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Photo #35173: Cleora sp.



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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-04-10 00:00:00, Malaysia, Pahang, Cameron Highlands, Brinchang, 3.30'10.09"N 101.23'59.89"E Alt.=1600м. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.

Comments on this image

14.08.2015 7:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Cleora / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.

18.11.2014 17:54, Peter Khramov Corrected data.

Cleora determinata / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov Not identified.

18.11.2014 17:03, Vasiliy Feoktistov


18.11.2014 16:31, Peter Khramov

Well so what, we deduce from the form or leave?

14.11.2014 14:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yulodisy (Julodis sp.) Need iron: all :) And it was full of long-horned beetles should be interesting. Definitely we discuss :)

14.11.2014 14:34, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It is interesting to think about. Thank you :) I have, though mostly beetles, and there should be an interesting long-horned beetles and borers. Be sure to discuss :)

14.11.2014 14:24, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Spreads of all, write checklist, put the series and evaluated. Signs, despite the variability, there is still a general.

14.11.2014 14:21, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I like there still is some KLEOR: I am afraid even to spread. And Pingasa sp. several species (also, they are like hard) ...
The thing we must do say, though moth is not entirely mine: just got a lot of them.

14.11.2014 14:16, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Do not worry! And it came to it. Do checklist for this genus mainland Malaysia. I have their Borneo will bring to mind and see.
Especially moths of this genus very interesting to me

14.11.2014 14:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Sadly, zeroed, then :)

14.11.2014 13:48, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I think that should be uncertain until it is necessary to move.

14.11.2014 9:19, Alexandr Zhakov

Also, only a certain race.

14.11.2014 9:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Behind him, followed by: Xixuthrus heros Heer in Gräffe, 1868 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xixuthrus_heros
Just have not found it (
What about the coins I do not know. I'll ask at the event.

14.11.2014 9:05, Dmitriy Pozhogin

He shoves hell knows where pine for brazhnikom.Nebos for Xixuthrus huckster gone !!! There are coin / bill Fijian remained unnecessary?

14.11.2014 8:48, Vasiliy Feoktistov

No, I did not get. Yes, they're not caught like especially.
True sones BrazhnikSphinx pinastricaught. And in Fiji, he is flying in full :)
It can be spread in the archipelago of Fiji safely add :)

14.11.2014 8:40, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Fiji received the material?

14.11.2014 8:26, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I do not know how and I do not know whom to give. If you were close, then you would be presented to brew :)

14.11.2014 8:01, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I offer to cook!

14.11.2014 6:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I offer up the best times to move in inaccurate and it is put on the spot.

12.11.2014 11:53, Dmitriy Pozhogin

I agonized with them last month, it was 6 species.

12.11.2014 8:50, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Basil! Here you are wrong. These only cut. When you look and put a series of mesta- obaldeesh variability.

10.11.2014 21:53, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Here's a simpler life, but not a European, and there the: http://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/10820038

10.11.2014 21:45, Alexandr Zhakov

Basil, this kind of scared varies, it is difficult to find two identical, light-dark, drawing clear, blurry, there are more than 200 species, and are you looking for the island butterfly and the only image in the photo site on the network, where the confidence that there is a correct definition?

10.11.2014 21:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov

She did not find the twins. KLEOR there are many, and such as this are no more.
Tomorrow cook another 2 species from different families. Will 5021 :)

10.11.2014 20:57, Alexandr Zhakov

Do not hesitate. Very brave. :))

10.11.2014 17:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Meet the 5019 th kind :)

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