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Genus Xestia

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Noctuoidea family Noctuidae subfamily Noctuinae tribe Noctuini subtribe Noctuina → genus Xestia (Hubner, 1818)



Daughter taxa

Raddea Alphéraky, 1892 [subgenus]

Xestia alexis

Xestia adducta (Herz, 1898) [species]

Xestia agalma (Püngeler, 1899) [species]

Xestia agnorista (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia amydra (Boursin, 1948) [species]

Xestia angara Hacker & Peks [species]

Xestia aplectoides (Draudt, 1950) [species]

Xestia aquila Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia argyrea (Boursin, 1969) [species]

Xestia australiae (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874) [species]

Xestia basistriga Yoshimoto [species]

Xestia bdelygma (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia bifurcata Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia brunneago (Staudinger, 1895) [species]

Xestia brunneopicata Matsumura, 1925 [species]

Xestia bryocharis (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia c-fuscum (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia caelebs (Staudinger, 1895) [species]

Xestia cara Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia cervina (Moore, 1867) [species]

Xestia cfuscum Boursin, 1963 [species]

Xestia consanguinea (Moore, 1881) [species]

Xestia coronata Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998 [species]

Xestia costaestriga (Staudinger, 1895) [species]

Xestia crassipuncta (Wileman & West) [species]

Xestia curviplena (Walker, 1865) [species]

Xestia cyanostica Dierl, 1984 [species]

Xestia deraiota (Hampson, 1902) [species]

Xestia descripta (Bremer, 1861) [species]

Xestia destitua (Leech, 1900) [species]

Xestia destituta Leech, 1900 [species]

Xestia diagrapha (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia dianthoecioides (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia dilatata (Butler, 1879) [species]

Xestia draesekei (Boursin, 1948) [species]

Xestia dyris (Zerny, 1934) [species]

Xestia efflorescens (Butler, 1879) [species]

Xestia effundens (Corti, 1927) [species]

Xestia elimita Guenée, 1852 [species]

Xestia erschoffi (Staudinger, 1896) [species]

Xestia erythraea (Corti & Draudt, 1933) [species]

Xestia erythroxantha (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia eugnorista (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia eugrapha Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia exoleta (Leech, 1900) [species]

Xestia fakosharga Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia finatimis Lafontaine, 1998 [species]

Xestia flavilinea (Wileman, 1912) [species]

Xestia forsteri (Boursin, 1964) [species]

Xestia friederikae Dierl, 1984 [species]

Xestia fuscostigma (Bremer, 1861) [species]

Xestia gandakiensis Yoshimoto [species]

Xestia gansuensis Wang & Chen, 1995 [species]

Xestia geochroa (Boursin, 1940) [species]

Xestia giselae Dierl, 1984 [species]

Xestia haematodes Dierl, 1984 [species]

Xestia harpegnoma Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia hemitragidia (Boursin, 1964) [species]

Xestia hoeferi (Corti, 1928) [species]

Xestia hoenei (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia homochroma (Hampson, 1903) [species]

Xestia infantilis (Staudinger, 1895) [species]

Xestia isochroma (Hampson, 1903) [species]

Xestia isolata (Holloway, 1976) [species]

Xestia janakpura Toshimoto [species]

Xestia junctura (Moore, 1881) [species]

Xestia khadoma (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia kozhantschikovi Corti & Draudt, 1933 [species]

Xestia kruegeri Kononenko & Schmitz, 2004 [species]

Xestia latinigra (Prout, 1928) [species]

Xestia lehmanni Dierl, 1984 [species]

Xestia leptophysa (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia lithoplana Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia lobbichleri (Boursin, 1964) [species]

Xestia lycophotioides (Rothschild, 1914) [species]

Xestia mandarina (Leech, 1900) [species]

Xestia metagrapha (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia murtea (Corti & Draudt, 1933) [species]

Xestia mysarops (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia nepalensis Boursin, 1964 [species]

Xestia nisseni (Rothschild, 1912) [species]

Xestia nyei Plante, 1979 [species]

Xestia nyiwonis (Matsumura, 1925) [species]

Xestia olivascens (Hampson, 1894) [species]

Xestia orthosioides (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia pachyceras (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia pallidago (Staudinger, 1900) [species]

Xestia pancta (Püngeler, 1906) [species]

Xestia papuana Warren, 1912 [species]

Xestia parasenescens Hreblay & Weigert [species]

Xestia patricia (Staudinger, 1895) [species]

Xestia perigrapha (Püngeler, 1900) [species]

Xestia perornata (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia picata (Bang-Haas, 1912) [species]

X. p. maroccana

Xestia poliades Draudt, 1950 [species]

Xestia praevia Lafontaine, 1998 [species]

Xestia propitia (Püngeler, 1906) [species]

Xestia pseudaccipiter (Boursin, 1948) [species]

Xestia pyrrhothrix (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia renalis (Moore, 1881) [species]

Xestia retracta (Hampson, 1903) [species]

Xestia roseicosta (Boursin, 1963) [species]

Xestia schaeferi Hreblay & Ronkay [species]

Xestia semiherbida (Walker, 1857) [species]

Xestia semiretracta Yoshimoto [species]

Xestia spilosata Warren, 1912 [species]

Xestia sternecki (Boursin, 1948) [species]

Xestia stupenda (Butler, 1878) [species]

Xestia subforsteri Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998 [species]

Xestia sublima (Kozhantschikov, 1925) [species]

Xestia tamsi (Wileman & West, 1929) [species]

Xestia tenera (Hampson, 1911) [species]

Xestia tenuis (Butler, 1889) [species]

Xestia trifurcata Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998 [species]

Xestia triphaenoides (Boursin, 1948) [species]

Xestia undosa (Leech, 1889) [species]

Xestia verniloides Lafontaine, 1998 [species]

Xestia versuta (Püngeler, 1909) [species]

Xestia vidua (Staudinger, 1892) [species]

Xestia violacea Hreblay & Ronkay, 1998 [species]

Xestia photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Xestia sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Xestia sp.


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