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Beetles of the subfamilies Trichiinae, Cetoniinae, and Valginae (Scarabaeidae) of Saratov region

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsBeetles of the subfamilies Trichiinae, Cetoniinae, and Valginae (Scarabaeidae) of Saratov region

Алексей Сажнев, 19.02.2010 17:52

Beetles of the subfamilies Trichiinae, Cetoniinae, and Valginae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) Saratov region

A. S. Sazhnev

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov
Saratov Branch of REO

on the rights of the manuscript

Modern studies of the scarabid fauna of the Saratov region are at a new stage of their development, after a long stagnation – the last most complete faunal list was given in the work of N. L. Sakharov in 1903 and included 9 representatives from the subfamilies considered in this article. This article is based on long-term collections of authors from the territory of the region, collection material of zoological museums of the Saratov State Agrarian University named after N. I. Vavilov( SSAU), Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky (SSU), Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore (SOMK), as well as private collections of I. V. Kryukov, I. A. Zabalueva, A. A. Kupriyanova, A. Badaikina, and literature data available to the authors.
The author expresses his gratitude to I. A. Zabaluev, I. V. Kryukov, A. A. Kupriyanov, A. B. Khalturin (Saratov), A.M. Shapovalov (Orenburg), and A.V. Kovalev (Ulyanovsk).

Subfamily Trichiinae Gmelin, 1790

1. Osmoderma barnabita Motschulsky, 1845

= eremita auct., part.

For many years, it was assumed that Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) inhabits the entire territory of Europe, which was also considered by some authors as Osmoderma lassalei septemtrionale Tauzin, 1994 (Shokhin, 2002), however, according to genetic analysis (Audisio et al., 2007), it turned out that in reality it is a separate species, It does not extend to the east beyond western Germany and, in the north, Sweden (Smirnov, 2008). Completely unexpected was the need to use the name barnabita Motschulsky, 1845 (in accordance with the original description and the discovered type material). This has increased confusion, since traditionally the name "barnabita" was used to refer to one of the Far Eastern species (Medvedev, 1960; Smirnov, 2008). Thus, all early indications of Osmoderma eremita in the Saratov region (Red Data Book of the Saratov Region, 1996; Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, 2001; Ranius et. al., 2005; Anikin, 2006) should be attributed to Osmoderma barnabita.
It is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2001). The species is rare in the Saratov Region, and was observed in the north – west of the region in 1980-1995 near the borders of the Voronezh, Tambov, and Penza regions (Red Data Book of the Saratov Region, 1996; Ranius et. al., 2005). Modern finds are rare and come from the Balashovsky and Petrovsky districts (Anikin, 2006).
It is confined to old broad-leaved forests. Larvae develop in rot in hollows and cavities of trees: mainly oak (Quercus), linden (Tilia), willow (Salix), beech (Fagus sylvatica) and fruit trees (Prunus, Pyrus, Malus domestica) (Medvedev, 1960; Ranius et. al., 2005). Normal larval development can occur only in the hollows of living trees (Gusakov, 2002).

Distribution map of European species of the genus Osmoderma, according to Audisio et al., 2007.

photos from the site http://commons.wikimedia.org

2. Gnorimus variabilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
= octopunctatus (Fabricius, 1775)

Rare. Sporadic. It is listed as an appendix to the Red Data Book of the Saratov Region (Anikin et al., 2008). In the region, we recorded it in the vicinity of Saratov (Kumysnaya Polyana), in Novoburassky and Volsky districts. It is distributed south along the Volga River to the Volgograd region, where it is recorded in the Shcherbakovskaya Gully and Volgograd (Medvedev, 1960; Shokhin, 2002). We collected mostly young beetles in early July by smoking them out of hollow stumps, which gives the most quantitative results. Years are observed until mid-summer, at which time beetles stick to crowns, or umbrella flowers.
It is confined to broad-leaved, mostly old oak forests of the nemoral type, where it occurs in clearings and edges. Larvae develop in rotten wood (stumps, hollows) of oak (Quercus), willow (Salix), chestnut (Aesculus), and alder (Alnus) (Medvedev, 1960).

photos from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by N. V. Rodnev).

