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Rare species. When are they available?

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsRare species. When are they available?

Aleksey Adamov, 28.12.2007 0:22

There is one observation, though fresh and therefore not reliable. It seems that there is an annual increase in the number of rare and very rare species (at least ground beetles), up to the level of sensitivity of the methods by which they are collected. There is an observation that this year (2007), compared to the last 5, is the most generous in relation to such species. There are years when to meet something special does not work, even some banal types do not come across in the required quantity. All this applies to long-term observations from ONE territory.

I can very well admit that it was all just my imagination. smile.gif


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28.12.2007 5:53, Mylabris

Well, why, it may well be. Do you remember the classic mathematical model of Voltaire-Lotke on the example of "predator-prey"? Or locust outbreaks (the latter seem to even be associated with solar activity).

28.12.2007 10:03, Alexandr Rusinov

The dynamics of changes in the number of species by year undoubtedly exists, such dynamics are clearly visible for ordinary species, and I see no reason why rare species should be an exception. I think there are many reasons for this dynamic - weather conditions, wintering success, and maybe even solar activity. By the way, this year in our region the number of some ground beetle groups was on the contrary lower than usual. So almost no large bicolored species of badisters were found. Yes, at the expense of reasons, I remembered a university story: in indus. works, students write that either there were not enough dragonflies, because it was too wet, or too dry and the reservoirs dried up, and so every year for many years in a row, it is not even clear how these dragonflies at our biological station have not yet died out... smile.gif
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28.12.2007 17:25, stierlyz

There is no doubt that there is a dynamic, but it is possible that the skills of the assembler improve over the years - take this into account, too. When doing research on the same territory, the collector learns over the years the skills of visual identification in nature and "skips" banalities, and time and attention are paid to rare species.
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29.12.2007 2:48, RippeR

Some dynamics undoubtedly exist! I observed the dorcash case - for example, last year there was an explosion of species-fulvum, cinerarium, tauricum. This year, they finally disappeared.. With tauricum and fulvum, this has already been observed, especially 3-4 years ago (I don't remember exactly), when there were so many tauricums in general that it was difficult to move along the roadside, find places so as not to step on at least one smile.gif
Qualifications are also very important here, as well as many other things.. Therefore, in my opinion, in such births as dorcadion, it is easiest to detect this.
By the way, it doesn't happen year after year, but sometimes there are explosions of holosericeums in the city, when you walk along the sidewalk, and there are hundreds of crushed holosericeums smile.gif frown.gif

29.12.2007 5:52, Ekos

There is one observation, though fresh and therefore not reliable. It seems that there is an annual increase in the number of rare and very rare species (at least ground beetles), up to the level of sensitivity of the methods by which they are collected. There is an observation that this year (2007), compared to the last 5, is the most generous in relation to such species. There are years when to meet something special does not work, even some banal types do not come across in the required quantity. All this applies to long-term observations from ONE territory.

I can very well admit that it was all just my imagination. smile.gif

I also have a feeling about this year's mace butterflies. In the south of the Far East, the abundance of many previously rare and very rare species was higher than usual. And at the same time, there were species that had never been recorded in the study area before. For example, I found a brilliant marshmallow (Chrysozephyrus brillantinus) near Khabarovsk (and this territory is very well studied) (the definition is confirmed by leading experts on bulavousym DV), although it had never been recorded north of Southern Primorye before. Khabarovsk also experienced an increase in the abundance of another" South Primorye " species, the giant fathead Satarupa nymphalis. And from Southern Primorye to Khabarovsk - 500-700 km in a straight line in a northerly direction. I also found one new species for the Amur region-the marigold Ypthima motschulskyi. There are also some other interesting finds, including those on the highest raznousym. So this year is very rich. Although there may be a certain amount of subjectivity here, I've worked harder than usual this year.

