12.2023 20:34 Peter Khramov

Now you can link your photos to map marks on the map section not only on the photo page, but also on the page for editing the photos you have uploaded. On the edit page a new text field has now been added for each photo: “Map mark”. If you've ...

06.12.2023 20:34 Peter Khramov, Linking photos to map marks, unlinking and transferring photos from one map mark to another

Now you can link your photos to map marks on the map section not only on ...

Now you can change the color scheme of the site 01.12.2023 21:35 Peter Khramov

If you do not like the standard color design of the Insecta.pro website and/or if the standard colors do not have enough contrast between the text and the background for you — now you can switch to alternative colors. And if you get tired of ...

01.12.2023 21:35 Peter Khramov, Now you can change the color scheme of the site

If you do not like the standard color design of the Insecta.pro website ...

«Маркет»: обмен, продажа и дарение коллекционных насекомых на сайте 18.03.2016 23:07 Peter Khramov

Start a new section - Market, which will be collected suggestions from our customers on the sale, exchange, donation (now) and purchase (in the future) of dry material - Insect entomological collections. Main chips 1. Selection of items for ...

01.12.2023 14:13 Peter Khramov, «Маркет»: обмен, продажа и дарение коллекционных насекомых на сайте

Good afternoon. There was a pause in the active work of the website, and ...

Many minor errors have been fixed in the designation of the Author and Year in taxa, as well as in the naming of synonyms 01.12.2023 1:36 Peter Khramov

During November, a lot of work was carried out to correct errors in the designation of the Author and Year for species and other taxa, as well as in the names of synonyms. The changes affected about 37,000 taxa. And yes, the "comma issue" has also ...

01.12.2023 1:36 Peter Khramov, Many minor errors have been fixed in the designation of the Author and Year in taxa, as well as in the naming of synonyms

During November, a lot of work was carried out to correct errors in the ...

Maps for the species you've selected 25.11.2023 22:27 Peter Khramov

Now, on the species page, in the "Distribution" section, it is indicated how many marks are available in the "Maps" section for the species. By clicking on the link, you can go to the maps, where only marks related to this species are displayed. For ...

25.11.2023 22:27 Peter Khramov, Maps for the species you've selected

Now, on the species page, in the "Distribution" section, it is indicated ...

Increasing the size of the insects photos on the website 02.11.2023 22:19 Peter Khramov

The size limit for the photo on the website is 1600 x 1080 pixels now. This means that if you upload a larger photo, it will be reduced to 1600px width or 1080px height (depending on the proportions of the picture). Previously, this limitation was ...

02.11.2023 22:21 Peter Khramov, Increasing the size of the insects photos on the website

We will increase the size of previously uploaded photos to the same ...

The new server for the Insecta.pro website 12.09.2023 14:54 Peter Khramov

Today, the wesite is being moved to a new, more powerful server. As a result, the website pages will work even faster. But in the meantime, do not upload any new data (photos, dots, comments, descriptions, etc.). As soon as the move is over, I will ...

26.09.2023 23:06 Peter Khramov, The new server for the Insecta.pro website

The website server is good as new now, the information can be uploaded to ...

The website pages speed 22.08.2023 11:41 Peter Khramov

From 20th to 21st of August we carried out some works to increase the speed of the website pages loading (earlier some pages would load for about 10 seconds, not mentioning bots raids when things were getting even worse). Now overall page loading is ...

22.08.2023 11:41 Peter Khramov, The website pages speed

From 20th to 21st of August we carried out some works to increase the ...

Insecta.pro is mobile-friendly but not enough 16.07.2023 17:26 Peter Khramov

The website is mobile-friendly only in part (main blocks). We'll make full mobile-friendly redesign (with all design elements) this summer.

16.07.2023 17:26 Peter Khramov, Insecta.pro is mobile-friendly but not enough

The website is mobile-friendly only in part (main blocks). We'll make full ...

New local names 21.06.2023 23:51 Peter Khramov

We upload hundreds of new local insects names to the website database and we change searching algorithms for the local names. So, the manual uploading of the local names one by one is temporary unavailable. We'll turn the manual uploading function ...

