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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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18.10.2014 1:05, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava, Kiev district, Aviagorodok, road near the old garden, in years.
08. 10. 2014
Omalium sp.? (Staphylinidae, Omaliinae)
perhaps this is all that the camera can do in different lighting conditions

picture: IMG_7305.JPG
IMG_7305.JPG — (300.6к)

picture: IMG_7308.JPG
IMG_7308.JPG — (278.35к)

picture: IMG_7310.JPG
IMG_7310.JPG — (263.1к)

18.10.2014 1:31, Barnaba

  Tenebrionidae  confused.gif  22 mm

Pimelia (Chaetotoma) sp. Probably P. persica.
It would be possible to say more precisely if there were good photos of the front legs from above and from the side, the middle legs from the side and the rear legs and legs from above and from the side.

18.10.2014 11:21, Andrey.A.

18.10.2014 12:15, Honza

Similar to Pachyscelis musiva

Yes, it is Pachyscelis (Pachyscelis) musiva (Faldefmann, 1832)


This post was edited by Honza - 10/18/2014 12: 16

18.10.2014 14:32, Barnaba

Yes, it is Pachyscelis (Pachyscelis) musiva (Faldefmann, 1832)

But in Pachyscelis, bristles should be visible on each bump on the ribs, pronotum. And their limbs are usually covered in bristles. This is a sign of the genus. In addition, at least the last 5 segments of the antennae of Pachyscelis known to me are chetkovidnye. If I've ever seen this view live, it's been a long time and I don't really remember, I don't have any copies, but it's kind of strange. Are the middle and hind legs wedge-shaped inside or oval in cross-section?

18.10.2014 16:40, stierlyz

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18.10.2014 18:05, gstalker

Please help me with the purple 18mm chernotelka and 23mm zlatka
all Croatia, August

picture: CM141018_16405304.jpg
CM141018_16405304.jpg — (272.9к)

picture: CM141018_16420106.jpg
CM141018_16420106.jpg — (276.8к)

18.10.2014 23:09, Kemist

Please help me identify the Shanghai
bronzes Caught in July 2013.
Location of capture: China, Shanghai, Pudong, Jiangzhen

Pre-Potosia multifoveolata

18.10.2014 23:17, Kemist

Potosia multifoveolata

19.10.2014 1:15, Barnaba

Please help me with the purple 18mm chernotelka and 23mm zlatka
all Croatia, August

Black heifer Helops rossii Germar, 1817.
Golden heifer Buprestis (Buprestis) cupressi Germar 1817.
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20.10.2014 10:24, maik

help with weevils
1.Stavropol.Forest oak, ash, elm, hawthorn, maple mowing 08.06.14.
picture: DSCF5824.JPG
2. Stavropol. Mowing on the steppe. 07.2014.
picture: DSCF5831.JPG
3. Stavropol. Mowing on the steppe. 07.2014.
picture: DSCF5833.JPG
4. KCR Arkhyz Lunnaya polyana Mowing on grass along the stream N-1600. 10.06.2014
picture: DSCF5836.JPG
5. KCR ush.Gonachhir district. lake Tumanly-Gel N-1883m. 08.06.14.
picture: DSCF5838.JPG
6. KCR Arkhyz Lunnaya polyana Mowing on grass along the stream N-1600. 24.05.2014
picture: DSCF5840.JPG
7. Stavropol. Mowing on the steppe. 04.06.2014.
picture: DSCF5843.JPG
8. Stavropol.Forest oak, ash, elm, hawthorn, maple mowing 04.06.14.
picture: DSCF5846.JPG
9. Stavropol. Hawthorn mowing 27.04.2014.
picture: DSCF5848.JPG
10. Stavropol.Forest oak, ash, elm, hawthorn, maple cochineal21. 04. 14.
picture: DSCF5850.JPG

20.10.2014 11:10, Mantispid

help with weevils

1-Otiorhynchus sp.
2,3 - Phyllobius contemptus/canus, rather the first
Otiorhynchus (Pliadonus) sp. 5 - Otiorhynchus (Prilisvanus) sp.
6-Phyllobius, may be Ph. argentatus,
7-Eusomus ovulum Germ.
8 - Phyllobius pyri
9 - Phyllobius oblongus
10 - Pholicodes sp.
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20.10.2014 15:53, Seneka

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20.10.2014 16:13, Seneka

65-67-Moscow, Bitsevsky Forest Park, 26-27. 04. 2014

user posted image

Oxypselaphus obscurus
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20.10.2014 17:46, Seneka

31 - Bembidion ?azurescens
38 - Paradromius linearis
40 - Poecilus ?versicolor ?cupreus


20.10.2014 21:03, Dorcus

good time of day. help determine
rostov region 15.07.2014.
thank you in advance for the light

picture: IMG_9027.JPG
IMG_9027.JPG — (98.61к)

20.10.2014 22:21, OEV

good time of day. help determine
rostov region 15.07.2014.
thank you in advance for the light

In my opinion Ropalopus macropus shuffle.gif
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20.10.2014 22:28, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, 24.08.2014
Cyphocleonus dealbatus?

picture: IMG_9100.jpg

20.10.2014 22:52, Barnaba

good time of day. help determine
rostov region 15.07.2014.
thank you in advance for the light

Ropalopus, almost certainly macropus. There should be no teeth on 3-8 segments of the antennae.
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20.10.2014 22:54, Dorcus

In my opinion Ropalopus macropus shuffle.gif

yes, and in truth it is, thank you very much)!

21.10.2014 7:24, Satyr

I would like to clarify the preliminary definition.
Gnathacmaeops pratensis ?
Caught in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region.

