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Photo #9728: Plusia festucae


Plusia festucae

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Evgeny Komarov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2011-07-17 00:43:00, Volgograd city, at the Volga river bank, to the light of a mercury tungsten lamp.

Photographer's comment: Identified by Alexey Matov (the Zoological Institute RAS).

Comments on this image

17.02.2014 18:25, Sergei Kotov

In this photo agree with Alexander, I looked closely (and in comparison with the above features) photo, and yes, it still Plusia festucae.

17.02.2014 18:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, let me ask, what's the incorrect something expressed? Sorry, but every person has the right to doubt, even if it is determined matte, yes, I and Sergei just agreed, using other sources, that the definition of a wrong it is not incorrect. In the end, any determination not believe the axiom, and even the definition of haze.And to clarify the question is removed. Tolerance? I do not like that word, "In a dispute born truth," and it is quite normal.

17.02.2014 17:44, Alexandr Zhakov

Picture something is booted, leave the link http://yadi.sk/d/Fmut9g9pJ4HEX And ​​again, just trying to download

17.02.2014 17:41, Alexandr Zhakov

Axel Steiner on lepiforum.de http://www.lepiforum.de/forum2007.pl?md=read;id=68828 described in detail the differences between the two species. Here is loosely translated in the reduction (some images flipped and mirrored in order to have one view, the letters turned over too :().
1. sash aQ, between (W & M) makes a sharp zigzag between the veins near the top spot at the festucae without zigzag from putnami
2.sling M (in this case inverted) passes between the patches or spots at the external festucae (often hard to see), and between or among the domestic spot putnami (usually seen well)
Between the bands and iQ bQ, often viewed from another sash festucae, and very rarely in putnami.I think not correct behavior Sergey and Vasily against Alexey Matt and Eugene Komarov. We're all doing the same thing, we must not forget about the ambitions and be more tolerant.

17.02.2014 16:51, Vasiliy Feoktistov

This must be put somewhere such as Yandex gallery, then right-click to select a team to open the image, copy the link to the image. Then click here to see prices corresponding button and paste the link in the opened window. It is desirable to make the size of no more than 800x600

17.02.2014 16:40, Alexandr Zhakov

Obyasneny was not yet :) Vasily tell me how to put a picture on the site in the text, I painted a couple of pictures for example lepiforuma with their explanations here would put that in the future would be fewer questions arise. :)

17.02.2014 16:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Now the question is removed. It is strange that they are not in the group (the question was, would not).
For a clarification thanks. Lighting, camera angle or something did not get.

17.02.2014 16:23, Alexandr Zhakov

This exact same butterfly that snapped the photograph http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/9729, only a few minutes earlier. This could have been stopped, but I spent a few hours trying to explain the pictures available for znatakov the differences between these two species, which would then have been no resentment, we ignore. itentichnost photos got out by accident. :)

17.02.2014 16:19, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Plusia putnami / Sergei Kotov Plusia festucae / Evgeny Komarov.

16.02.2014 22:24, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Here, in "amerikosovsky" pictures you can see: http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/species/Plusia-putnami

16.02.2014 22:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yes, let him lie down. Although for me so I putnami it is.

16.02.2014 22:04, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil now let vylezhu here, but we'll see, it is not necessary to pull several times a day from species to species. In comments Information is, rain or even opinions confidence. :)

16.02.2014 20:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, as well as another on the specimen? Generally it in neoprene. remove what?

16.02.2014 20:51, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, it's like in that movie "" There were two comrades "," soldiers in sight girl looking at each other and says: you have showed me dumplings, which I have seen. I just answer;) is just one of the signs, which sometimes does not work or it is not visible.

16.02.2014 20:37, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And I see no reason in this whole thing :) Alexander, download what I am guided: http://rghost.ru/52455754
Photography is really very vague. And here you can not say no for that and not for another :).

16.02.2014 20:31, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, I would not stand this photo, I see no reason, you are again in a hurry. I have advised and probably moved back. Bad picture, hard to see, however, in such cases, if there is no self-confidence, it is better not to move. :)

16.02.2014 6:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Plusia festucae / Evgeny Komarov Plusia putnami / Sergei Kotov.

16.02.2014 2:13, Sergei Kotov

But this butterfly, if you follow the features shown Oleg Pekarsky, should be attributed toPlusia putnami

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