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Do ordinary flies drink blood?

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsDo ordinary flies drink blood?

Борис Лейкин, 20.11.2006 20:40

Ordinary flies, the kind that are full of them, some of them drink blood, I mean, they sit down and bite, you don't know? (I somehow have an idea that they do this)
To me this is due to the origin of the bloodsuckers interesting (After all, the ancestors of bloodsuckers were ordinary harmless insects that feed on nectar. Do you know if it is known or not in all the molecular details of how insects adapted to drink blood?)


20.11.2006 22:02, Насекомовед

The oral apparatus of common flies (Muscidae, Musca domestica) does not allow piercing the skin and sucking blood. But, externally similar to them, zhigalka flies (Muscidae, Stomoxys calcitrans) have just a long and hard proboscis, which allows both males and females to drink blood.
Likes: 1

21.11.2006 14:07, Букашечник

Read the article in the Paleontological Journal No. 1 for 2003. It discusses the origin of hematophagy in diptera.
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21.11.2006 19:44, Борис Лейкин

Read the article in the Paleontological Journal No. 1 for 2003. It discusses the origin of hematophagy in diptera.

Here's enta?
Lukashevich E.D. & Mostovski M.B. Haematophagous insects in the paleontological record // Paleontol. J. 2003. N 2. P. 48-56.

From here

I really wonder: is it possible by artificial evolution experiments remove blood-sucking fruit flies?

21.11.2006 19:58, andr_mih

Do you really believe in evolution??? Well, then try it, I think that you will succeed smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

21.11.2006 20:29, Борис Лейкин

Do you really believe in evolution??? Well, then try it, I think that you will succeed smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

No, I believe in Man, that he will be able to create anything he wants for himself: evolution can't create something-fuck it, we'll do it ourselves, God can't - fuck it, we'll make ourselves new laws of physics.
You give it to me Synthetic biology! You give me Synthetic physics! You give everything Synthetic! jump.gif beer.gif

21.11.2006 20:44, Chromocenter

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21.11.2006 21:33, taler

Brilliant!Blood-sucking fruit fly!Grown on banana peels.breakthrough in biotechnology!!!I went to prepare my PhD lol.gif

22.11.2006 19:04, Chromocenter

Yes, it can pull on the Nobel ... (although who will give something for this? confused.gif )

22.11.2006 19:34, Борис Лейкин

I have fruit flies in my apartment in the kitchen, I don't breed them on purpose. I open the refrigerator, and the fruit fly jumps out at me. redface.gif I reach for the sausages, look at the bag sitting alone, blow on it, zero emotions, brazenly clung to its claws and does not move. Then I poured myself some kefir, walked away for 5 seconds, came back, and I saw some kind of reptile already swimming in the mug. The fruit flies have grown quite impudent, and they'll probably start drinking my blood soon. weep.gif

22.11.2006 19:40, Tigran Oganesov

They are not bred so easily, garbage should be thrown out more often wink.gif

22.11.2006 19:57, Борис Лейкин

But I seem to have discovered something interesting in their behavior (unless, of course, I fantasized about it).
So there's a fruit fly sitting on the sideboard door, and you go up close to it to look at it, and it suddenly jumps right in your face. Then I decided to just bring my hand closer, it seems that they really do not just fly away somewhere to the side, but fly directly at the object approaching them, because if you just blow on them, they do not rush, but either fly away, or "press closer to the wall".
Do you know if they have such a defensive reaction or not?

22.11.2006 21:13, taler

Well, what is this "defensive reaction"?The most that neither is fighting fruit flies!!!Patent it!!! lol.gif

26.12.2006 20:10, Борис Лейкин

Well, what is this "defensive reaction"?The most that neither is fighting fruit flies!!!Patent it!!! lol.gif

Fighting fruit flies: a model system for the study of aggression.

And I'll patent it. I'll just train you properly. tongue.gif

 the image is no longer on the site: drosofight.JPG drosofight.JPG — (5.57к) 26.12.2006 — 09.01.2007

27.12.2006 12:50, RippeR

I bet on the one that sprava

27.12.2006 18:15, guest: Борис Лейкин

I'll bet on the one on the right

Here's more, there's a video.

27.12.2006 18:42, guest: Борис Лейкин

I'll bet on the one on the right

Ahhh. You knew. tongue.gif

27.12.2006 22:44, RippeR

I didn't know. Pure intuition and professional skillssmile.gif)

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