25.06.2023 14:32 Peter Khramov, New local names

You can add local species names again.

The maps are in development mode but it's temporary 13.04.2023 21:26 Peter Khramov

To see at least a shaded map click Ok at Google message over the map block.

18.06.2023 20:56 Peter Khramov, The maps are in development mode but it's temporary

The problem is solved.

New: Premaid Selections 10.06.2023 20:41 Peter Khramov

Earlier it was possible to select species in the catalog by general parameters only. Now we have premade selections. Our curators make and expand these selections by particular criteria. Such criteria can be for example locations (not on the level ...

10.06.2023 20:41 Peter Khramov, New: Premaid Selections

Earlier it was possible to select species in the catalog by general ...

Species sorting (Catalog section) 09.06.2023 21:25 Peter Khramov

The species at Catalog section are sorted by last update (not by name) — if you didn't change any default parameters.

09.06.2023 21:25 Peter Khramov, Species sorting (Catalog section)

The species at Catalog section are sorted by last update (not by name) — ...

Autosuggestions are working Ok now 22.04.2023 16:55 Peter Khramov

There was a problem with autosuggestions engine but it\\\'s solved now. The taxa search through all the website (including images uploading and taxa linking) is fully-functioning now. If you still have problems with autosuggestions — just press ...

22.04.2023 16:55 Peter Khramov, Autosuggestions are working Ok now

There was a problem with autosuggestions engine but it\\\'s solved now. ...

If you can't upload your photo 26.03.2023 23:45 Peter Khramov

If your file is less than 5 MB but you get upload error — try to make the file size even less. It\'s temporary but and we\'ll fix it but in the meantime...

26.03.2023 23:45 Peter Khramov, If you can't upload your photo

If your file is less than 5 MB but you get upload error — try to make ...

29--31 of May, 2019 photos upload 03.06.2019 8:59 Peter Khramov

Dear sirs and madams! If you uploaded any photos from 29 to 31 of May, 2019 and you can't find them at the website now, please, upload them once more. It seems like there were some losses in that department while changing hosting servers. I'm sorry ...

03.06.2019 8:59 Peter Khramov, 29--31 of May, 2019 photos upload

Dear sirs and madams! If you uploaded any photos from 29 to 31 of May, ...

The website 10th Anniversary and offline partying 13.01.2017 2:51 Peter Khramov

In September 2017, Insecta.pro (former Lepidoptera.ru/Lepidoptera.pro) and its community hits 10 years. Nothing is wrong with boozing it up! It may seem a little too soon to discuss such an event but you know how it is: somebody always «just ...

20.10.2017 21:56 Dmitriy Pozhogin, The website 10th Anniversary and offline partying

And we will drink. I feel sorry for sick people(((

Перенос информации из раздела «Старое описание» 16.09.2017 1:45 Peter Khramov

На начальном периоде работы Lepidoptera.ru/Lepidoptera.pro (задолго до перехода на Insecta.pro) информация для видовых очерков составлялась не по тому ...

27.09.2017 21:35 Peter Khramov, Перенос информации из раздела «Старое описание»

It's done.

Link autocorrection for users comments 27.09.2017 20:36 Peter Khramov

The links in the users comments are active now (for the Insecta.pro internal pages so far) and the links automatically transform according to language you choose for the website pages displaying.

27.09.2017 20:36 Peter Khramov, Link autocorrection for users comments

The links in the users comments are active now (for the Insecta.pro ...

Speed up maps downloading for the photos pages 18.07.2017 21:48 Peter Khramov

There were some troubles with maps markers download speed, now they are solved. The image pages maps will work considerably faster thanks to Ihor Kyryliuk.

20.09.2017 23:26 Peter Khramov, Speed up maps downloading for the photos pages

On the general map, the loading speed has not yet changed (because all the ...

New photos are needed on a first-priority basis for the following Insecta orders and families 19.09.2017 1:07 Peter Khramov

Ladies and gentlemen! We've got some orders and many families without any photos! Please, if you can, upload photos with insects from these taxa (if you've got any). But any other photos are very appreciated too :--) In alphabetic order. The ...

