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Genus Sorolopha

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Tortricoidea family Tortricidae subfamily Olethreutinae tribe Olethreutini → genus Sorolopha Lower, 1901


Daughter taxa

Sorolopha aeolochlora Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Sorolopha agalma Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha agana Falkovitsh, 1966 [species]

Sorolopha agathopis Meyrick, 1926 [species]

Sorolopha archimedias Meyrick, 1912 [species]

S. a. oxygona

Sorolopha arctosceles Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Sorolopha argyropa Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha artocincta Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha asphaeropa Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha atmochlora Meyrick, 1930 [species]

Sorolopha auribasis Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha authadis Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha autoberylla Meyrick, 1932 [species]

Sorolopha bathysema Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha bruneiregalis Tuck & Robinson, 1994 [species]

Sorolopha bryana Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875 [species]

Sorolopha callichlora Meyrick, 1909 [species]

Sorolopha camarotis Meyrick, 1936 [species]

Sorolopha caryochlora Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha cervicata Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha chlorotica Liu & Bai, 1985 [species]

Sorolopha chortodes Diakonoff, 1968 [species]

Sorolopha compsitis Meyrick, 1912 [species]

Sorolopha cyclotoma Lower, 1901 [species]

Sorolopha delochlora Turner, 1916 [species]

Sorolopha dictyonophora Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha doryphora Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha dyspeista Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha elaeodes Lower, 1908 [species]

S. e. parachlora, S. e. temenopis

Sorolopha englyptopa Meyrick, 1938 [species]

Sorolopha epichares Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha euochropa Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha eurychlora Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha ghilarovi Kuznetsov, 1988 [species]

Sorolopha herbifera Meyrick, 1909 [species]

Sorolopha homalopa Diakonoff, 1968 [species]

Sorolopha hydrargyra Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Sorolopha khaoyaiensis Kawabe, 1989 [species]

Sorolopha leptochlora Turner, 1916 [species]

Sorolopha liochlora Meyrick, 1914 [species]

Sorolopha longurus Liu & Bai, 1982 [species]

Sorolopha margaritopa Diakonoff, 1953 [species]

Sorolopha melanocycla Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha mniochlora Meyrick, 1907 [species]

Sorolopha muscida Wileman & Stringer, 1929 [species]

Sorolopha nagaii Kawabe, 1989 [species]

Sorolopha nucleata Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha phyllochlora Meyrick, 1905 [species]

Sorolopha plinthograpta Meyrick, 1931 [species]

Sorolopha plumboviridis Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha prasinias Meyrick, 1916 [species]

Sorolopha rubescens Diakonoff, 1973 [species]

Sorolopha saitoi Kawabe, 1989 [species]

Sorolopha semiculta Meyrick, 1909 [species]

Sorolopha sphaerocopa Meyrick, 1930 [species]

Sorolopha stygiaula Meyrick, 1933 [species]

Sorolopha tenuirurus Liu & Bai, 1982 [species]

Sorolopha timiochlora Diakonoff, 1973 [species]


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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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