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Tribe Olethreutini

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Tortricoidea family Tortricidae subfamily Olethreutinae → tribe Olethreutini



This taxon marks on the maps Olethreutini: 25

Daughter taxa

Genera: 39 (17 illustrated). Species.

Argyroploce (Hubner, 1825) [genus]

Argyroploce acroplecta, Argyroploce aeolantha, Argyroploce affluens, Argyroploce alphestis, Argyroploce anaclina, Argyroploce angustifascia, Argyroploce anthologa, Argyroploce apicipunctana, Argyroploce aquilonana, Argyroploce arbutella, Argyroploce arithmetica, Argyroploce arsiptera, Argyroploce asterota, Argyroploce auchmera, Argyroploce aviana, Argyroploce brevibasana, Argyroploce camillana, Argyroploce capreolana, Argyroploce carceraria, Argyroploce caryocoma, Argyroploce caryothicta, Argyroploce catapittoma, Argyroploce caucasicana, Argyroploce caveata, Argyroploce chasmodes, Argyroploce chlorosaris, Argyroploce clavifera, Argyroploce concretana, Argyroploce criopis, Argyroploce cyanostola, Argyroploce cyphophragma, Argyroploce dissimilis, Argyroploce dissolutana, Argyroploce distorta, Argyroploce doubledayana, Argyroploce dovreana, Argyroploce doxasticana, Argyroploce dryocoma, Argyroploce empyra, Argyroploce encharacta, Argyroploce endophaga, Argyroploce eremodelta, Argyroploce ernestiana, Argyroploce erythropa, Argyroploce euryphaea, Argyroploce exaridana, Argyroploce exhilarata, Argyroploce eximiana, Argyroploce externa, Argyroploce fluviana, Argyroploce fungiferana, Argyroploce gerda, Argyroploce glaphyraspis, Argyroploce globigera, Argyroploce gonomela, Argyroploce helveticana, Argyroploce helvinana, Argyroploce hepialana, Argyroploce hormoterma, Argyroploce hoyosi, Argyroploce hummeli, Argyroploce hyperboreana, Argyroploce immanis, Argyroploce iniqua, Argyroploce insellata, Argyroploce intermissa, Argyroploce intricata, Argyroploce kamtshadala, Argyroploce kemnerana, Argyroploce kirinana, Argyroploce kurdistana, Argyroploce lasiosoma, Argyroploce lediana, Argyroploce limenosema, Argyroploce lobotona, Argyroploce logica, Argyroploce lugubris, Argyroploce lupata, Argyroploce lutipennis, Argyroploce lutosana, Argyroploce lychnospila, Argyroploce magadana, Argyroploce mengelana, Argyroploce metaplecta, Argyroploce micana, Argyroploce micrograpta, Argyroploce microlychna, Argyroploce mochlaspis, Argyroploce monospora, Argyroploce musochares, Argyroploce mysterica, Argyroploce nectarodes, Argyroploce nephelopsycha, Argyroploce nephelopyrga, Argyroploce nephobola, Argyroploce nimbosa, Argyroploce niphadastra, Argyroploce nomaea, Argyroploce noricana, Argyroploce nucleata, Argyroploce ochreoalbana, Argyroploce ophiocosma, Argyroploce orichlora, Argyroploce orthacta, Argyroploce ottomana, Argyroploce paragraphopis, Argyroploce pendulata, Argyroploce percnochlaena, Argyroploce perspicuana, Argyroploce pfeifferiana, Argyroploce phaeosigma, Argyroploce phoeniodes, Argyroploce phyllodes, Argyroploce porpocosma, Argyroploce praeterminata, Argyroploce predotai, Argyroploce prodroma, Argyroploce propitia, Argyroploce ptilonota, Argyroploce pyrrhopa, Argyroploce raneniana, Argyroploce rebellis, Argyroploce retortimacula, Argyroploce rhopalitis, Argyroploce rivellana, Argyroploce roseomaculana, Argyroploce rufana, Argyroploce rurestrana, Argyroploce sagata, Argyroploce scabellana, Argyroploce scambodes, Argyroploce scansilis, Argyroploce schaefferana, Argyroploce schmidtiana, Argyroploce scitulana, Argyroploce scolocitis, Argyroploce scoriana, Argyroploce sediliata, Argyroploce siderea, Argyroploce sideropetra, Argyroploce sororiana, Argyroploce spiraeana, Argyroploce stibiana, Argyroploce stillans, Argyroploce stilpnosticta, Argyroploce subtusnigra, Argyroploce symmathetes, Argyroploce symmictopa, Argyroploce tenerana, Argyroploce toxosema, Argyroploce transformis, Argyroploce trichograpta, Argyroploce tricolorana, Argyroploce trifasciana, Argyroploce trithyra, Argyroploce turfosana, Argyroploce umbrosana, Argyroploce unedana, Argyroploce unimacula, Argyroploce valesiana, Argyroploce vandarbana, Argyroploce vermiculata, Argyroploce vindemians, Argyroploce zelantha, Argyroploce zonastra, Argyroploce zophophanes