This post was edited by Ekos - 29.12.2007 05: 55

29.12.2007 10:12, RippeR

um enya on bulavousym only concerning tolstogolovki - this year for the first time-serratulae, lavatherae, flocciferus.. Although it also seems to me that this is more related to my activity on fees.. Although.. In one place, Nagomatulin collected butterflies for a long time, very carefully exploring the territory, but only last year Maculinea arion was seen, only a couple of specimens. This year there were dozens of them..

29.12.2007 11:12, Alexandr Rusinov

Temporary" extinction " of species is quite common. We have Chrysomela cuprea leaf beetle every few years, and in a significant amount, the next year it is less, and then it is not present for several years, although both I and Elizar harvest the territory.
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29.12.2007 14:11, Ilia Ustiantcev

It would have been nice if it had been like this in MO with semele, dryad, vixen and tarpea...

29.12.2007 14:24, Pavel Morozov

It would have been nice if it had been like this in MO with semele, dryad, vixen and tarpea...

Well, tarpea is probably already tut-tut, and I hear about the dryad from time to time. 8 years ago, one expert (well, very venerable) told me about semele in the Shatursky district in August. And the vixen-either in Mozhaisk, or in Naro-Fominsk district-was not. This has already been written on the forum, so it's better to go somewhere at random. Take a kilometer-scale map of the area, poke it with your finger and scratch it. So I found a magnificent swamp under Vyshny Volochok.
In general, you need to go to the most remote places with a tent and a generator and a lamp for at least a couple of days-well, for sure, you will catch something interesting

29.12.2007 14:35, Pavel Morozov

Rare insect species are rare for humans only. Their populations probably have enough individuals. For example, I have never collected Clostera anastomosis crested whales in the Moscow Region; the other three have been collected regularly. A few years ago (when - I will clarify and write) in one season there were a lot of them, in the future-again not a fig.
Maybe someone has it flying?

And another question: 18 years have not met the black moth Odezia atrata in M. O. Anyone say what, and?

29.12.2007 14:40, Pavel Morozov

Again about rare species (ek I got carried away, ah!).
On July 6-7, we visited the Omar dacha near Beloomut. Result: not at all banal Hadena perplexa, Hyssa cavernosa, etc. (see earlier in the fishing reports). I admit that I caught them and some other butterflies for the first time, and they are clearly common there.

29.12.2007 14:52, Guest

another example: a mass fly of P. plumigera where I catch it. Although I've never fished in October before, it's still considered a rare species...

29.12.2007 14:55, guest: AntSkr

it was me... (I haven't been able to register for 2 days now...)

29.12.2007 19:31, Cerambyx

I agree with Anthrenus. Dynamics really exist for all species, and rare ones are no exception smile.gif
Ripper by the way, correctly noted that dorkashi in this respect is very convenient for observation. But this year was generally abnormal, apparently due to the spring cold - in the Orenburg region, the beetle yield was shifted to a later date and many insects had a very low numberfrown.gif With the same dorcadions, something incredible was happening - in the very south of the region in the dry steppes, D. glicyrrhizae was found in places in the mass already after the 25th of June in "normal" years, it was difficult to meet live beetles here by the beginning of June...

29.12.2007 19:56, Ilia Ustiantcev

A rare species is a relative concept, as you know: this year at my dacha, I met the Pamphilus moth much less often than the sandra thick-headed and Daphne's perelamutrovka.

29.12.2007 20:02, Victor Titov

Temporary" extinction " of species is quite common. We have Chrysomela cuprea leaf beetle every few years, and in a significant amount, the next year it is less, and then it is not there for several years, although both Elizar and I harvest the territory.

And my penny is not too small... smile.gif I confirm what I said.

This post was edited by Dmitrich-12/29/2007 20: 03

08.01.2008 5:01, А.Й.Элез

Rare insect species are rare for humans only. Their populations probably have enough individuals. For example, I have never collected Clostera anastomosis crested whales in the Moscow Region; the other three have been collected regularly. A few years ago (when - I will clarify and write) in one season there were a lot of them, in the future-again not a fig.
Maybe someone has it flying?

