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Genus Phycita

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Lepidoptera superfamily Pyraloidea family Pyralidae subfamily Phycitinae tribe Phycitini → genus Phycita (Curtis, 1828)



Daughter taxa

Phycita acericola Kuznetzov, 1960 [species]

Phycita aceris Sherniyazova, 1974 [species]

Phycita amygdali Sherniyazova, 1974 [species]

Phycita angustatus Matsumura, 1911 [species]

Phycita ardekanella Amsel, 1950 [species]

Phycita ardentia Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita arnoldella Rougemont, 1913 [species]

Phycita asseclella Ragonot, 1893 [species]

Phycita atrisquamella Hampson, 1901 [species]

Phycita attenuata Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita balutchistanella Amsel, 1950 [species]

Phycita basistrigata Amsel, 1935 [species]

Phycita caiella Joannis, 1913 [species]

Phycita cavifrons Meyrick, 1932 [species]

Phycita cirrhodelta Meyrick, 1933 [species]

Phycita clientella Zeller, 1867 [species]

Phycita clientulella Ragonot, 1893 [species]

Phycita comeella Amsel, 1950 [species]

Phycita coronatella (Guenee, 1845) [species]

Phycita definalis Hampson, 1908 [species]

Phycita deodaralis Hampson, 1908 [species]

Phycita diaphana (Staudinger, 1870) [species]

Phycita dinawa Kenrick, 1907 [species]

Phycita endomelaena Hampson, 1908 [species]

Phycita epipalpella Costa, 1834 [species]

Phycita eremica Amsel, 1935 [species]

Phycita erichbaueri Roesler, 1983 [species]

Phycita erythrolophia Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita eulepidella Hampson, 1896 [species]

Phycita exaggerata Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita gilvibasella Ragonot, 1888 [species]

Phycita gloriosella Legrand, 1965 [species]

Phycita hemipexella Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita hemixanthella Hampson, 1896 [species]

Phycita hyrcanella Amsel, 1961 [species]

Phycita hyssarica Sherniyazova, 1974 [species]

Phycita inscriptella Duponchel, 1836 [species]

Phycita judaica Amsel, 1935 [species]

Phycita kruegeri Turati, 1911 [species]

Phycita kurdistanella Amsel, 1954 [species]

Phycita lenitella Chrétien, 1922 [species]

Phycita lugubris Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita luridella Costa, 1836 [species]

Phycita luxorella Caradja, 1916 [species]

Phycita macrodontella (Ragonot, 1887) [species]

Phycita marilella Guenée, 1845 [species]

Phycita melanosticta Hampson, 1912 [species]

Phycita meliella (Mann, 1864) [species]

Phycita melongenae Aina, 1983 [species]

Phycita metzneri (Zeller, 1846) [species]

Phycita mianella Amsel, 1950 [species]

Phycita michaeli Roesler & Kuppers, 1979 [species]

Phycita nagaradja Roesler & Kuppers, 1979 [species]

Phycita nephodeella (Ragonot, 1887) [species]

Phycita nodicornella Ragonot, 1888 [species]

Phycita ochralis Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita orthoclina Meyrick, 1929 [species]

Phycita pachylepidella Hampson, 1896 [species]

Phycita pectenella Hampson, 1896 [species]

Phycita pectinicornella Fryer, 1912 [species]

Phycita pedisignella (Ragonot, 1887) [species]

Phycita phaeella Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita phoenicocraspis Hampson, 1896 [species]

Phycita pirizanella Amsel, 1954 [species]

Phycita poteriella (Zeller, 1846) [species]

Phycita punctella Costa, 1834 [species]

Phycita randensis Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita rectella Guenée, 1845 [species]

Phycita rhapta (Turner, 1947) [species]

Phycita rimini Roesler, 1983 [species]

Phycita roborella (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) [species]

Phycita salitella Zerny, 1935 [species]

Phycita singularis Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita spiculata Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita spissoterminata Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita steniella Hampson, 1903 [species]

Phycita strigata (Staudinger, 1879) [species]

Phycita suppenditata Balinsky, 1994 [species]

Phycita taftanella Amsel, 1950 [species]

Phycita taiwanella Wileman & South, 1919 [species]

Phycita teheranella Amsel, 1954 [species]

P. t. shirazella

Phycita torrenti (Agenjo, 1962) [species]

Phycita trachystola Turner, 1904 [species]

Phycita transobliquella Legrand, 1965 [species]

Phycita umbratalis Hampson, 1912 [species]

Phycita vayu Roesler & Kuppers, 1979 [species]

Phycita venalbellus (de Joannis, 1922) [species]

Phycita zizyphella Chrétien, 1915 [species]


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