3. Trichius fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

In the Saratov region, the species is relatively rare and sporadic; in the north of the region, it is common. We observed it in the Right Bank: Rtishchevsky, Atkarsky, Tatishchevsky, Saratovsky districts. It is distributed, apparently, mostly in the Right Bank, entering the Trans-Volga region, in the north and central part of the region, on forest islands and hills. The pattern of elytra is very variable, in addition to the typical shape, we found: ab. scutellaris Kraatz, 1891, ab. abbreviatus Mulsant, 1842, ab. dubius Mulsant, 1842, ab.interruptus Mulsant, 1842.
The species lives in forests, clearings in broad-leaved and mixed forests, and meadows. Beetles lead an open lifestyle, feed on the flowers of various plants, and are often found on umbrella plants (Anthriscus spp., Archangelica spp., Heracleum spp., etc.) (Medvedev, 1960). Larvae develop in rotten wood, stumps of tree species.

Variations in the pattern of elytra of Trichius fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758), according to Medvedev, 1960
Map of the distribution of Trichius fasciatus, according to Medvedev, 1960

photos from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by K. V. Makarov).


Anikin V. V., Berezutsky M. A., Zhigalov V. N., Zavyalov E. V., Kostetsky O. V., Mosolova E. Yu., Ruchin A. B., Sazhnev A. S., Tabachishin V. G., Shlyakhtin G. V., Yakushev N. N. Annotated lists of taxa and populations of fungi, plants and animals of the Saratov region as applications to the regional Red Book: principles of formation and adjustment / / Scientific works of the Smolny National Park. Saransk-Smolny Publ., 2008, issue 1, pp. 8-18.
Gusakov A. A. Lamellar beetles of the Trichiinae subfamily (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in the fauna of Russia. Species of the genus Gymnodus Kirby. Kaluga: Eidos Publishing House, 2002, 60 p.
Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. Animals. AST Astrel, 2001. 256 p.
Red Data Book of the Saratov region. Animals. Children's Book Publishing House, Part 2, Saratov, 1996, pp. 165-263.
Medvedev S. I. Lamellar whiskers (Scarabaeidae). Subfamilies Euchirinae, Dynastinae, Glaphyrinae, Trichiinae / / Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera, vol. X, vol. 4. Moscow-L., 1960, 399 p.
Smirnov M. E. List of species of the Trichiinae subfamily (Waxwings and mottles) of the Russian fauna. www.zin.ru/animalia/coleoptera/rus/trich_ru.htm (2008).
Shokhin I. V. Plate-whiskered beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Lower Volga region // Insect biodiversity of the South-east of the European part of Russia. Issue 1. Volgograd, 2002, pp. 83-137.
Audisio P., Brustel H., Carpaneto G.M., Coletti G., Mancini E., Piattela E., Trizzino M., Dutto M., Antonini G., De Biase A. Updating the taxonomy and distribution of the european Osmoderma, and strategies for their conservation (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) // Fragmenta entomologica, Roma, 39 (2): 273-290 (2007).
Ranius, T., Aguado, L. O., Antonsson, K., Audisio, P., Ballerio, A., Carpaneto, G. M., Chobot, K., Gjurasin, B., Hanssen, O., Huijbregts, H., Lakatos, F., Martin, O., Neculiseanu, Z., Nikitsky, N. B., Paill, W., Pirnat, A., Rizun, V., Ruicanescu, A., Stegner, J., Suda, I., Szwalko, P., Tamutis, V., Telnov, D., Tsinkevich, V., Versteirt, V., Vignon, V., Vogeli, M. & Zach, P., 2005. Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) in Europe. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 28.1: 1–44.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 02/21/2010 13: 40

picture: Карта_распространения_европейских_видов_рода_Osmoderma.jpg
Карта_распространения_европейских_видов_рода_Osmoderma.jpg — (25.85 k)

