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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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11.02.2015 16:53, Mantispid

Thailand, hotel territory. 7 mm.

Phytoscaphus sp. (Entiminae)
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11.02.2015 19:29, akulich-sibiria

Eucnemis ? zaitzevi 5.5 mm. Krasnoyarsk Territory. Kozulsky district
picture: Eucnemis_sp_1.JPG
picture: Eucnemis_sp_2.JPG
picture: Eucnemis_sp_3.JPG
picture: Eucnemis_sp_4.JPG

12.02.2015 0:59, Fornax13

Eucnemis ? zaitzevi 5.5 mm. Krasnoyarsk Territory. Kozulsky district

And they, as it turned out-genital, just here I deal with them. External signs don't work for them. Beetles from Khakassia and Primorye seem to have identical genitals, as there are west to the Urals - who knows, there is no material. Maybe this zaitzevi subspecies of capucina will have to be done in the end.

This post was edited by Fornax13-12.02.2015 01: 05
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12.02.2015 7:09, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 29.
Polydrusus undatus (Fabricius, 1781) (= tereticollis DeGeer)?

user posted image

12.02.2015 14:49, Liparus

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 29.
Polydrusus undatus (Fabricius, 1781) (= tereticollis DeGeer)?

Were there birches?

12.02.2015 15:31, Andrey Ponomarev

Vladimir region, Omutischi village, 11.05.2014
1 na sosne
picture: IMG_0169________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0227________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0261________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0262________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0308________________.jpg
picture: IMG_0319________________.jpg
4 18.05.2014 approximately 2 cm
picture: IMG_5846________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5848________________.jpg

12.02.2015 15:38, Mantispid

Vladimir region, Omutischi village, 11.05.2014
1 na sosne

Brachyderes incanus (Linnaeus, 1758)
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12.02.2015 15:39, Mantispid

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 29.
Polydrusus undatus (Fabricius, 1781) (= tereticollis DeGeer)?

Polydrusus (s. str.) tereticollis (DeGeer, 1775)

This post was edited by Mantispid-12.02.2015 15: 40
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13.02.2015 0:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vladimir region, Omutischi village, 11.05.2014
1 na sosne
picture: IMG_0262________________.jpg
4 18.05.2014 approximately 2 cm
picture: IMG_5846________________.jpg
picture: IMG_5848________________.jpg

2) Sericus brunneus (Linnaeus 1758)
4) Ampedus sanguineus (Linnaeus, 1758). Of all the local red ampedus trees, it is the only one that is so healthy smile.gif
We roamed there together then beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 02/13/2015 00: 28
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13.02.2015 10:56, Andrey Ponomarev

2) Sericus brunneus (Linnaeus 1758)
4) Ampedus sanguineus (Linnaeus, 1758). Of all the local red ampedus trees, it is the only one that is so healthy smile.gif
We roamed there together then beer.gif

Of course, together, you then caught a cool zlatka.

13.02.2015 19:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

Cyrttotrachelus sp.
Hefty beast: length with a head tube of 48 mm.
I get lost in elephants, and even more so in overseas ones confused.gif
Can someone tell me ?
Malaysia, Pahang, Cameron Highlands
picture: 1.jpg

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 13.02.2015 19: 19

14.02.2015 8:45, Mantispid

  Cyrttotrachelus sp.
Hefty beast: length with a head tube of 48 mm.
I get lost in elephants, and even more so in overseas ones confused.gif
Can someone tell me ?
Malaysia, Pahang, Cameron Highlands

most likely it is, only written Cyrtotrachelus
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14.02.2015 8:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

most likely it is, only written Cyrtotrachelus

There are no problems with the genus. I just copied the name of the genus from some site and didn't look at it smile.gif
But with the view, apparently ?

14.02.2015 12:19, Mantispid

There are no problems with the genus. I just copied the name of the genus from some site and didn't look at it smile.gif
But with the view, apparently ?

I have no idea smile.gif

14.02.2015 13:19, Victor Titov

There are no problems with the genus. I just copied the name of the genus from some site and didn't look at it smile.gif
But with the view, apparently ?

Or maybe it's Cyrtotrachelus longimanus after all? confused.gif
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14.02.2015 14:03, stierlyz

15.02.2015 17:37, okoem

Barbels to define; at least up to the genus.
Crimea, May-June 2014.

