Community and Forum → Website news and updates → The addition to the satyrinae
Peter Khramov, 23.10.2007 19:35
Continued excerpts from the history of satyrs. Today briefly ran over velvet (Lasiommata maera) , krupnoglazke (Lopinga achine) , Sennitsy ordinary (Coenonympha pamphilus) and Sennitsy Gero ( Coenonympha hero) . Moreover, lined with some information on shrew (Lasiommata megera) , Eger (Pararge aegeria) , jellyfish < / a> (Erebia medusa) , Gorgo (Erebia gorge) , brizeidah (Chazara briseis) and дриадах (Minois dryas) . It is also not forgotten yellow-brown krupnoglazka (Pyronia tithonus) , Arethusa, also known as redbanded satyrinae (Arethusana arethusa) , Ice satyr (Oeneis glacialis) and Nigella Erebia alberganus .
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