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Market: exchange, sale and donation of dry (collectible) insects on the site

Community and ForumWebsite news and updatesMarket: exchange, sale and donation of dry (collectible) insects on the site

Peter Khramov, 18.03.2016 23:07

Start a new section - Market, which will be collected suggestions from our customers on the sale, exchange, donation (now) and purchase (in the future) of dry material - Insect entomological collections.

Main chips

1. Selection of items for a variety of parameters.
2. Binding taxa to the site directory, and therefore:
2.1 If the lot is not illustrated, the ability to use illustrations from the site directly in the total sample of lots (customizable daw on the right side of the page).
2.2 The selection of not only the parameters of lots themselves, but also on the types of parameters (similar to the section "Directory").
2.3.Tree taxa and quick links to the page view (or other taxon is bound Lot) and its parental taxa.
2.4. The total basket, from which the order is made in a single pass, regardless of the number of vendors, lots of which are selected by the buyer.

3. The rating system plus comments on the level of the lot and the seller.

4.Loading items via a web form and via spreadsheet files (in the latter case, you can download thousands of items in one sitting).
5. Loading illustrations for one and bursts through the zip-archives.
6. Setting multiple parameters at both the general level (the default for all lots) and at the level of individual lots (up to payment and delivery).
7.Setting up access to lots of information - from fully open to accessible by password only, or even the seller.

Nearest finishing touch after the trial period

8. Opening access to checkout
9. Adding to the "Offer" section of "demand" (ie, it will be possible to publish the application / offer to buy, not just for the sale).
10.Interface translation into English and the launch of the English version of the service.


A) To all: they like, dislike, something to add, subtract that Any of your comments and, again, questions.B) to the seller: but if your ads on any ebee can be exported here to the website with one click - it will be convenient? Necessary thing?
AT).For buyers: but if in addition to advertisements uploaded by our users registered on our site, will be displayed also expired ads from other sites (with limited functionality, but with the possibility of selection at the level of "their" lots) - a useful thing, huh?

ZY Questions B and C of different.In case B lots will be published in the usual way, just with less effort on the part of the seller. In the case of lots will be published in the trimmed - from the outside, not "our" sellers, but with a full selection. Those. Yes, it will be possible to select all male Chinese hawk moths from all involved resources.

ZzyProposals published now - expired. With real rates and real users.

Sample Example: beetles Cerambycidae family, from the United States, no more than 100 rub.

At the same time we try out new things, which later will go to the gallery and the catalog: the formalization of all countries (not just Europe), including:When you upload photos, automatic disclosure of signs involved in the right box, load and edit your data via spreadsheet files, two-level sorting of the samples.


19.03.2016 0:08, Shamil Murtazin

Cool initiative. I have something to live acquired =)

1. What is the situation with security 100% prepaid items?
2. I do not the seller, but imports from ibeya is still a private problem. Much more useful "trimmed" imports. Because Information is updated more often, plus it can be changed only in one place, and on this site it will change automatically.

19.03.2016 0:19, Peter Khramov

1. The ratings, reviews and other such reputation. No more: the transaction takes place directly between the seller and the buyer.
2. What does it mean trimmed imports?

19.03.2016 10:45, Shamil Murtazin

2. Option B

19.03.2016 12:25, Peter Khramov

I told you, it is different vesch)
ZY In the Personal Area - links to downloads and lots of editing and illustration to them. To have something to download - you can safely download.

20.03.2016 23:20, Peter Khramov

Restrictions lifted on the order, "Add to Cart" button is activated. All lots are real. You can place orders, and add your own suggestions.

26.03.2016 19:08, Peter Khramov

Fixed bug where some items in the total sample was not shown the form name, and outputs only the family or party.

01.12.2023 11:33, Mikhail Manis

Good afternoon, for some reason this section of the Insecta.pro is not working. I follow the link from this page, there is just a blank page.


01.12.2023 14:13, Peter Khramov

Good afternoon. There was a pause in the active work of the website, and now a major reform of its technical part and content of the website is undergoing, plus the issue of integration with the entomological forum is being resolved. The exchange section will be restored in a new format, but not now — after updating the main sections. I assume that it'll take place in the spring, but I won't say for sure yet, because we haven't come to a final conclusion yet — we'll improve the existing site engine or we'll switch to a completely new one. A demo version of the new one will be ready during December, and then it will be clear. Of course, I will definitely post a message in the news section as soon as the exact date is available.

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