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Comments on insects photos at Insecta.pro

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24.03.2018 18:48, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #65734

Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.

24.03.2018 18:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #65736

Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.

24.03.2018 18:30, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #65735

Corrected data. Driopa mnemosyne → Parnassius mnemosyne weidingeri.

21.03.2018 16:34, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68863

Corrected data. Владимир Брюхов → Илья Устьянцев.

21.03.2018 16:34, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68864

Corrected data. Владимир Брюхов → Илья Устьянцев.

16.03.2018 22:57, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #69083

Определение Александр Болдырев

16.03.2018 18:57, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #68880

Определение Александр Болдырев

16.03.2018 18:33, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #68833

Определение Александр Болдырев

16.03.2018 18:32, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on photo #69093

Определение Александр Болдырев

13.03.2018 16:02, Yuriy Karpov: comment on photo #68348

Bryodemella tuberculata (Fabricius, 1775).

09.03.2018 17:26, Idris SARI: comment on photo #68856

This species is identified correctly.

07.03.2018 13:30, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68817

Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.

07.03.2018 13:29, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68818

Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.

07.03.2018 13:28, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68819

Corrected data. / → Lepidoptera / Ryan Brookes.

05.03.2018 13:33, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68801

Corrected data. Ochlodes sylvanus / Точно определенные / Владимир Бобов → Ochlodes venatus / Неточно определенные / Ирина Никулина.

05.03.2018 13:24, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #55471

Corrected data. Clossiana selenis selenis → Boloria selenis.

05.03.2018 12:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68741

Corrected data. Lepidoptera → Pterophoridae.

05.03.2018 11:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #21489

Corrected data. Melanitis phedima → Melanitis leda.

05.03.2018 11:09, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #3575

Corrected data. Melanitis phedima → Melanitis leda.

05.03.2018 11:07, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #11676

Corrected data. Appias nero → Appias galba.

28.02.2018 19:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #60194

Amata sperbius Fabricius, 1787???

28.02.2018 19:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #60195

Amata sperbius Fabricius, 1787???

28.02.2018 7:57, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68799

Corrected data. Acanthocinus → Acanthocinus griseus.

28.02.2018 7:55, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45299

Corrected data. Acanthocinus griseus → Acanthocinus carinulatus.

28.02.2018 7:54, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45301

Corrected data. Acanthocinus griseus → Acanthocinus carinulatus.

28.02.2018 7:54, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45297

Corrected data. Acanthocinus griseus → Acanthocinus carinulatus.

28.02.2018 7:53, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45300

Corrected data. Acanthocinus griseus → Acanthocinus carinulatus.

28.02.2018 7:52, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #45302

Corrected data. Acanthocinus griseus → Acanthocinus carinulatus.

28.02.2018 7:51, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68800

Corrected data. Acanthocinus → Acanthocinus griseus.

28.02.2018 7:44, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68775

Corrected data. Таксон не определен / Имаго → Amara aenea / Точно определенные / Самец / Евгений Комаров.

28.02.2018 7:43, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68774

Corrected data. Таксон не определен / Имаго → Amara aenea / Точно определенные / Самец / Евгений Комаров.

27.02.2018 14:46, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68672

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Владимир Бобов → Minois dryas / Юрий Карпов.

27.02.2018 14:45, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68668

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Владимир Бобов → Kirinia epimenides / Ирина Никулина.

27.02.2018 14:44, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68794

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Владимир Бобов → Pelosia / Ирина Никулина.

27.02.2018 14:43, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #68795

Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Владимир Бобов → Miltochrista / Ирина Никулина.

19.02.2018 23:54, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #56578

Какой кросавец!

19.02.2018 13:47, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68572

Corrected data. → Catocala doerriesi.

19.02.2018 13:46, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68575

Corrected data. → Catocala agitatrix.

19.02.2018 13:45, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68571

Corrected data. → Catocala streckeri.

19.02.2018 13:39, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43687

Corrected data. Cylindera inscripta → Cylindera sublacerata.

19.02.2018 13:38, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #43688

Corrected data. Cylindera inscripta → Cylindera sublacerata.

19.02.2018 13:23, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68752

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Евгений Комаров.

19.02.2018 13:22, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68750

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Евгений Комаров.

19.02.2018 13:22, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68751

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Евгений Комаров.

19.02.2018 13:21, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68753

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Евгений Комаров.

19.02.2018 13:21, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68754

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Евгений Комаров.

19.02.2018 13:21, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68755

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Самец / Юрий Карпов → Upis ceramboides / Имаго / Евгений Комаров.

17.02.2018 9:05, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68710

Corrected data. Harpalus rubripes / Имаго / Сергей Тябут → Harpalus latus / Самка / Евгений Комаров.

15.02.2018 17:42, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #43158

Ничоси! Определили-таки! =)

14.02.2018 11:32, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #68686

Corrected data. Coleoptera / Владимир Бобов → Pseudoophonus / Евгений Комаров.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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