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About glitches, bugs, or other problems in the site

Community and ForumDiscussions on the website functionalityAbout glitches, bugs, or other problems in the site

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02.08.2015 22:51, Peter Khramov

Shamil, as it may appear at all? ..

02.08.2015 23:28, Shamil Murtazin

The reason for my "fi", I think, is clear? Come to think how to make ...
Maybe the parameter hid = 1 complicate the conclusion? I propose in this case, the output of the last non-technical comments, if any. If there is no (ie, all comments engineering) - completely hidden in this issue, or post a photo.

03.08.2015 19:27, Peter Khramov

Shamil, the cause is not clear. Explain in detail. It is possible to speed and on the phone (today will be active until midnight, and then turn into a pumpkin).

03.08.2015 22:57, Shamil Murtazin

Make no mistake. Here communicate, communicate comments under photos. These comments, of course, it is convenient to keep track of a single click in the "Last in the community" (http://lepidoptera.ru/community/all?hid=1).
And here it comes, for example, snap photos to a form that is receive technical comments. And yet, in the "Last in the community" (http://lepidoptera.ru/community/all?hid=1) This photo no longer exists. Absolutely.It seems to me that it is not logical. Yes, you can see "all the comments in a row" (http://lepidoptera.ru/community/all), but not all will find this hyperlink in the text and it is banal uncomfortable.
That's why I suggest:
in http://lepidoptera.ru/community/all?hid=1 for photo output is not the last technical comments, if any. If there is no (i.e.all comments engineering) - completely hidden in this issue, or post a photo.
add. as there are sort by date and time of the comment or change of official information - even the "non-technical" comments will be properly sorted.

04.08.2015 0:27, Peter Khramov

Offhand - gimor. Bo to speed processing of all kinds of comments on one page need a clear sign of the "last". To implement your proposals will need another sign of "the last non-technical." At the same time the disappearance of branches after the transfer in its own logical transfer ends normally active discussion.Another thing is that, for example, you are interested in the fate of a particular photo. But it has to work at the level of subscriptions (such as all the comments for my ph, ph as well as that interest me (last selected manually)). That will be the case.
What do you think?

04.08.2015 1:31, Shamil Murtazin

Subscription generally does not use. Anyway, I watch all the events. They are not very much.
In general, to make a subscription - it must first get it somehow draw, ie click, and then open somehow different, not all events.
As for the "new" feature - it is the idea already is - a technical comment. You just have to invert the search condition.And can leave it at that. Just the usual writing of hotelok discharge, which are not difficult to do, but are pleasant and reduce the "energy".

04.08.2015 2:12, Peter Khramov

You just have to invert the search term
From here in more detail ...

15.08.2015 6:10, Alexander Belousov

Peter, once again updated the gallery buggy, is the date of 01.01.1970

15.08.2015 20:36, Peter Khramov

Thank corrected.

16.08.2015 19:22, Shamil Murtazin

Peter, and this is now a division into gallery already gone? .. Just choose a photo http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/16311, and there is "the other pictures of this kind yet."

16.08.2015 20:14, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Shamil, in the next topic: http://lepidoptera.ru/community/41122 (at the end) lies the answer: Trouble is that Peter will fix :)

18.08.2015 0:01, Shamil Murtazin

Question of photos (not to be written in parallel in the subject of binding to the genera and taxa).
For example, here's a photo: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/42243. In the right window you can see only one more photo from the group. Although the transition toPhaselia kasyiphoto is still there.

18.08.2015 0:31, Peter Khramov

Exactly. There was a conflict with groups. To undergo treatment.

18.08.2015 0:40, Shamil Murtazin

Oh, in the "edit" now everything is smooth, no leaving. Thanks =)

18.08.2015 12:20, Shamil Murtazin

With formatting on the main too clever by half. If the photo in the upper left corner of the vertical orientation (width is less than the height), the Saturnia go up.

18.08.2015 13:18, Shamil Murtazin

With uploading the picture is not stored set value in the "Stages of development / sex" is reset to the imago.

18.08.2015 14:03, Shamil Murtazin

Still in editing it is not so simple turned out. I do not know why, but sometimes it turns out like this:

The assumption - the unit is slightly increased in height because of the text in the comments field.

26.08.2015 10:59, Shamil Murtazin

Today, not a link to the description of the species. Ie any reference to the type http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/ХХХХХ

26.08.2015 12:54, Peter Khramov

Now all the rules.
ZY Before full transition to insects such cases are possible, but this is not the norm, as well, that are reporting.

01.09.2015 21:24, Fedor Ovechkin

Photos are not loaded, the page is created, and no pictures.

01.09.2015 21:41, Vasiliy Feoktistov

So we have to wait. Transfer site business long. Especially if the site is big: What is essentially lepidoptera.ru is.
No need to hurry. Logic dictates that we have to wait another until all the upheavals have been completed ..

02.09.2015 0:22, Peter Khramov

No, this is a glitch that needs to be treated, but offhand I do not see how. But I see, of course.

