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Photo #5492: Hylesia teratex


Hylesia teratex

Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo: Konstantin Kraevsky. Image redone at the website. Identified by: Alexandr Zhakov

Place of shooting/catching: Guyana, the Cuyuni River basin, near Quartzstone stream, at the exploration camp area.

Comments on this image

11.03.2011 13:57, Peter Khramov

Leaves "undetermined".

11.03.2011 5:50, Evgeny Komarov The species is added to the database/approved.

11.03.2011 5:50, Evgeny Komarov This species is identified correctly.

11.03.2011 5:49, Evgeny Komarov

Hylesia teratex (Draudt, 1929). Alexandr is right!

23.02.2011 14:58, Alexandr Zhakov

This is the same species on two shots, there were comments and I kept it up. Small notice: this species is not mentioned for Guyana. If we have a look at the series of the photos of this species, we can clearly see its color varies. www.boldsystems.org/ views/taxbrowser.php?taxi... They can be at the shot location with a little bit lighter wings and darker cephalothorax. Hind wings will not help.

23.02.2011 14:29, Evgeny Komarov

Petr! Alexandr may be right. If Konstantin adds some more photos, that will be good to verify it once more, especially such that are "No comments".

23.02.2011 13:22, Peter Khramov

Evgeny, I looked at the original shot and noticed that it's somehow shadowy and even after some retouching the butterfly's hair is still black. If we enlighten it a little bit more, we can see it's colored brown, but this photo sucks. To get normal color balance it should be seriously retouched, that can be difficult considering how many shots are published daily on the website. Also there we can see brown color http://lepidoptera.pro/gallery/6232/, even though these are two different butterflies, it can be the same species nevertheless. Sum up: the hair is brown.

23.02.2011 8:51, Evgeny Komarov

Alexandr! I asked Konstantin for large size photos of questionable Saturnias (these also) to show it to some American expert in American Saturnias. Maybe, that will clear up the situation. Hylesia teratex is doubtful. This is male, and all males of this species, as we can see on other shots, have brown pubescense, not dark black as this one has. Meh, Konstantin should have had possibility to shoot that with hind wings expanded :)

23.02.2011 4:32, Alexandr Zhakov

No, this is Hylesia teratex (Draudt, 1929), though butterflies are a little bit lighter on the photo, didn't find something more anyway.

09.02.2011 13:40, Evgeny Komarov

Same Automeris sp. Can't name the species without hind wings!

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