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Is there anywhere you can find a large number of blood-sucking midges attacking humans?

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsIs there anywhere you can find a large number of blood-sucking midges attacking humans?

Necrocephalus, 20.09.2016 15:26

Actually, this is the question. The whole of Russia and surrounding countries are considered. If someone can reliably indicate places with a large number of blood-sucking midges attacking a person right now and in the next month , I will be very grateful.


21.09.2016 10:29, Penzyak

We will soon have "white flies" flying in the Volga region, they sting very much in the cold and in the wind...

But seriously, in late August-early September, my friend was bitten by some midges when he was digging potatoes in the garden a hundred meters from the Moksha river... they even managed to get under their pants... the bites are painful with swelling and most importantly they were not visible and not heard!? Surprisingly late terms of activity for such insects

02.10.2016 20:21, Alexander73

Simulium galeratum? Isn't it too late for her?

03.10.2016 9:21, AVA

Simulium galeratum? Isn't it too late for her?

Late for everyone. Midges usually peak in June and, if there is a second generation, then in August. But not at the end of September or October.
Well, thank God. rolleyes.gif
Likes: 2

03.10.2016 13:19, Penzyak

late August-early September

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