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Photo #35350: Cricula sp.



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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Vasiliy Feoktistov. Image without retouching at the website

Place of shooting/catching: Borneo island

Photographer's comment: Wingspan: 66 mm. Cricula sp. Cricula elaezioborneensis Brechlin, 2010 или Cricula elaezia Jordan, 1909 ?

Comments on this image

14.08.2015 7:10, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Not identified Cricula / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.

10.01.2015 23:02, Irina Nikulina

Continuing the conversation about Cricula. I watched all kinds of descriptions and characteristics of the three most likely. (Vasily, would not exclude from consideration the views trifenestrata just because your other 5 specimens. Firstly, this type of many subspecies, and your peninsular 5 copies.may differ from the island, and secondly - but how and by whom they have been defined so precisely why, for example, or cameronensis bornea? Judging from the exposed one of them, everything can be) Cricula elaezia lives mainly at altitudes of 1500-2000 m, Cricula bornea more likely in low-lying p-tries, Cricula trifenestrata found everywhere. Trifenestrata and elaezia - larger species, bornea - smaller size male approx 50mm, I think, can be excluded from consideration.Of the three types of elaezia - with less red tint and is more suitable in size. And there is one more indication of the significant external difference males elaezia is about to.Borneo - have a dark sling ZK converge near the costal margin or connected diffusely blurred dark stripe (as in this picture)
But there is the 4th version, wrote Basil - view Cricula elaezioborneensis, descriptions of features that are not found.But if you look at it available for the photo, and some males of this species have the same feature as that elaezia. That is, both of these species under suspicion).The exact determination of the type of speech does not go here, but maybe you can and inaccurateCricula elaezia?
But what is more embarrassing - revised set of images and never met such acute (broken lines) tornalnyh angles VC only rounded. Maybe someone like that met?

19.11.2014 16:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, trifenestrata drop can be: totally inappropriate: I have five males it is and as one other. True to the series of the peninsula. Riddle another. Let Powys is. Perhaps later overshadow finally :)

19.11.2014 16:03, Alexandr Zhakov

Certainly, there are the characteristic features of each type, but alas, we know their district, I at least. which should look, what would distinguish these species. It is unlikely that he genital. The size, the timing of summer, there are areas of difference, but in Europe we all know that, and for Asia is not, Basil already spoken about this. :)

19.11.2014 15:44, Peter Khramov

Cook, eat and forget it as a nightmare.

19.11.2014 15:22, Alexandr Zhakov

Given the variability of it to three kinds (Cricula elaezia, Cricula trifenestrata, Cricula bornea) of the three suits, well, too, to the new More species from this genus was not looking, and dozens of them. :)

19.11.2014 12:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Not one of the three types of Cricula, Cator is on moths of borneo did not seem to fit.
Is described in 2010. Cricula elaezioborneensis Brechlin, 2010 :
http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php/Taxbrowser_Taxonpage?taxid=294281 (first photo link) ???
Or justCricula elaezia:
I want to hear the views on this subject :)

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