19.09.2017 15:05 Evgeny Komarov, New photos are needed on a first-priority basis for the following Insecta orders and families

I hope I can do it!

If the info about the species is available only in a foreign language 16.09.2017 1:48 Peter Khramov

If the detailed information with references (Species Pages) is available only in a foreign language, it is now available at English version of the website (it's better then nothing until the day comes when we've got a decent translatioin).

16.09.2017 1:48 Peter Khramov, If the info about the species is available only in a foreign language

If the detailed information with references (Species Pages) is available ...

Bugs with comments fonts decorations were fixed 09.09.2017 22:19 Peter Khramov

You can meet some fonts decorations bugs earlier (inappropriate bold, italic, etc.) It's fixed now.

09.09.2017 22:19 Peter Khramov, Bugs with comments fonts decorations were fixed

You can meet some fonts decorations bugs earlier (inappropriate bold, ...

Temporary (no)output for the maps markers at the photo pages 25.06.2017 17:20 Peter Khramov

The maps markers will be temporary invisible, we are changing maps code. I'll write as soon as it'll be ready to use.

09.09.2017 21:11 Peter Khramov, Temporary (no)output for the maps markers at the photo pages

It's fixed.

«Maps» section: Photos and taxa linking to the maps markers 05.03.2016 4:14 Peter Khramov

The site runs a mechanism by which the maps on Google Maps, you can put points (markers) and bind to them arbitrary text, photos, and other types of taxa, etc. Because thing for the non-standard site, you first will be trimmed dough on ...

07.09.2017 14:09 Vasiliy Feoktistov, «Maps» section: Photos and taxa linking to the maps markers

I have no use for the joint markers too.

English in autosuggestions 07.09.2017 2:58 Peter Khramov

Autosuggestions' headers will be switching to English correctly from now on.

07.09.2017 2:58 Peter Khramov, English in autosuggestions

Autosuggestions' headers will be switching to English correctly from now ...

New photogallery 09.01.2017 16:29 Peter Khramov

Выложен проект новой фотогалереи сайта — http://insecta.pro/ru/photos (доступен по ссылке из главного меню «Фото»). Старый вариант галереи пока ...

31.08.2017 22:09 Peter Khramov, New photogallery

Глюки полечены. Сейчас должны быть все ...

Спецпредложения энтомологического магазина Naturaliste для пользователей Lepidoptera.ru/Insecta.pro (продолжение) 30.11.2016 19:08 Peter Khramov

Начали делать булавки. Первая пробная версия: Никелированнные, №3, без шариков. Для пользователей, публикующихся на Insecta.pro — бесплатно ...

02.08.2017 14:08 Peter Khramov, Спецпредложения энтомологического магазина Naturaliste для пользователей Lepidoptera.ru/Insecta.pro (продолжение)

Делайте заказ на сайте naturaliste.ru и пишите ...

The website troubles 18 Jun 18.06.2017 14:01 Peter Khramov

There is some DDOS activity today, so don't be surprised if some problems with the site working will occur in the course of the day.

18.06.2017 14:01 Peter Khramov, The website troubles 18 Jun

There is some DDOS activity today, so don't be surprised if some problems ...

Citation options in the users comments 13.01.2017 18:03 Peter Khramov

Для того, чтобы процитировать сообщение другого пользователя (или еще что-то), воспользуйтесь кнопкой «Цитата». Правила работы ...

13.01.2017 18:03 Peter Khramov, Citation options in the users comments

Для того, чтобы процитировать сообщение ...

New Year greetings 29.12.2016 17:56 Peter Khramov

Hey, guys! Some of you don't visit our site daily, so it's time to start celebrating bit by bit. I wish you 2017 will be even much more better then 2016! Some site updates will be made just by the beginning of the year – expanded gallery and ...

08.01.2017 16:44 Fyodor Pudovikov, New Year greetings

С Новым Годом!

Агрегатор объявлений о продаже/покупке/обмене коллекционных насекомых 30.12.2016 5:07 Peter Khramov

Раздел «Маркет», который позволял ранее работать только с загруженными непосредственно на Insecta.pro объявлениями, теперь значительно ...

