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Help with catching insects in the Caucasus

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsHelp with catching insects in the Caucasus

Inquisto, 26.06.2014 12:21


Please tell me about catching insects in the Caucasus.
In mid-July, I will be in the area of Maykop in the mountains
and in the village. Beregovoe, Krynitsa, near Gelendzhik.
image: CHPoberege.jpg. png

From the traps I plan to use buried glasses. You probably won't be able to put up a screen with a sheet.

Can you tell me where and who you can look for at this time?

Where to look for rhinoceros beetle, Caucasian ground beetle and barbel?

What are the best traps to use? Maybe with wine and yeast or something similar?


26.06.2014 22:25, Igor1962

Glasses with crushed clams, add beer, or gobies or sprat in tomato sauce, you can add vodka or wine-in short, as the imagination jumps. The usual tribaxes and arcs + other bonuses will be used. Kavkazskaya rarely falls into traps walk in the evening, especially after the rain in the park, the forest should be lucky. Barbels on dry and not only trees, with zlatkami to look for . In short where you don't go you look for loot with your eyes

27.06.2014 8:39, Inquisto

shellfish is an interesting idea

This post was edited by Inquisto - 27.06.2014 08: 40

30.06.2014 20:12, Black Coleopter

For bronzes, do not forget to hang the brew.

01.07.2014 9:35, Inquisto

For bronzes, do not forget to hang the brew.

what is its composition to make?
honey, beer, yeast, sugar?

01.07.2014 11:26, Seneka

On Bembidion and other interesting small beetles, put glasses along the river near the water, among the stones. Check every day, because it can flood. As a bait - vinegar. Or crawl along the shore and collect them by hand.

They advised shellfish - they meant marine ones. I do not recommend grape snails, a lot of snot, beetles can not be washed off later.

On others, put the glasses strictly in the lowlands in mountain depressions, preferably near stumps and trees. In forest habitats, locally, even within a few meters, many beetles prefer lowlands.

To catch field and meadow ground beetles, put glasses at the foot of the mountains at the edge of the field, along the road and at the edge of the forest, in an open place, among sparse grass. You can collect interesting material.

Good luck, if there are cattle grazing there, you can use manure as bait.

For dead meat, it's quite possible. Put the glasses in the open, around the bait.

The rhino itself can fall under your feet, looking for it specifically is unrealistic, although banal. Or watch in the evening under powerful lanterns, which are not available in Gelendzhik.

This post was edited by Seneka - 01.07.2014 11: 39

01.07.2014 11:30, Seneka

shellfish is an interesting idea

Crabs stink a lot more and they don't give you any snot. But I did not catch such a fierce bait. smile.gif

01.07.2014 11:42, Seneka

what is its composition to make?
honey, beer, yeast, sugar?

Rotten fruit grind, add water and that's it. Yeast is not necessary, from them the reaction will go.

01.07.2014 20:44, Black Coleopter

what is its composition to make?
honey, beer, yeast, sugar?

Something like this.

01.07.2014 20:46, Black Coleopter

Yeast is not necessary, they will react.

They won't be superfluous.

02.07.2014 12:24, Seneka

They won't be superfluous.

I once had a plastic bottle of povdol burst, with special effects... Definitely the yeast was superfluous.

08.07.2014 18:45, Black Coleopter

I once had a plastic bottle of povdol burst, with special effects... Definitely the yeast was superfluous.

When manufacturing, it was necessary to make holes so that the gas could be vented.

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