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What and where you can catch in August (capricorn beetles) in the Crimea

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsWhat and where you can catch in August (capricorn beetles) in the Crimea

collector, 20.08.2008 17:11

Rides a friend for 2 weeks-amateur sostazhem !


20.08.2008 18:42, RippeR

Prinobius myardi ^_ ^
Hesperophanes sericeus, Trichoferus, Ergates faber, Prionus coriarius (not sure about prionus), probably Mesoprionus bessicanus.
and then who knows...
Surely some lepturina is still active.

20.08.2008 20:50, KDG

Prinobius myardi ^_ ^
Hesperophanes sericeus, Trichoferus, Ergates faber, Prionus coriarius (not sure about prionus), probably Mesoprionus bessicanus.
and then who knows...
Surely some lepturina is still active.

Well, about besicanus, you got too excited....

21.08.2008 0:48, guest: rpanin

Prinobius myardi ^_ ^
Hesperophanes sericeus, Trichoferus, Ergates faber, Prionus coriarius (not sure about prionus), probably Mesoprionus bessicanus.
and then who knows...
Surely some lepturina is still active.

It is also quite possible to have a large oak tree, I caught it there in mid-August.

21.08.2008 13:01, RippeR

Well, you were overreacting about besicanus....

but in my opinion, it can smile.gif
After all, he is attacking Bulgaria and somewhere else out there, and She points out her capture in Moldova!!! and it seems that we even have 1 ex, but I'll have to check it out.
Then why can't he go as far as Crimea?

21.08.2008 13:13, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

The sea won't let you in...

21.08.2008 15:33, KDG

The sea won't let you in...

smile.gif "No, Mr. Yushchenko...

21.08.2008 19:47, Трофим

Morimus asper funereus let him search under the logs. In the spring, they are on stumps, and at the end of summer, as a rule, they spend the winter under logs, or, they say, this is the second generation, I don't know what to say. But we caught the other day literally. And not for the first time in August, only on morimusov the harvest in August is much less than in spring. Also, what ripper said, I caught trichoferus pallidus and prionus, although I found a dead one. Let the Kronovs instruct, in the conditions of burning out of the area in our region, this is probably the only real approach to this period.

21.08.2008 20:52, RippeR

crown traps at the end of summer are an empty idea.
asper funereus does not enter the Crimea absolutely - verekundus is there. Verecundus usually sits in the lower parts of deciduous trunks (usually dry) and on stumps. At this time, they may be under logs, or they may not be..
At this time, the most realistic approach is light, and on all smile.gifWell, on the remains of flowers, of course, in the forests on different parts of the trees. Possible dusting, but not a fact.

21.08.2008 20:56, Трофим

Vo forgot about the light. And Aspera funereus was brought to me from the Crimea. Crown flowers are the only alternative to flowers that are no longer available in our latitudes. I caught Trichoferus pallidus, otherwise I would have left the village with zero money at all.

21.08.2008 22:47, RippeR

So Pallidus didn't just hit the same thing?!

What is Funereus ' capture in Crimea????? In my opinion, this is on the doctor's pulls lol.gifAnd who is the catcher, how reliable is the label, etc., etc.?

15.09.2008 12:57, Трофим

Trapper is a neighbor. That's not the point, I brought it back and showed it to you. It's not hard to distinguish Funereus from Asper. It was in Yalta. Another question is whether he caught it there, maybe where he picked it up on the way. I just did not know that funereuses are not found there, otherwise I would have asked in detail.

18.09.2008 20:55, RippeR

Somewhere in Yugoslavia or where, I don't remember exactly, Morimus ganglbaueri is found. And in the Crimea there can't be funereus-it means either he collected it in the wrong place, or caught a transport on the road or something else.. Or maybe his route was strange.

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