And one more question: I haven't seen the black moth Odezia atrata in M. O. for 18 years.

Odezia atrata was recorded north-east in the 1990s. on the other side of the Yauza marshes in the Mytishchi district; later, at the appropriate time, I simply did not go there. In general, the species is infrequent, but if it comes across, then in groups. In 2007, I marked it as very common for sowing. on the side of the highway that runs parallel to the north. sides of the Batkovsky swamp (Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow Region) between the Zagorsk-Tald highway and the Nagorye – Kubrinsk fork.
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08.01.2008 5:04, А.Й.Элез

A rare species is a relative concept, as you know: this year at my dacha, I met the Pamphilus moth much less often than the sandra thick-headed and Daphne's perelamutrovka.

In what district - not a dacha, surely not in Mozhaisk? I noticed Daphne only to the east (plus a little to the northeast) and to the southeast of Moscow...

08.01.2008 7:15, Ilia Ustiantcev

And correctly noted! To the east, in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district.

08.01.2008 13:56, Shofffer

over the years, the collector's qualification improves.

It is better to talk about its dynamics. And then you never know...
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08.01.2008 23:02, А.Й.Элез

And correctly noted! To the east, in the Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district.

Of course, in the vicinity of Platf. Kurovskaya, as I understand it, is already in Orekhovo-Zuyevsky. This is probably the western part of its suburban area. In general, its range in the region is either wide or narrower from the northern environs of the village of Misheronsky to the south to the village of Beloomut, i.e. from the north of the Shatursky district to the south of Kolomenskoye.

10.01.2008 13:10, Трофим

[quote=Morozzz,29.12.2007 14:35]
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10.01.2008 13:19, Трофим

I agree with Anthrenus. Dynamics really exist for all species, and rare ones are no exception smile.gif
Ripper by the way, correctly noted that dorkashi in this respect is very convenient for observation. But this year was generally abnormal, apparently due to the spring cold - in the Orenburg region, the beetle yield was shifted to a later date and many insects had a very low numberfrown.gif With the same dorcadions, something incredible was happening - in the very south of the region in the dry steppes, D. glicyrrhizae was found in places in the mass already after the 25th of June in "normal" years, it was difficult to meet live beetles here by the beginning of June...

And we have the opposite. The anomaly turned in the direction of drought. Everything came out on time earlier, already on April 27 I caught scopoli, although they did not happen so early, arions flew out early, I just managed to do it, already on June 24 it was not the first freshness, and considering what I caught in the north of Moldova, there was a little more rain, not so hot. In general, observing insects can make quite good weather forecasts. An early exit is a direct evidence of the impending very hot summer, which is why insects are in a hurry to complete the development cycle as quickly as possible and leave their offspring. But the late one, as Cerambyx has already mentioned – is either a consequence of frosts and cold weather, or a signal that we will not wait for heat soon. My supervisor told me an interesting observation about bees. A couple of years ago, for one week in winter, we had frosts-28, - 30C. This has not happened in Moldova for a very long time, so the bees this year strongly sealed the hive with wax, and the next year the winter was warm and the bees did not strongly seal the hive for the winter. smile.gif

10.01.2008 13:21, Pavel Morozov

I think there will be 10-15 times more of them than you can imagine.
The rarity of the insect, apparently, lies in its locality.
The same legendary Parnassius autocrator is an example of this.

Well, according to my humble observations, in the same Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver region. The swamp there is about 16 hectares, and cranberries grow barely on a hectare, where Boloria aquilonaris flies about 20 pieces in sight at least.
On the rest of the swamp - figushki.

