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Insects photos at Insecta.pro gallery, page 281

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Photos found: 41591, taxons: 9651

Pages: 1 ...277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285... 416

Cauchas leucocerella Sarbanissa venusta Sarbanissa venusta Sarbanissa venusta Hecatera dysodea Lacanobia suasa Polyommatus thersites Polyommatus thersites Plebejus argyrognomon Euplagia quadripunctaria Boloria selene Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Lepidoptera Erebia ligea Stigmatophora leacrita Neptis agouale Lepidoptera Pelurga comitata Anarta trifolii Eupithecia virgaureata Caradrina clavipalpis Euclidia glyphica Scopula immorata Camptogramma bilineata Erynnis tages Matilella fusca Euclidia glyphica Autographa gamma Satyrium w-album Xanthorhoe fluctuata Rivula sericealis Eupithecia simpliciata Scoliopteryx libatrix Scoliopteryx libatrix Scoliopteryx libatrix Diachrysia stenochrysis Diachrysia stenochrysis Scopula eunupta Pediasia contaminella Pediasia contaminella Pediasia contaminella Pediasia contaminella Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Bactra lancealana Catoptria margaritella Cataclysta lemnata Cosmorhoe ocellata Diachrysia stenochrysis Scopula immorata Niphonyx segregata Isophrictis striatella Isophrictis striatella Morophaga choragella Morophaga choragella Mythimna pallens Hydraecia micacea Pterophoridae Pterophoridae Acleris shepherdana Phycitodes binaevella Phycitodes binaevella Agriphila selasella Agriphila selasella Eupithecia linariata Eupithecia innotata Eupithecia centaureata Spilonota ocellana Udea fulvalis Eucosma conterminana Eucosma conterminana Gelechia jakovlevi Gelechia jakovlevi Spilonota ocellana Spilonota ocellana Eudemis porphyrana Eudemis porphyrana Eudemis porphyrana Celypha rivulana Celypha rivulana Gelechia rhombelliformis Gelechia rhombelliformis Eucosma hohenwartiana Eucosma hohenwartiana Eucosma hohenwartiana Notocelia roborana Notocelia roborana Rhopobota naevana Rhopobota naevana Xanthorhoe spadicearia Pelurga comitata Hypsopygia costalis Deltote pygarga

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The butterflies, beetles and other insects photos displayed here have been taken by our users. If you would like to share your own images, please first register at this site and then upload images in the member area.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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