This post was edited by Satyr - 21.10.2014 07: 25

picture: Gnathacmaeops_pratensis_____01062013.jpg
Gnathacmaeops_pratensis_____01062013.jpg — (314.36к)

21.10.2014 12:51, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Voinova gora
1 2.06.2014
picture: IMG_6721________________.jpg
2 11.06.2014
picture: IMG_1652________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1693________________.jpg
3 11.06.2014
picture: IMG_1749________________.jpg
picture: IMG_1738________________.jpg
4 10.06.2014
picture: IMG_4451________________.jpg
5 1.08.2014
picture: IMG_3123.jpg

This post was edited by Gennadich - 10/21/2014 12: 54

21.10.2014 17:08, Liparus

Larinus obtusus
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21.10.2014 17:09, Liparus

And Otiorinhus tristis
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21.10.2014 19:19, OEV

Moscow region, Voinova Gora

1. Donacia semicuprea
3. Plagiodera ?versicolora, confused by a mustache shuffle.gif
4. Cassida ferruginea/panzeri

This post was edited by OEV - 21.10.2014 19: 35
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22.10.2014 9:47, Andrey Ponomarev

Metro station Nerskaya 10.05.2014
picture: IMG_9808________________.jpg
picture: IMG_9875________________.jpg
3 25.06.2014
picture: IMG_0681________________.jpg

22.10.2014 19:16, scarit

I would like to clarify the preliminary definition.
Gnathacmaeops pratensis ?
Caught in Blagoveshchensk, Amur region.

Yes, Gnathacmaeops

23.10.2014 6:31, Satyr

Is it the same view?

picture: Chlorophorus_motschulskyi_________________.jpg
Chlorophorus_motschulskyi_________________.jpg — (311.79к)

23.10.2014 12:54, koll

I can't tell... Can you help me?
Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don. 19.10.2014.
Under the bark.

picture: DSC_0012.jpg
DSC_0012.jpg — (258.44к)

23.10.2014 12:57, Victor Titov

I can't tell... Can you help me?
Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don. 19.10.2014.
Under the bark.

Cryphaeus cornutus
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23.10.2014 14:01, Dorcus

good time of day
pomogtye determine. I know that platitudes, but I just started collecting small ones, so I'm not strong yet)
rostov region 15-21. 06.
thank you in advance!!!

picture: IMG_9033.JPG
IMG_9033.JPG — (302.88к)

picture: IMG_9035.JPG
IMG_9035.JPG — (141.83к)

23.10.2014 15:17, Liparus

Second Trichoferus campestris
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23.10.2014 18:13, smax

Is it the same view?

Sort of like, yes, Chlorophorus moschulskyi both. Look at the smaller one from the side for fine protruding hairs on the pronotum.

23.10.2014 18:16, smax

good time of day
pomogtye determine. I know that platitudes, but I just started collecting small ones, so I'm not strong yet)
rostov region 15-21. 06.
thank you in advance!!!

Dorcadion carinatum & holosericeum , самки
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24.10.2014 1:48, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Neophaedon? pyritosus (Rossi, 1792)?
3-4 mm
I would like to determine before the view.
Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava, Leninsky district, Victory Park, on the sidewalk
observed in large numbers. perhaps some Ranunculus sp. was growing nearby.

This post was edited by Evgeny Ribalchenko - 24.10.2014 01: 49

picture: IMG_7356.JPG
IMG_7356.JPG — (297.34к)

picture: IMG_7361.JPG
IMG_7361.JPG — (307.2к)

picture: IMG_7362.JPG
IMG_7362.JPG — (293.09к)

24.10.2014 2:41, Dmitry Vlasov

Metro station Nerskaya 10.05.2014
picture: IMG_9808________________.jpg
picture: IMG_9875________________.jpg
3  25.06.2014
picture: IMG_0681________________.jpg

1. Brachyderes incanus
2. Prosternon tesselatus
3. Cassida sp.
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24.10.2014 4:12, Satyr

Sort of like, yes, Chlorophorus moschulskyi both. Look at the smaller one from the side for fine protruding hairs on the pronotum.

I'll take a look, thanks.)

24.10.2014 11:59, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Poplar 12.07.2014
picture: IMG_8334________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8347________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8357________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8491________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8508________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8546________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8947________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8951________________.jpg
picture: IMG_8958________________.jpg
4 9.05.2014 on rosehip
picture: IMG_3865________________.jpg
picture: IMG_3866________________.jpg
5 10.05.2014 on the pear tree
picture: IMG_9438________________.jpg
6 10.05.2014 on the pear tree
picture: IMG_9445________________.jpg
picture: IMG_9455________________.jpg
7 13.06.2014
picture: IMG_5533________________.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 24.10.2014 12: 25

24.10.2014 14:52, Dmitry Vlasov

1, 2 Cryptocephalus sp. (for metal ones, you need to pull the "pipka" to accurately determine...)
4. Cryptocephalus cordiger
7.Tillus elongatus
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24.10.2014 15:15, koll

The first one is Teberda, the second one is Guzeriplya, sled.Partizanskaya Polyana, and the last one is Starominskaya RO

This post was edited by koll - 24.10.2014 16: 05

picture: DSC_0017.jpg
DSC_0017.jpg — (312.76к)

picture: DSC_0015.jpg
DSC_0015.jpg — (291.37к)

picture: DSC_0018.jpg
DSC_0018.jpg — (306.24к)

picture: DSC_0014.jpg
DSC_0014.jpg — (301.13к)

Pages: 1 ...569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577... 854

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