Capricornia (Obraztsov, 1960) [genus]

Capricornia boisduvaliana

Evora Heinrich, 1926 [genus]

Evora hemidesma

Hulda Heinrich [genus]

Hulda impudens

Olethreutes (Hubner, 1822) [genus]

Olethreutes aeolantha, Olethreutes agatha, Olethreutes agilana, Olethreutes agnota, Olethreutes albiciliana, Olethreutes aliana, Olethreutes andromedana, Olethreutes anisorrhopa, Olethreutes anthracana, Olethreutes appalachiana, Olethreutes appalachianum, Olethreutes appendicea, Olethreutes appendiceum, Olethreutes arcuella, Olethreutes astrana, Olethreutes astrologana, Olethreutes atactodes, Olethreutes atrodentana, Olethreutes auricapitana, Olethreutes avianus, Olethreutes baccatana, Olethreutes baccatanum, Olethreutes balanacma, Olethreutes betulana, Olethreutes bicolarana, Olethreutes bicoloranum, Olethreutes bidentata, Olethreutes bipartitana, Olethreutes bipunctana, Olethreutes bowmanana, Olethreutes brevirostratum, Olethreutes brevirostratus, Olethreutes brevisecta, Olethreutes brunneopurpuratum, Olethreutes brunneopurpuratus, Olethreutes buckellana, Olethreutes cacuminana, Olethreutes calchantis, Olethreutes cana, Olethreutes canofascia, Olethreutes captiosana, Olethreutes captiosanus, Olethreutes carolana, Olethreutes caryactis, Olethreutes caryocryptis, Olethreutes castaneanum, Olethreutes cataphracta, Olethreutes cauquenensis, Olethreutes cenchropis, Olethreutes cerographa, Olethreutes cespitana, Olethreutes circumplexa, Olethreutes clavana, Olethreutes comandrana, Olethreutes comandranum, Olethreutes conchopleura, Olethreutes concinnana, Olethreutes connectum, Olethreutes connectus, Olethreutes constellatana, Olethreutes coruscana, Olethreutes corylana, Olethreutes costimaculanus, Olethreutes cyanophaea, Olethreutes cybicopa, Olethreutes cycladica, Olethreutes decidua, Olethreutes delitana, Olethreutes delphinosema, Olethreutes deprecatoria, Olethreutes deprecatorius, Olethreutes devotana, Olethreutes doctrinalis, Olethreutes dolosana, Olethreutes electana, Olethreutes electrias, Olethreutes electrofuscum, Olethreutes electrofuscus, Olethreutes euryopis, Olethreutes eurypolia, Olethreutes exaeresima, Olethreutes exaeresimum, Olethreutes examinata, Olethreutes exaridanus, Olethreutes exilis, Olethreutes exoletum, Olethreutes exoletus, Olethreutes faceta, Olethreutes fagigemmaeana, Olethreutes fagigemmeana, Olethreutes fasciatana, Olethreutes ferriferana, Olethreutes ferrolineana, Olethreutes ferrugineana, Olethreutes ferrugineanum, Olethreutes fimbripedana, Olethreutes flammanus, Olethreutes footiana, Olethreutes fraternana, Olethreutes fraternanum, Olethreutes fraudulentana, Olethreutes furfurana, Olethreutes furfuranum, Olethreutes galaxana, Olethreutes galevora, Olethreutes gemmifera, Olethreutes glaciana, Olethreutes gordiana, Olethreutes griseoalbana, Olethreutes griseoalbanum, Olethreutes guiana, Olethreutes gutturalis, Olethreutes hamameliana, Olethreutes hedrotoma, Olethreutes heinrichana, Olethreutes heliophanes, Olethreutes helvomaculana, Olethreutes hemeropis, Olethreutes hemiplaca, Olethreutes hieroglypta, Olethreutes hilaraspis, Olethreutes hippocastana, Olethreutes hippocastanum, Olethreutes holodesma, Olethreutes humeralis, Olethreutes hyalitis, Olethreutes hydrangeana, Olethreutes hygrantis, Olethreutes impolita, Olethreutes ineptana, Olethreutes informalis, Olethreutes inornatana, Olethreutes inquietana, Olethreutes intermistana, Olethreutes iorrhoa, Olethreutes irina, Olethreutes irrorea, Olethreutes isodoxa, Olethreutes isopercna, Olethreutes kamtshadala, Olethreutes kennethana, Olethreutes