03.01.2017 22:27 Peter Khramov, Агрегатор объявлений о продаже/покупке/обмене коллекционных насекомых

Ссылки на исходные объявления ...

Users comments in different languages 24.12.2016 23:25 Peter Khramov

Earlier Russian comments appeared at the English version of the website only after their translation and there was just an empty space till then. Same works for English comments. Now instead of the empty space, comments are displayed in their ...

24.12.2016 23:25 Peter Khramov, Users comments in different languages

Earlier Russian comments appeared at the English version of the website ...

Yuri Semejkin 14.11.2016 10:51 Evgeny Slobodskoy

С прискорбием должен сообщить, что не стало одного из самых активных участников сайта Юрия Семейкина. С Юрием знаком более десяти лет. ...

24.12.2016 20:36 Peter Khramov, Yuri Semejkin

Надо бы, наверное, что-то написать на ...

Господа, а кто будет на выставке в Москве в этом году? Давайте повстречаемся 10.09.2016 13:20 Peter Khramov

Вот на этой вот: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=568826 (Москва, 8 и 9 октября). Предлагаю повстречаться заодно коллективом Инсекты (а то когда еще в ...

15.10.2016 11:34 Peter Khramov, Господа, а кто будет на выставке в Москве в этом году? Давайте повстречаемся

Кстати, да, граждане. Давайте готовиться ...

Редактирование внесенной пользователем информации о виде 15.06.2016 17:33 Peter Khramov

Если вы ошиблись при вводе новых данных для вида (распространения, морфологии и т.д.), теперь вы можете отредактировать или удалить ...

27.08.2016 0:07 Evgeny Komarov, Редактирование внесенной пользователем информации о виде

Василий абсолютно прав! У многих жужелиц ...

Новые возможности использования спецтегов (двойных собак, @@) в комментариях 15.06.2016 20:15 Peter Khramov

1. Напоминаю, если при написании комментарии обрамить латинское название таксона двойными собаками (собака — это вот этот символ @) то, ...

15.06.2016 20:15 Peter Khramov, Новые возможности использования спецтегов (двойных собак, @@) в комментариях

1. Напоминаю, если при написании ...

Продвинутый поиск изображений насекомых в Сети 25.04.2016 22:03 Peter Khramov

If you look foty, for example, insects (and other animals) in Googol / Yandeks.Kartinki on the names of these same insects that can meet two major challenges: 1.GugolYandeks considers the text surrounding the image and so on and so forth, which ...

07.06.2016 15:53 Peter Khramov, Продвинутый поиск изображений насекомых в Сети

But some texts here and? .. I do not catch up ...

The new section of the site: "Collections". Service to conduct entomological collections online 12.09.2014 23:51 Peter Khramov

After all the revisions, and test section launched for public use. Online program for conducting collection allows you to organize information about instances in the collection of butterflies, bind them to the data (classification, images, and so ...

29.05.2016 16:35 Vasiliy Feoktistov, The new section of the site: "Collections". Service to conduct entomological collections online

All that is in my gallery - and then in the collections. Separately, as ...

Дополнена информация на страницах авторов 19.05.2016 18:00 Peter Khramov

Now, on the page of each author are displayed on the number of photos uploaded to them and taxa to them, as well as on the number of comments. All this is with reference to the gallery and the community, of its own accord.

19.05.2016 18:00 Peter Khramov, Дополнена информация на страницах авторов

Now, on the page of each author are displayed on the number of photos ...

http://store.insecta.pro — special entomological store for Insecta.pro users only 22.11.2015 19:12 Peter Khramov

To stimulate further interest of entomologists - amateurs and professionals - to our site, we are opening a special online store, where Insecta.pro users can buy entomological equipment and supply on special conditions with reduced prices (and not ...

02.04.2016 14:55 Peter Khramov, http://store.insecta.pro — special entomological store for Insecta.pro users only

To carry relevant small - there are new plastic boxes with izolona at the ...

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 12

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

© Insects catalog Insecta.pro, 2007—2024.

Species catalog enables to sort by characteristics such as expansion, flight time, etc..

Photos of representatives Insecta.

Detailed insects classification with references list.

Few themed publications and a living blog.