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Osmoderma_barnabita_Motschulsky__1845.jpg — (126.41к)

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Gnorimus_variabilis__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (97.57к)

Variations of the_pattern _ of elytra _ Trichius_fasciatus_ _ Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (61.71к)

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Карта_распространения_Trichius_fasciatus.jpg — (39.5 k)

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Trichius_fasciatus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (95.07к)


19.02.2010 18:20, Алексей Сажнев

Subfamily Cetoniinae Leach, 1815

1. Cetonia (s. str.) aurata ssp. aurata Linnaeus, 1758

Everywhere it is common, sometimes massive. It keeps to open, well-lit places-it is common in meadows, clearings, forest edges, and flowers. In the Saratov region, in addition to the typical form, we noted the following aberrations: ab. piligera Mulsant, 1842, ab. purpurata Heer, 1841.
Years are very long: from the beginning of May to the middle of August. Beetles are mostly anthophages of various woody, shrubby and herbaceous plants, and also willingly feed on the leaking juice of oak and pear trees. Larvae are associated with dead wood and tree roots (Medvedev, 1964).

photo from the site http://www.galerie-insecte.org

2. Protaetia (Liocola) marmorata ssp. marmorata (Fabricius, 1792)
= lugubris (Herbst, 1786)

In the Saratov region, the species is rare, there are only isolated finds. In addition to the instructions of N. L. Sakharov (1903), it was marked by I. V. Kryukov in the north-west of the region in the Rtishchevsky district (village of Klyuchi).
It is confined to old forests and gardens, beetles are found both on the edges and in the depths of the forest on tree trunks, where they feed on flowing sap, less often on flowers. Larvae develop in old tree stumps and hollows of deciduous trees (Medvedev, 1964).

photo from the site http://www.entomologie-stuttgart.de (photo by J. Reibnitz)

3. Protaetia (Calopotosia) aeruginosa (Drury, 1770)
= speciosissima (Scopoli, 1786)

It is rare, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2001). In the Saratov region, it is known from the Right Bank from isolated finds from local populations in the Khvalynsky and Krasnoarmeysky districts (Anikin, 2006). The SSAU and SOMK museums each have one copy of their Tatishchevsky district.
It lives in old broad-leaved forests and in the forest-steppe, is confined to upland oak forests, keeps in the crowns of trees and on trunks with flowing sap. Larvae develop in hollows and rotten deciduous wood (Medvedev, 1964).

photo from the site http://www.entomologie-stuttgart.de (photo by J. Reibnitz)

4. Protaetia (Potosia) metallica ssp. metallica (Herbst, 1782)
= floricola (Herbst, 1790)

A myrmecophilic species, the development of which is associated with Formica rufa L., F. pratensis Retz., Camponotus herculeanus L. and some others, without which it is not found (Medvedev, 1964; Shokhin, 2002). In the Saratov region, it is represented by two subspecies. There are also transitional forms in the region, with not quite clear subspecies affiliation. In general, the species is mostly isolated.
The nominative subspecies in the region occupies the north-western territories, is confined to places with sufficient moisture, we noted in the Khopra Valley, in Rtishchevsky, as well as in Tatishchevsky and Novoburassky districts of the region.

Protaetia (Potosia) metallica ssp. volhyniensis (Gory et Percheron, 1833)

Southern subspecies. In the Saratov region, it is distributed more widely, both in the forest-steppe and in the steppe zone, provided that it is sufficiently moistened. It is found in forests, on the edges, meadows. It is often linked to riverbeds and other bodies of water. We know of finds from the Rtishchevsky, Tatishchevsky, Saratovsky, and Krasnoarmeysky districts, as well as from the vicinity of Saratov (Kumysnaya Polyana), where the species is associated with fairly large colonies of Formica rufa L.

