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Photo #34760: Pingasa ruginaria


Pingasa ruginaria

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-04-10 00:00:00, Malaysia, Pahang, Cameron Highlands, Brinchang, 3.30'10.09"N 101.23'59.89"E Alt.=1600м. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.

Comments on this image

03.11.2014 18:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Pingasa lariariastill be on my?
Later, several kinds of Pingasa loaded (will be in neoprene. Set). There is possibility to define?

03.11.2014 18:25, Basil Sergienko

I'm sorry, but you have another butterfly, neraspravlennye here like on the link provided

03.11.2014 18:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I, exactly the same, "fly" 3 copies. and all look the same: http://www.jpmoth.org/~dmoth/74_Geometridae/72.7_Geometrinae/2169Pingasa/2172Pingasa_ruginaria/Pingasa_ruginaria.htm
In general, a lot of moths Malay received this time: hope posmosch :)

03.11.2014 17:53, Basil Sergienko

There are so easily determined such difficult group, it seems to me, it does not add to the authority's website. Since there are not all true, I think, I decided to see the available Old. In total, according to the valid sheet of taxa (for 2007), in-kind Pingasa 45 species and subspecies of a pile, the series is very similar to my mind straightened butterfly is a different kind.I would suggest that this fly rubicunda, if there is still something similar does not fly.

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