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Photo #27864: Trogonoptera brookiana

Male, ssp. trogon Snellen van Vollenhoven,1860.

Trogonoptera brookiana

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Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Igor Ivannikov. Image without retouching at the website

Comments on this image

10.03.2014 17:32, Alex Dumchus

There are no subspecies T. trouana, while Trogonoptera brookiana following:
ssp. albescens Rothschild, 1895
ssp. mollumar D'Abrera, Doggett & Parker, 1976
ssp. trogon Snellen van Vollenhoven, 1860
ssp. noname, loc South Sumatra, Mt Dempo
ssp. jikoi Kobayashi, 1986
ssp. akikoae Morita, 1994
ssp. mariae Neukirchen, 1993
ssp. toshikii Kobayashi, 1991
ssp. cardinaali Haugum & Low, 1982
ssp. natunensis Rothschild, 1908
ssp. brookiana Wallace, 1855
ssp. haugumei Parrott, 1991
in the collections of the most frequent trogon and brookiana

10.03.2014 17:10, Peter Khramov

If the underside needs to subspecies, then you can leave, if not - you can not leave. Who do we have on the subspecies?

10.03.2014 15:27, Alex Dumchus

Yes, for God's sake, I will give you and the underside of males and females. Type something banal and easily defined. That did not bother to give. They are actually only two species in one genus, easily distinguishable!

10.03.2014 15:24, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well razve SO underside removed? (Keep the question of Alexander.

10.03.2014 15:21, Peter Khramov

Photography, of course, leaves much to be, but as I understand it, the point is that there was at least some ispod ssp. trogon.

10.03.2014 15:12, Alex Dumchus

Why do I need a picture quite common in the collections of butterflies ???

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