photo from the site http://www.colpolon.biol.uni.wroc.pl

5. Protaetia (Potosia) fieberi ssp. boldyrevi Jacobson, 1909

In the Saratov region, the species is rare, represented by the eastern subspecies. N. L. Sakharov (1903) did not record the species, and S. I. Medvedev (1964) did not have any specific data for the territory of the region, so we believe that this is the first indication of the species for the Saratov region, and we give the dates and places of collection.
Material: Novoburassky district, okr. Mokhovoe boloto, 24. IV. 1985 (1 copy) O. A. Garanin (SOMK); Rtishchevsky district, S. Klyuchi, Makarovsky zapovednik, 13. VI. 1992 (1 copy) I. V. Kryukov, ibid., na tsvetstv, 26-28. VI. 2008 (1 copy) A. S. Sazhnev.
Associated with broad-leaved forests, beetles are found on tree trunks and flowers. The larva develops in rotten oak and linden wood.

photo from the site www.hmyzfoto.cz -nominative subspecies

6. Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta (Poda, 1761)

It is common throughout the region. It is found in various landscape areas, preferring dry open spaces, although it is not uncommon in forests. It is quite common in floodplains of rivers, where it adheres to more elevated sections of the riverbed. Anthophagus, eating up parts of the generative organs of plants, harms fruit crops, less often damages cereals (Medvedev, 1964).

photo from the site http://www.zin.ru (photo by K. V. Makarov)

7. Oxythyrea funesta Poda von Neuhaus, 1761

In the Saratov region, it is widespread everywhere, sometimes massive. It is found in open biotopes and on the edges of forests. It avoids sandy areas (Shokhin, 2002). The biology is similar to the previous species.

картинка: Cetonia__s._str.__aurata_ssp._aurata_Linnaeus__1758.jpg
Cetonia__s._str.__aurata_ssp._aurata_Linnaeus__1758.jpg — (123.21к)

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Protaetia__Liocola__marmorata_ssp._marmorata__Fabricius__1792_.jpg — (132.88к)

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Protaetia__Calopotosia__aeruginosa__Drury__1770_.jpg — (148.51к)

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Protaetia__Potosia__metallica__Herbst__1782_.jpg — (163.57к)

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Protaetia__Potosia__fieberi.jpg — (95.22к)

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Tropinota__Epicometis__hirta__Poda__1761_.jpg — (121.79к)

picture: Oxythyrea_funesta.jpg
Oxythyrea_funesta.jpg — (51.55к)

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19.02.2010 18:33, Алексей Сажнев

Subfamily Valginae Mulsant, 1842

1. Valgus hemipterus (Linnaeus, 1758)

In the Saratov region, on the Right Bank, there are known finds from Saratov, Saratovsky, Tatishchevsky, Volsky districts, but undoubtedly the species is more widespread.
The species is common, but mostly occurs singly. It is associated with broad-leaved and mixed forests, but adults prefer open landscape conditions, beetles are found on the edges, clearings, in urban environments, where they are tied to gardens, and along riverbeds they enter the steppes. Summer is usually observed in the second half of summer. The generation is annual. Polyphage larvae develop in rotten and dying deciduous wood. Imago on flowers.

photo from the site www.colpolon.biol.uni.wroc.pl

picture: Valgus_hemipterus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
Valgus_hemipterus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (125.64к)

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20.02.2010 11:44, Dmitry Vlasov

Trichius fasciatus larvae in the Yaroslavl region prefer moist deciduous wood (birch, oak) with white rot (lignin-destroying fungi, for example Fomes fomentarius). Once in the Vologda region, several dozen larvae were found in a pile of swollen chipboards (bedposts) thrown out in the forest. One beetle was removed...
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20.02.2010 18:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

Trichius fasciatus larvae in the Yaroslavl region prefer moist deciduous wood (birch, oak) with white rot (lignin-destroying fungi, for example Fomes fomentarius). Once in the Vologda region, several dozen larvae were found in a pile of swollen chipboards (bedposts) thrown out in the forest. One beetle was removed...

