This taxon marks on the maps Lacanobia: 20
Dianobia (Behounek, 1992) [subgenus]
Lacanobia contigua, Lacanobia contrastata, Lacanobia kirghisa, Lacanobia mongolica, Lacanobia suasa, Lacanobia thalassina
Diataraxia (Hubner, 1821) [subgenus]
Lacanobia aliena, Lacanobia altyntaghi, Lacanobia blenna, Lacanobia mista, Lacanobia oleracea, Lacanobia praedita, Lacanobia softa, Lacanobia splendens
Lacanobia (Billberg, 1820) [subgenus]
Lacanobia behouneki, Lacanobia w-latinoides, Lacanobia w-latinum
Lacanobia atlantica (Grote, 1874) [species]
Lacanobia dentata (Kononenko, 1981) [species]
Lacanobia nevadae (Grote, 1876) [species]
Lacanobia obvia Eversmann, 1856 [species]
Lacanobia radix (Walker, [1857]) [species]
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