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Photo #63292: Papilio lormieri


Papilio lormieri

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo: Andrey Polstyanoy. Image without retouching at the website. Identified by: Alex Dumchus. Tentative identification

Place of shooting/catching: Ghana

Comments on this image

04.03.2017 13:05, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Papilio menestheus menestheus / Andrey Polstyanoy Papilio lormieri / Alex Dumchus.

02.03.2017 18:39, Alex Dumchus

Alexander. I've been working on this issue for a while, after the pseudo-Menestheus was sent to me. In general, it is very difficult to distinguish between the subspecies Lorm. lorm. and M. This is best shown in http://insectnet.proboards.com/thread/4035. Briefly: in M., the lower light spot on the median cell of the upper wings is larger and has the appearance of a small heart. The oval light spots running along the upper wings of M. are larger than in L.,the second light spot from below in M. has a black stripe in the middle (along the vein) for at least a third of the spot, and so on. I could still show the differences in the undergarments, but Andrey did not give the undergarments, so you will see for yourself if it is interesting on the site I have given or others. In general, this is tin, of course, much less differences than the same Sarpedon and Milo. The species are similar as twins. I don't understand why M won't be put into subspecies of L.

02.03.2017 14:31, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Confidently identified Tentatively identified.

02.03.2017 14:31, Alexandr Zhakov

Alexander, I take your word for the species identity of this butterfly, but I myself did not see any differences between these species. Please specify!

02.03.2017 6:57, Alex Dumchus

The fact is that Menesteus is a rare species, and Lormieri is the most common, and costs 1-2 pupaars, so the Africans give it out for Menesteus. And the species are really similar. But your name is Lormieri. I would put it and both Stycopalm at least in inaccurately defined ones, so as not to worsen the inaccuracies of the catalog.

01.03.2017 21:51, Andrey Polstyanoy

Так было написано на этикетке у владельца коллекции. Поэтому так и написал. Надо бы уточнить дифференциальные признаки видов.

01.03.2017 21:19, Alex Dumchus

How can you be sure that this is not a banal Lormieri? I have about a dozen of them, exactly the same! and one was sent as a Menestheus. It turned out to be Lormieri (((

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