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Photo #17089: Plusia festucae


Plusia festucae

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Vitaly Gumenuk. Image redone at the website. Tentative identification

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2010-08-18 00:00:00, Moscow region, Ramensky district, near Khrypan' railway station, country house garden, to the light.

Comments on this image

12.09.2014 9:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, I do not touch them, especially :)
Just this, no one will see how certain exactly my :)
Cold Nuclear Transmutation, no one saw ....
In short: this had to endure: :) ​​so grated eyes at me see :)

11.09.2014 22:56, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, well, please do not touch Plusia, you do not see them.

08.09.2014 15:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Confidently identified Tentatively identified.

08.09.2014 15:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

This one goes to tentatively identified based on another collected day ago which was as well questionable with such angle even less worn-out :)
Alexandr's right, no chance to get clear ID here.

26.12.2012 21:12, Peter Khramov

Vitaly, please mark relative photos with "photos of this species", you happen to have several photos of a specimen. Would be much easier to identify...

26.12.2012 20:52, Alexandr Zhakov

May this still be festucae? Though I wouldn't even try to ID it surely by such photo. The shot sucks nor it's possible to identify. :(

26.12.2012 19:02, Sergei Kotov

Plusia putnami Grote, 1873.

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