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How long can wasps and bees live without food and drink

Community and ForumInsects biology and faunisticsHow long can wasps and bees live without food and drink

SHURPOL, 21.07.2018 11:10

Good morning to all! Can anyone tell you how long wasps and bees can survive without food and water?


23.08.2018 0:26, AVA

Good morning to all! Can anyone tell you how long wasps and bees can survive without food and water?

It all depends on the specific conditions. Normally, in the summer they are kept from 3-4 to 6-7 days. This is if the humidity is high enough.
At the same time, wintering female wasps go without food and water for several (up to 5-7) months. But again, if the humidity is optimal. Otherwise, they may die either from drying out or from fungal damage.

26.08.2018 21:17, SHURPOL

Thank You

13.09.2018 0:35, osmia

As I recall from the magazines, wasps can sit in the nest for about a month, if there is a brood. Their brood secretes a glucose-containing liquid and adults live on it.

16.09.2018 22:44, AVA

As I recall from the magazines, wasps can sit in the nest for about a month, if there is a brood. Their brood secretes a glucose-containing liquid and adults live on it.

But the larvae secrete the secret of the lower labial glands ONLY if the workers feed them. There is a very close connection , which is called trophallaxis.

09.10.2020 9:23, Стопар Гоша

They need to always drink properly when you keep them on the farm. They are demanding to eat, but then what kind of product is obtained.

09.10.2020 9:25, ИНО

And what kind of product do you get from the OS?

02.12.2020 14:04, AVA

And what kind of product do you get from the OS?

As I understand it, this refers to the tincture of pupae on rice vodka. rolleyes.gif

16.05.2021 18:11, Ostracion

Some small bees that have not yet been identified lived for a week, and osmia and xylocops, sometimes, will not last a day.

08.03.2023 22:58, adadurov

In the barn, I "caught" a hornet's nest with 2 or 3 adult wasps in a plastic container. They lived there for 2 months without water or food. At the end, their larvae hatched, the adults soon died, and the young ones lived for about a week after the adults died.

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