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Photo #21782: Aricia artaxerxes


Aricia artaxerxes

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Irina Nikulina. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2011-06-18 13:30:00, Russia, Kaluzhskaya reg., Borovskiy distr.

Comments on this image

23.04.2013 22:59, Peter Khramov

Goes to.

21.04.2013 21:01, Irina Nikulina

Here yes, Aricia artaxerxes, cleared this with other photos.

21.04.2013 20:12, Peter Khramov

Summary: Aricia artaxerxes?

15.04.2013 23:01, Irina Nikulina

Oh yeah....) Did look another way) Alexandr, thanks a lot, I sorted out my huge archive of blues, these species, also thersites cleared out. If possible, I'll torture you later about argus/idas)... and have questions about subsolanus...

15.04.2013 22:00, Alexandr Zhakov

If I say they have completely different undersides, you won't believe me. :) See how it's shown in this pic, you'll get where to look at. :)

15.04.2013 21:40, Irina Nikulina

Alexandr, thanks, artaxerxes is solved, just have some questions about icarus. I looked through photos of the latter, can't see the difference between undersides of these two species? Say #1476 and #1479 pics... see no difference. How to ID when no topside? Maybe dusty scaling at wing bases? Don't want to occupy you for long, but would be great if you find some time to explain an amateur the thing)

15.04.2013 16:11, Irina Nikulina

Alexandr, have no underside of this specimen, but there were plenty of these butterflies in Veronica incana flowers at that time, I've uploaded 2 photos of another specimen #21797 and #21798 that was as well shot that very day (wings half-spread + underside). Some butterflies had the same topside as #21799. Aricia artaxerxes female?

15.04.2013 0:36, Irina Nikulina

Will be even 2)

15.04.2013 0:16, Alexandr Zhakov

If no spots, then let's think this is Aricia artaxerxes, still better to look at those photos. :)

14.04.2013 23:41, Irina Nikulina

Evgeny, I've got several photos of this butterfly wings half-spread, not good quality. Forewings lack the row of orange-red spots like Aricia agestis has. Probably Aricia artaxerxes?

14.04.2013 0:41, Eugene Karolinskiy

Aricia ?agestis.

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