Community and Forum → Website news and updates → Система поиска энтомологов
Peter Khramov, 10.11.2024 18:20
The search engine for entomologists (previously announced as "Entomologists in your city") starts working on the site. The system is designed to allow you to search for entomologists and people who are interested in insects (specialists, amateurs, and professionals) - by city/region of residence (find neighbors that you didn't know about, as well as find local specialists in the region where you are going to go on an expedition), as well as by taxon that these people are interested in. Registration on the site it does not mean automatic registration in the search engine. In order to search for entomologists and be able to find you — you need to additionally enter your data on the page The system has just been uploaded to the site. You need to wait a few days before at least some users ' data is uploaded to it. Otherwise, she won't find anyone. In order for the search to start working at least in a few days, please post your data and inform the entomologists you know about the new section, so that they can also participate in it. So. Go to the sectionSearch for entomologists (in the site menu on any page of the site at the top right, as well as in the "More" section), upload your data, wait a few days for others to follow your example, go back to the search for companions in misfortune section, and you can search for people.
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