10.01.2008 13:24, Pavel Morozov

Times are not right now. You need to get further and further, to the most inaccessible places, away from civilization. Here will be El Dorado!
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12.01.2008 14:48, Alexandr Rusinov

Sometimes an interesting entomological find can be made right at your own home. The main thing is to believe that this is possible and do not forget to look around.
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12.01.2008 14:51, Трофим

Yes, but faith without works is dead.
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12.01.2008 14:58, Alexandr Rusinov

Well, why, there are many examples, both from my practice and according to colleagues, when new species are discovered in a well-researched and long-trodden territory. And trips to the "bear corners" do not always bring the expected result.
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12.01.2008 15:10, Трофим

That's exactly right. In general, I noticed that if you set a goal and go on a hike for a certain object, you will almost certainly not catch it, this is if you go to abum at all, when you don't know whether this view is there or not, although the territory seems to be suitable. I remember once when I was still a teenager and went on the first one-day hike out of town, in order to catch morimus (there was information that there was one in those areas) and kalosoma inquisitor. And that, caught, but only morimusa. And so for most types of points of their exit, summer, etc. you determine already in the course, in the process.

13.01.2008 0:37, Pavel Morozov

And from this topic comes the principle: If you go somewhere at random, then you can fish out such a candy. And the less expectations, the more surprises!
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13.01.2008 16:03, RippeR

Well, that's how you say it.. In general, I often have a feeling that I want to catch some kind of insect, and I get the feeling that it is not far from me, that I will definitely find it, and what is strange is that at one moment it appears in front of me in some place, for example on a leaf, as you will see and AH!
When there is a clear intention to catch a certain species, then you go and catch it, no matter how strange it may sound smile.gif
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13.01.2008 18:17, Cerambyx

That's right RippeR! If you set a goal to catch a certain species, and you look for it very closely, most often you really find it! If only by accident... But any randomness in our business is most often a pattern, if a beetle is caught, then it is here, it remains only to "split" it, understand what it is sitting on and when.

13.01.2008 18:17, Bad Den

And from this topic comes the principle: If you go somewhere at random, then you can fish out such a candy. And the less expectations, the more surprises!

The entire consonant.
Today, while processing a scan of another book, I decided to take a break and take a break, look in more detail at the monograph of Nikolaev and Kozmin on dead eaters (which Mylabris posted). I looked through it and almost fell out of my chair - I suspected that I had 1 beetle from the Kyrgyz collections, similar to Apteroloma (Garytes) sillemi Jeannel, 1935 (Agyrtidae), which was listed there from the collections of S. V. Ovchinnikov. And we were with him at that time in this very place. I rushed to the box, took it out, ran it through the table - exactly, it seems to be him! (When I caught it, it seemed to me that it was one of the Cholevidae (or as they are now, transferred to the Anisitomidae?), only large, about 5 mm. I put it in the stain and didn't pay much attention, but just in case, I mounted it and pinned up the permanent label).
So, the most interesting thing is that it seems like it turns out that this is the fifth specimen of this species collected since its description in 1935...

PS Photos of the beetle will be a little later smile.gif

This post was edited by Bad Den - 14.01.2008 00: 20
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18.01.2008 13:24, guest: VladimirDavydov

My method is simple . I plan out exactly what kind of view I need . I carefully choose the time and place where I will look for it . I'm meditating . And I'm going for the view . The result is roughly around 100% jump.gif
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18.01.2008 13:59, Alexandr Rusinov

A good method, the main thing is to choose everything so that you are in the right place at the right time. However, I don't know if meditation is crucial in this method... smile.gif
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18.01.2008 14:35, Bad Den

However, I don't know if meditation is crucial in this method... smile.gif

But of course! The chakras should be protruding! lol.gif

18.01.2008 15:25, Dmitry Vlasov

And raspaltsovka also does not need to be discounted.

18.01.2008 19:06, алекс 2611

My method is simple . I plan out exactly what kind of view I need . I carefully choose the time and place where I will look for it . I'm meditating . And I'm going for the view . The result is roughly around 100% jump.gif

Bliiin.... Live the same people.....
If I'm determined to catch something specific , I'll catch anything but what I wanted.
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19.01.2008 2:21, RippeR

KAKAyoga and all my insects smile.gif

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