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About glitches, bugs, or other problems in the site

Community and ForumDiscussions on the website functionalityAbout glitches, bugs, or other problems in the site

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23.03.2016 6:09, Evgeny Komarov

Peter, that's a strange story with these photos Photo # 55386, # 55384, # 55383, # 46348.
They refuse to be anchored entirely. Those. The "snap to this point" does not appear in the window. Not only for them, and a new point is impossible to create!

23.03.2016 6:46, Yuri Semejkin

I was like. In my case, the reason was as follows. Not closed provided the previous point, for some reason, did not understand. We had to leave the card- switch to others. Snimok- take a step back and then to click on a picture that I want to bind. From that moment on, everything emerges and starts to work.

23.03.2016 6:51, Evgeny Komarov

Yuri, then I just do not what to do, even all site left :) Do not hochut all.

23.03.2016 7:06, Yuri Semejkin

Then there al. Reason. Here probably only Peter can explain.
Ps. Do not be glitches on the map, move to a separate page? Separate from the Guardian website. And even so the wheel has to have a long scroll.

23.03.2016 7:20, Evgeny Komarov

And you do not twist :) Ctrl + End

23.03.2016 7:26, Yuri Semejkin

Excellent ! Thank you, Eugene!

23.03.2016 14:03, Peter Khramov

Just End, without Ctrl ; -) Ctrl + End for multiline text fields...
About maps - we'll see.

27.03.2016 15:07, Evgeny Komarov

Peter, now completely stable during the transition to photo editing, ie passes to editing one photo and then clicking "Display all pictures"
He throws in the English version. A dozen times already ..

27.03.2016 15:53, Peter Khramov

Eugene, throw a link to the page from which the link to "bring all the pictures ..." the blasted leads.

27.03.2016 16:10, Evgeny Komarov

And here I am now, this bug slovlyu again and describe their actions step by step.
1. Open Photo # 55777: Rhinoncus castor.
2. I press the "Edit Photo" and normally get on page modify this photo (Russian version,
3.Zhmu "Display all photos" and got back in English!
Here you poshagovo.S any pictures of this algorithm, you get on the English version.

27.03.2016 16:34, Evgeny Komarov

That's the same thing with this stranichki.http: //insecta.pro/gallery/55780

27.03.2016 20:45, Peter Khramov

Yeah, I realized what you mean. Fixed.

15.06.2017 10:29, Peter Khramov

OK, it's fixed.

13.12.2018 8:34, Vera Volkotrub

Hello, Peter. I can't upload or write anything. I can open any page only on the second attempt by reloading the page. There's just nothing, a white field. If you can still see something when the page is reloaded, then you cannot edit it.

31.01.2021 16:05, Nikolay Grebennikov

And why is the website not working again? An error.

02.02.2021 13:40, Svetlana Shchavelina

... and where did the website administration go anyway??? Ow! There is no one.....

11.02.2021 19:37, Yuriy Karpov

Peter. The website does not work completely, I cannot launch any functions, the photo does not show at all, I tried both the search for the name and classification.

12.02.2021 22:34, Alexander Korolev

What happened to the website? Nothing is working. Everything is gone.

16.02.2021 9:14, Nikolay Grebennikov

Apparently the end has come to the website

18.02.2021 15:30, Peter Khramov

Guys, if such glitches happen, I ask you to write directly to the mail editor@insecta.pro. I will try to fix the error soon.

18.02.2021 16:00, Peter Khramov

Most of it has been fixed, there may still be some errors in the taxa tree, we are checking it now.

06.06.2021 11:20, Anatoliy Kuzmin

Are you planning to switch from http to https? And then with the innovations in almost all browsers on sites with encryption, it is impossible to show a photo from your website.

10.07.2021 8:08, Nikolay Vinogradov

I can't upload photo Archives and photos one by one.
When I try to upload the archive - judging by the traffic, sending to the site occurs in full, but photos do not get into the photogallery.
I'm trying to upload one at a time: the first photo is being uploaded. The next time you try, you get the message "Fill the "File" field.
The archive size is 15.3 MB, the size of an individual photo is 2.6 MB.
I tried Firefox 89.0.2 (64-bit), Google Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 (Official build), (64-bit), Opera Version:77.0.4054.203.

13.08.2021 13:14, Peter Khramov

Nikolai, send me the files that you are uploading to editor#insecta.pro (a dog instead of a bug). I'll check it out.

31.08.2021 8:50, Nikolay Grebennikov

Что-то опять с сайтом случилось. Не отвечает. Пишет не найдена страница

14.09.2021 17:22, Peter Khramov

Yesterday and today there was a technical problem with the website database. It's been fixed now. If you see glitches, do not hesitate to call / write me.

28.11.2023 22:22, Peter Khramov

Just in case — the glitches and problems discussed in this topic were solved at different times. If you come across any of them (or any others) - post a comment in this topic or send me a message directly to the email in the Contacts of the site https://insecta.pro/contacts.

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