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Endemics of the British Isles

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsEndemics of the British Isles

Bad Den, 10.02.2007 20:27

In connection with the "production necessity"smile.gif, the following question arose: are there edemics of a specific or higher rank on the British Islands (more precisely, in the UK)? Kryzhanovsky's" Composition and distribution of the entomofauna of the globe " seems to say nothing about this. But I've heard it mentioned somewhere, and I don't remember where.


10.02.2007 20:41, Dmitrii Musolin

so nothing comes to mind, but I subscribe to the newsletter of the British Heteroptera REcords Scheme http://www.hetnews.org.uk/index.php <hets@yahoogroups.com> -- for bedbugs. I can ask there. Generally on yahoogroups.com several similar groups.

I think there are few endemics - the territory is small and not some special climate...

10.02.2007 20:52, Bad Den

I forgot to clarify - of course we mean endemics among insects smile.gif

18.02.2007 10:21, amara

leaf eater:

18.02.2007 12:43, Bad Den

amara, thank you!

18.02.2007 18:10, amara

beetle endemic to Scotland, Dropephylla grandiloqua
Likes: 1

18.02.2007 18:17, amara

Richards, O W.
Endemic British Races of Aculeate Hymenoptera. Journal of the Society for British Entomology, 4, 1-4
Likes: 1

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