02.09.2015 2:32, Yuri Semejkin

You just have to relax and the solution will come! The site will wait, do not worry.

02.09.2015 15:07, Peter Khramov

The site could not be available during the last couple of hours. Now all the rules.

02.09.2015 15:20, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Peter, we must in my LC remove the last two photos, which in fact is not: Photo # 42562 and # 42563 Photography.
They do not need - the file was intended to replace the photo, which has long been in the gallery.
Failed to load, and turned the pages, and hung in the LC.

02.09.2015 15:35, Peter Khramov

Basil, phantoms ph will be deleted after a deal with uploading your photos to the site.

02.09.2015 16:19, Peter Khramov

All is ready. Phantoms are removed, new pictures can be downloaded.

02.09.2015 16:54, Yuri Semejkin

What other snapshots. Detachments? I would like to see biooraznoobrazie.

02.09.2015 17:05, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, because of the insects it does not go. We are talking about moving the site to a new hosting and arising in connection with these bugs.
Everything is still to come :)

02.09.2015 17:24, Yuri Semejkin


02.09.2015 18:04, Peter Khramov

At the latest, the insects go on the weekends. I will try before.

02.09.2015 18:10, Fedor Ovechkin

I also have a phantom - Photo # 33698 - delete please!

03.09.2015 22:17, Vasiliy Feoktistov

What nonsense is this?
I define this photo: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/42618, trying to move-not tolerated.
I am writing to comment and get it here: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/42617
Head spin already.

03.09.2015 22:44, Peter Khramov

Fedor removed. Basil, I think, just coincided and phot was taken as a phantom. About transfer of a species - try now if you will not, tell me where to transfer, I'll try and see what there is not.

03.09.2015 23:11, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Everything is fine.
They also were in the admin (4 photos) how Inachis io.
He pulled out and did not have to endure.

08.09.2015 12:05, Yuri Semejkin

Catalog regions do not work and explain to them. Or even done?

08.09.2015 14:11, Svetlana Shchavelina

On increasing fotah no copyright attached.

08.09.2015 23:59, Peter Khramov

Yes, about 70 ph copyrights have passed without large backups. Now for them stamped, all of the new machine will go all copyrights, as usual. Thanks for the tip.

09.09.2015 0:02, Peter Khramov

Regions and explanations recovered, now everything is OK.

10.09.2015 19:53, Irina Nikulina

Peter and the double dog is not working? Something did not work in the form of comments highlight. And the former (at least recently used) recovering disappeared.

13.09.2015 8:39, Alexandr Zhakov

It does not work in the sample directory. You can not search for old Comostola for 40 regions of Russia. the result of 0, and it is wrong.

13.09.2015 20:02, Shamil Murtazin

Button does not work under the photo - "edit photo data." Clicking on it opens https://insecta.pro/usercab/usergallery and no pictures on the page.

13.09.2015 20:46, Peter Khramov

Fix button.
As for the region's 40 - I have shown one view. Normal?

13.09.2015 22:15, Shamil Murtazin

Search in a row fell off. Including when downloading and editing photos is not working. I could not find Soreus marginatus, although recently uploaded it imago.

13.09.2015 22:42, Shamil Murtazin

If the load point that will be loaded ZIP, and upload an image - does not swear, but simply "resets" the download page (probably loads, it is impossible to decompress and just clears downloaded without returning an error)

13.09.2015 23:32, Peter Khramov

I think you have Coreus With written in Russian, or something else like that. I copy-paste to your recording does not work, and if the dial again, all the rules. Check ...

13.09.2015 23:40, Shamil Murtazin

Yes it works. But the rest, Coranus, for example, and are not searched.

14.09.2015 0:14, Peter Khramov

So it is not in the database, and therefore not searched. One of these days there will be another update on the taxa.

14.09.2015 16:32, Alexey Makarov

Good afternoon, search does not work through the catalog. Search parameters: Country: Russia, taxon Papilionidae
You used the following selection parameters: Country / Region (Europe), Random taxon.
Selected species: Pages:
The species with the selected parameters found

14.09.2015 18:15, Peter Khramov

Alex, thanks for the tip, corrected.

14.09.2015 22:24, Shamil Murtazin

In the "open discussion" all dates - 01.01.1970. Gluck some ...

15.09.2015 10:44, Alexey Makarov

Good afternoon! Where disappeared Parnassius arcticus? If renamed Sachaia arctica then where are the pictures and description, which has been before.

15.09.2015 11:05, Alexey Makarov

Also sampled the parameters: Russia, Papilionidae misses Papilio maackii

15.09.2015 23:42, Peter Khramov

This is because of what is now out of sync sample of the countries and regions of Russia. The second operation is not correct. Ie if you need a sample of the Russian Federation, the results will be adequate, if you select all its regions, not just a country in the list (in the latter case will be output, mainly Europe).Accordingly, here and now, you can use the tips above, and for the future - yes, we will edit and synchronize.
In an open discussion, and P. arcticus - understand and see.

16.09.2015 12:02, Oleg Pekarsky

Do not load a comment to the genus Naarda.