kononenkoi, Olethreutes lacunana, Olethreutes lacunanum, Olethreutes leveri, Olethreutes magadana, Olethreutes malana, Olethreutes mediopartitum, Olethreutes mediopartitus, Olethreutes meifengensis, Olethreutes melanomesa, Olethreutes melanomesum, Olethreutes mengelanus, Olethreutes merrickana, Olethreutes merrickanum, Olethreutes microplaca, Olethreutes milichopis, Olethreutes minaki, Olethreutes mixanthes, Olethreutes mochana, Olethreutes moderata, Olethreutes molybdachtha, Olethreutes monetiferana, Olethreutes monetiferanum, Olethreutes mori, Olethreutes morivora, Olethreutes mysteriana, Olethreutes nanana, Olethreutes nananum, Olethreutes nigrana, Olethreutes nigranum, Olethreutes nigricrista, Olethreutes niphodelta, Olethreutes niphostetha, Olethreutes nitidana, Olethreutes nomas, Olethreutes nordegganus, Olethreutes nubicincta, Olethreutes obovata, Olethreutes obovatus, Olethreutes ochrosuffusana, Olethreutes ochrosuffusanum, Olethreutes olivaceana, Olethreutes olorina, Olethreutes orestera, Olethreutes orthocosma, Olethreutes osmundana, Olethreutes pachypleura, Olethreutes permundana, Olethreutes phyllodoxa, Olethreutes placida, Olethreutes platymolybdis, Olethreutes platyzona, Olethreutes plumbosana, Olethreutes polluxana, Olethreutes polymorpha, Olethreutes pontifraga, Olethreutes protocyma, Olethreutes punctana, Olethreutes punctanum, Olethreutes puncticostana, Olethreutes quadrifidum, Olethreutes quadrifidus, Olethreutes quinquefasciana, Olethreutes restinctana, Olethreutes rhetorica, Olethreutes rhodochranta, Olethreutes rosaochreana, Olethreutes rusticana, Olethreutes rusticanum, Olethreutes sardiodes, Olethreutes sayonae, Olethreutes sciotana, Olethreutes sciotanum, Olethreutes scolecitis, Olethreutes semicirculana, Olethreutes semicremana, Olethreutes septentrionalis, Olethreutes septentrionana, Olethreutes sericorana, Olethreutes sericoranum, Olethreutes siderana, Olethreutes solaris, Olethreutes sordidana, Olethreutes sphaerocosmana, Olethreutes spiraeana, Olethreutes stagnicolana, Olethreutes streblopa, Olethreutes subelectana, Olethreutes submissana, Olethreutes submissanum, Olethreutes subnubilum, Olethreutes subnubilus, Olethreutes subretractus, Olethreutes subtilana, Olethreutes symplecta, Olethreutes tenebricum, Olethreutes tenebricus, Olethreutes tephrea, Olethreutes thermopetra, Olethreutes tiliana, Olethreutes tilianum, Olethreutes transversana, Olethreutes trinitana, Olethreutes troglodana, Olethreutes troglodanum, Olethreutes tsutavora, Olethreutes valdana, Olethreutes valdanum, Olethreutes varregana, Olethreutes versicolorana, Olethreutes viburnana, Olethreutes viburnanum, Olethreutes vinculigera, Olethreutes zelleriana

Orientophiaris Kuznetzov, 1999 [genus]

Orientophiaris nigricrista

Pelatea (Guenee, 1845) [genus]

Pelatea assidua, Pelatea klugiana

Piniphila (Falkovitsh, 1962) [genus]

Piniphila bifasciana

Selenodes (Guenee, 1845) [genus]

Selenodes karelica

Stictea (Guenee, 1845) [genus]

Stictea mygindiana

Taniva Heinrich [genus]

Taniva albolineana

Tia (Heinrich, 1926) [genus]

Tia enervana, Tia vulgana

Tsinilla Heinrich, 1931 [genus]

Tsinilla lineana

Olethreutini photos with superspecies identification

If you know the species, please, click on the picture and write the species name in Comments section. Also, you can go to the gallery page with all photos of Olethreutini sp. (large size), and suggest the identification.

Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp. Olethreutini sp.


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