In my area, its larvae are plentiful in birch gnilushki, and in general, in M. O. it is a very banal beetle.
Alexey, I have a request for you: please extend the term of your photos. It turns out to be a good topic.
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20.02.2010 20:18, Алексей Сажнев

Thank you, I unsubscribed to the moderators about the photo when creating the topic, maybe not yet time
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20.02.2010 20:33, Алексей Сажнев

In addition to the topic, I will give a few facts about Protaetia (Potosia) metallica (Herbst, 1782), namely:

Map of distribution according to S. I. Medvedev, 1964

and 2 copies from your own collection:

1. Protaetia (Potosia) metallica ssp. metallica (Herbst, 1782)
Moscow region, Krasnoarmeysky district, near Chernichka station, with flowers, 17. VI. 2009 (2 copies) I. A. Yudakov leg., A. S. Sazhnev det.

2. Protaetia (Potosia) metallica ssp. volhyniensis (Gory et Percheron, 1833)
Saratov region, Saratovsky district, surrounding village Sinenkie, na tsvetkakh, 31. V. 2007 (2 copies) leg. I. V. Kryukov, A. S. Sazhnev, det. A. S. Sazhnev

References: Medvedev S. I. Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera, vol. X, issue 5. Podsem. Cetoniinae, Valginae, M.-L., Nauka Publishing House, 1964, 376 p.

This post was edited by Alexey Sazhnev - 20.02.2010 20: 34

picture: Ареал_Potosia_metallica.jpg
Ареал_Potosia_metallica.jpg — (110.66к)

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Protaetia__Potosia__metallica_ssp._volhyniensis__Gory_et_Percheron__1833_.jpg — (257к)

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21.02.2010 0:35, Black Coleopter

Troxiki + this theme is the best!!! Keep it up, Alexey!!! You also give spics for other groups of coleoptera. Coleoptera - forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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21.02.2010 14:52, Алексей Сажнев

Thank you, if possible I will continue

16.03.2010 9:45, Nomaddin

Valgus hemipterus:
In the Penza region, males are often found in April and May on rosaceae flowers (especially mountain ash), sometimes several per inflorescence.
Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta :
In our country, it occurs only in early spring on sandy areas, and in summer in the funesta mass. Hirta is parasitized by the scolian wasp Ludita villosa (=Tiphia morio), which only flies in early spring!
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23.03.2010 16:45, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here is such a form of Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758, I come across here occasionally (mostly "classics").
Caught: 27.07.2009 Here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district, on scabiose.

picture: P3232369.jpg
P3232369.jpg — (76.38к)

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23.03.2010 16:58, Cerambyx

Cool bug, very peculiar looks.
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23.03.2010 17:51, Алексей Сажнев

I think it's ab. suecicus looks really unusual
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23.03.2010 17:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

I think it's ab. suecicus looks really unusual

Alexey, is it okay if I post M. O. povykladyvayu here? In my opinion, I still have some of them (you need to see).

23.03.2010 20:57, Алексей Сажнев

No, of course I don't mind - I'm all for it!
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24.03.2010 13:17, vasiliy-feoktistov

Voskovik from the Far East (Sakhalin Island). Unfortunately, I simply don't have any other data on this beetle (the label is clumsy).
Lasiotrichius succinctus Pallas, 1781
Many thanks to Elizar for identifying the beetle.

picture: Lasiotrichius.jpg
Lasiotrichius.jpg — (86.34к)

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24.03.2010 22:57, vasiliy-feoktistov

Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758
and Oxythyrea funesta Poda, 1761 in nature.
The pictures were taken here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district (dates in file names).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 24.03.2010 23: 12

picture: 09.07.2005.jpg
09.07.2005.jpg — (107.03к)

picture: 25.05.2007.jpg
25.05.2007.jpg — (123.89к)

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25.03.2010 10:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

Another form of Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758 from the Moscow region was discovered today.
Caught: 04.06.1996 Here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.

picture: P3252372.jpg
P3252372.jpg — (72.45к)

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06.06.2010 18:44, vasiliy-feoktistov

