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Subgenus Listrochelus

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Coleoptera suborder Polyphaga infraorder Scarabeiformia superfamily Scarabaeoidea family Scarabaeidae subfamily Melolonthinae tribe Melolonthini subtribe Rhizotrogina genus Phyllophaga → subgenus Listrochelus Blanchard, 1851


Daughter taxa

Phyllophaga almada Saylor, 1941 [species]

Phyllophaga arenicola Howden, 1960 [species]

Phyllophaga arizona Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga babicora Morón, 2004 [species]

Phyllophaga bottimeri Reinhard, 1950 [species]

Phyllophaga bueta Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga carminator Horn, 1894 [species]

Phyllophaga cavata Bates, 1888 [species]

Phyllophaga chapini Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga cochisa Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga cristagalli Arrow, 1933 [species]

Phyllophaga cushmani Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga densicollis LeConte, 1863 [species]

Phyllophaga disparilis Horn, 1878 [species]

Phyllophaga duncani Barrett, 1933 [species]

Phyllophaga durango Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga eligia Sanderson, 1958 [species]

Phyllophaga estacea Saylor, 1943 [species]

Phyllophaga falsa LeConte, 1856 [species]

Phyllophaga fimbripes LeConte, 1856 [species]

Phyllophaga flavipennis Horn, 1885 [species]

Phyllophaga foralita Saylor, 1938 [species]

Phyllophaga gentryi Saylor, 1936 [species]

Phyllophaga granti Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga huachuca Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga knausii Schaeffer, 1907 [species]

Phyllophaga koehleriana Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga laportaei Blanchard, 1851 [species]

Phyllophaga luginbilli Saylor, 1941 [species]

Phyllophaga macgregori Morón, 2004 [species]

Phyllophaga macmurryi Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga meadei Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga michelbacheri Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga micros Bates, 1888 [species]

Phyllophaga mimicana Saylor, 1938 [species]

Phyllophaga miraflora Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga monstrosa Saylor, 1935 [species]

Phyllophaga mucorea LeConte, 1856 [species]

Phyllophaga neomexicana Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga nogales Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga nogueirana Morón, 2002 [species]

Phyllophaga opacicollis Horn, 1878 [species]

Phyllophaga parilis Bates, 1888 [species]

Phyllophaga peninsularis Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga pilosipes Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga planeta Reinhard, 1950 [species]

Phyllophaga plena Fall, 1932 [species]

Phyllophaga praesidii Bates, 1888 [species]

Phyllophaga pulcher Linell, 1896 [species]

Phyllophaga reinhardi Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga scoparia LeConte, 1856 [species]

Phyllophaga scuticeps Bates, 1888 [species]

Phyllophaga senex Horn, 1878 [species]

Phyllophaga snowi Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga tarsalis Schaeffer, 1908 [species]

Phyllophaga temaxa Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga texensis Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga timida Horn, 1878 [species]

Phyllophaga trochanter Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga venodiola Saylor, 1948 [species]

Phyllophaga wickhami Saylor, 1940 [species]

Phyllophaga yaqui Saylor, 1940 [species]


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