17.09.2015 12:46, Shamil Murtazin

Funny happened. Butterfly is the same =)

17.09.2015 20:57, Ivan Tislenko

Uploaded Barid wormwood - for it online already allocated 5 taxa:

Moreover, none of the above does not match any Zine (where Panzer, 1794 http://www.zin.ru/ANIMAliA/COlEOPTERA/rus/barid_sf.htm), nor makroidom (there Herbst, 1795 http: // macroid .ru / showgallery.php? cat = 28783)

17.09.2015 21:03, Ivan Tislenko

Another question - why some species in the description in the "System" shows all ranks from class to species, while others only Class-Family-Rod-type (eg, https://insecta.pro/taxonomy/976845)?

17.09.2015 21:30, Ivan Tislenko

From the "authors" did not work at all links to photos and comments.
I've uploaded a few pictures, but in the "Authors" is not to score.

17.09.2015 21:34, Alexandr Zhakov

Class-squad-family-Rhode view - are the main taxa that are required to be in each species, all other taxa subsidiary. Can be if necessary, may not be. :)
In the above example, you glitch http: // insecta.pro / ru / taxonomy / 976,845, pressing family Cetoniidae, go all the high taxa: Insecta → subclass infraclass Pterygota → Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → squad Coleoptera → suborder Polyphaga → infraorder superfamily Scarabeiformia → Scarabaeoidea

17.09.2015 21:36, Alexandr Zhakov

Counter photographs is not working. :(

17.09.2015 21:48, Ivan Tislenko

I was embarrassed that my case was not one of the main taxa - Squad.

17.09.2015 23:50, Peter Khramov

With the addition of comments to leave - corrected. About Butterflies - it is spread in popularity not large enough to statistics (the counters are reset to zero when switching to insects).

18.09.2015 9:49, Ivan Tislenko

Upload a photo Curculio arborator - under a taxon reserved 2:

18.09.2015 10:04, Alexandr Zhakov

There's all kind of clumsy, there are 4 taxa with the same name, the authors completely, reducing the authors, without the author's different authors. Probably will have to manually merge the curators.

18.09.2015 10:14, Ivan Tislenko

I will be here to unsubscribe if even find duplicates. Looking issued all doubles - maybe on the machine they will be found and drain if the search to sort out all kinds of names without attribution.

20.09.2015 19:08, Vladimir Bryukhov

And what about the catalog? Trying to find your region Geometridae - pop up in the list of families are listed only on the letter "A". I tried through random taxon to find something - anything either betrays. Maybe I'm doing wrong? On Lepidoptera.ru no problems.

20.09.2015 20:28, Ivan Tislenko

It is necessary in any row pop-up list, and poked the down arrow or Page Down to navigate through it

20.09.2015 22:49, Vladimir Bryukhov

Thanks, helped.

20.09.2015 23:38, Peter Khramov

In general, families in the framework of insects, of course, so that this feature becomes maloaktualnym. Yet, while it is, note that the list has its own (separate from the browser window), the scroll bar. That's using it and you can scroll down.In addition, I remind you that if you move the focus to the list (for example, by simply clicking on any element of it), and start typing the letters of the desired name from the keyboard, the cursor will move to it. Ie press the P - the cursor will move directly to the first family of the letter R. If you immediately will gain further, it will move on. Iewill type Papil, the cursor will jump to the first P, then at Pa, then to the Pap, then at Papi, then on Papil.
This and other lists also works.

21.09.2015 5:58, Yuri Semejkin

https://insecta.pro/gallery/43638 Another glitch. Instead underside butterflies appeared beetle.

21.09.2015 6:35, Vasiliy Feoktistov

And my Beetle, and the group I was with anyone they do not knit.
There have been downloaded 3 different specimens collected at different times.

21.09.2015 6:39, Vasiliy Feoktistov

NB. This bug corrected on its own.
Still wondering why it happened.

21.09.2015 15:05, Ivan Tislenko

Upload photos morning cows. All is normal, while the two-point ladybugs on the description page https://insecta.pro/taxonomy/838090 photos do not appear (on the right side there is a photo). When searching for the specified herewith. Coccinellidae marked "Only species with the photo" shows all ladybugs than this. 3 hours after the load has already passed.

21.09.2015 15:57, Irina Nikulina

Ivan, photos at the species description pages does not appear automatically, manually set the two men - either Peter or me. And we do it occasionally when I have time free from primary activity) So "3 hours after loading" play no role.I did this morning has illustrated all kinds of wonderful photos of your cows, but one species of which you are writing. There are different pictures.I'm not an expert in Coccinellidae and decided later, when there will be time to ask you about them - what better illustrate the type of photo? This variability or as sexual dimorphism?Here I ask) and will not worry if illustration pages species is delayed, it is due only to the presence of Peter I and the time available for the site. I try to do it every day. But with the transition to the site insecta.pro work on illustrating increased significantly - in the morning has illustrated 16 species, and now has come - and still hang in the LC 12)

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