I checked my Agaphantia intermedia point today and didn't find any frown.gif.
But I found another aberration of Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758 jump.gif. They (its aberrations) were also planned to be taken up this season.
Found: 06.06.2010 Here: M. O. Lyuberetsky district of okr. der. Torbeevo, on snyti.
I hasten to introduce (ab. divisus?):

picture: T_fasciatus.jpg
T_fasciatus.jpg — (89.83к)

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11.06.2010 14:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

I want to continue the topic with the result of my yesterday's campaign for aberrants Trichius fasciatus Linnaeus, 1758 (4 copies).
All beetles from here: M. O. Balashikha district okr. der. Poltevo, glade of power lines.

1.jpg — (90.37к)

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2.jpg — (74.7 k)

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3.jpg — (76.81 k)

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4.jpg — (63.4 k)

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11.06.2010 17:59, Алексей Сажнев

As I understand it, almost all (or all) aberrants are closest to ab. noui

11.06.2010 18:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

As I understand it, almost all (or all) aberrants are closest to ab. noui

Yes, apparently, but they all differ. Truly amazing beetle (not one of them is the same).

22.11.2010 17:40, AGG

to Alexey Sazhnev
You write that " Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta (Poda, 1761) is common throughout the region." do you have any data on the north of the Ryazan region/the border with Tambov? I collect beetles in the Tambov region for more than 20 years and have never seen this species.

22.11.2010 19:08, Fornax13

to AGG
is a southern view, and you may not have one in your area. In Ulyanovsk - rarely, and then in the extreme south of the region (near the borders with the Samara and Saratov regions).

22.11.2010 19:45, AGG

to fornax13
many thanks. I collected it in the vicinity of Gelendzhik - there it is a mass species. I was alerted by the fact that in a more northern area it is common. I have only one copy from the collection of beetles of the Tambov region of the 60s, but without a label weep.gifand such "you will not sew it to the case" frown.gifso the hope crept in that it was somewhere near someone, etc.

22.11.2010 20:02, AGG

mol.gif mol.gif mol.gif At the same time, I was looking at pages for the Ryazan and Saratov regions, so I got mixed up somewhere. sorry again. but after all Saratovskaya and Tambov border wink.gif

09.02.2012 18:35, Victor Titov

On the issue of Trichius fasciatus aberrations. This year I collected this one:
Yaroslavl region, Borisoglebsky district, vicinities of d. Borushka, 03. VII. 2011
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20.02.2012 19:45, Kimixla

In continuation of the topic, information on some species from the west of the Saratov region (mainly Balashovsky district)

Trichius fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758) - regularly found on flowers in floodplain oak forests of the Khopyor River.

Protaetia marmorata (Fabricius, 1792) - caught 2 specimens. in the past season: one came to me on a fishing trip, the other in a trap with a wandering bait.

This post was edited by Kimixla - 02/21/2012 16: 36

010.jpg — (281.15к)

006.jpg — (240.85к)

21.02.2012 16:46, Kimixla

It could be Protaetia aeruginosa, but I'm not entirely sure. The body length is about 27 mm.

140.jpg — (218.6к)

013.jpg — (473.3 k)

009.jpg — (493.41к)

003.jpg — (246.74 k)

21.02.2012 20:56, Bad Den

It could be Protaetia aeruginosa, but I'm not entirely sure. The body length is about 27 mm.

It Is

21.02.2012 22:31, Kimixla

Then you can specify one more point for the Saratov region - the town of Balashov, the middle of the Khoper River.

22.12.2015 21:13, Ксения2015

Belarusian striped.
Belarus, Belino village (Borisovsky district, Minsk region,)

picture: IMG_153733.JPG
IMG_153733.JPG — (108.83к)

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Project editor and administrator: Peter Khramov.

I express my gratitude to moderators, photographers and involved users for their contribution to the website progress.

© Insecta.pro, 2007—2025.

Species catalog enables to sort by characteristics such as expansion, flight time, etc..

Photos of representatives Insecta.

Detailed insects classification with references list.

Enotomologists search system and a living blog.