Small appearance, about 5-6 mm.
picture: IMGP3888.JPG
picture: IMGP3891.JPG
picture: IMGP3899.JPG

These are larger, about 1 cm.
picture: IMGP3902.JPG
picture: IMGP3905.JPG
picture: IMGP3908.JPG
picture: IMGP3913.JPG
picture: IMGP3916.JPG

15.02.2015 17:43, Dmitry Vlasov

1. Exocentrus sp.
2. Acanthocinus griseus
3. Mesosa sp.
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15.02.2015 17:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

3) Mesosa (Aphelocnemia) nebulosa (Fabricius, 1781)
4) Suppose Oberea linearis (Linnaeus, 1761)
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15.02.2015 17:57, Dmitry Vlasov

I will follow the example of Vasily and assume
1) Exocentrus stierlini Ganglbauer, 1884 (but I can't guarantee the accuracy shuffle.gif)
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15.02.2015 18:17, okoem

I checked with the list of Crimean barbels and photos of possible species:
Mesosa (Aphelocnemia) nebulosa and Oberea linearis-apparently yes. There's no one else.
As for Exocentrus stierlini, it is not listed for the Crimea. Exocentrus lusitanus, Exocentrus adspersus, and Exocentrus punctipennis are given. And the last view is given from the steppe zone, where my Exocentrus sp.

15.02.2015 19:55, vasiliy-feoktistov

Moreover, the last species is given from the steppe zone, where my Exocentrus sp. was collected.

yes.gif It is very likely that this is the case.
E. punctipennis has been steadily coming to my light, to my balcony for several years now (previously it was unusual for my area).
Vladimir, compare:

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 15.02.2015 20: 28
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16.02.2015 12:25, VBoris

Hello! Please help me with the beetles.
295del, 296del, 299crop, 300crop, 301del, 303crop, 305crop - end of April. Minsk region, Belarus.
303crop and 305crop are the same individual.

picture: 295del.jpg
295del.jpg — (55.76к)

picture: 296del.jpg
296del.jpg — (85.22к)

picture: 299crop.jpg
299crop.jpg — (223.04к)

picture: 300crop.jpg
300crop.jpg — (265.36к)

picture: 301del.jpg
301del.jpg — (99.35к)

picture: 303crop.jpg
303crop.jpg — (87.14к)

picture: 305crop.jpg
305crop.jpg — (157.84к)

16.02.2015 12:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

296del.jpg Ostoma ferruginea (Linnaeus, 1758)
299crop.jpg Rhagium (Megarhagium) mordax (DeGeer, 1775)
300crop.jpg Ontholestes tessellatus (Geoffroy, 1785)
303crop.jpg and 305crop.jpg Rhagium (Rhagium) inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758
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16.02.2015 13:57, Victor Titov

Hello! Please help me with the beetles.

295del - Bromius obscurus (Linnaeus, 1758).
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17.02.2015 11:55, VBoris

301del-not Quedius by any chance?

17.02.2015 13:16, DerMetaplasmus

Help me identify the beetles, all caught in the Khabarovsk Territory.
picture: _7211067.JPG
picture: _7211069.JPG
picture: _7211070.JPG
picture: _7211071.JPG
picture: _7211074.JPG
picture: _7211075.JPG
picture: _7211076.JPG
picture: _7211078.JPG

17.02.2015 17:15, Mantispid

Help identify the beetles, all caught in the Khabarovsk Territory.

4 - Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Linnaeus, 1758)
8-Hylobius (Callirus) sp., most closely resembles H. pinastri (Gyllenhal, 1813)
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17.02.2015 18:25, Victor Titov

Help identify the beetles, all caught in the Khabarovsk Territory.

1 - Cucujus haematodes.
5 - Boros schneideri.
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17.02.2015 21:41, scarit

2.Carabus hummeli smaragdulus
3. Brachyta variabilis
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17.02.2015 23:25, Wild Yuri

Please define it. Yakutia, Oi village, summer 2014. Photo by Prokopiy Nogovitsyn.

picture: _________________________________2.jpg

picture: _________________________________3.jpg

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 02/17/2015 23: 28

17.02.2015 23:27, Mantispid

Please define it. Yakutia, Oi village, summer 2014. Photo by Prokopiy Nogovitsyn.

again Ch. sibiricus
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19.02.2015 11:48, VBoris

Good afternoon! Help identify these beetles from the photo:
306crop, 307crop-end of April, mixed forest, Minsk region, Belarus.
308crop, 309crop - the same individual, end of April, clearing near mixed forest, Minsk region, Belarus.
310crop-end of May, field at the edge of the forest, Minsk region, Belarus.
312crop, 314crop - end of May, sosnyak, Minsk region, Belarus.

picture: 306crop.jpg
306crop.jpg — (121.66к)

picture: 307crop.jpg
307crop.jpg — (249.99 k)

picture: 308crop.jpg
308crop.jpg — (155.88 k)

picture: 309crop.jpg
309crop.jpg — (206.4к)

picture: 310crop.jpg
310crop.jpg — (116.04к)

picture: 312crop.jpg
312crop.jpg — (167.98к)

picture: 314crop.jpg
314crop.jpg — (200.95к)

19.02.2015 12:19, vasiliy-feoktistov

306crop.jpg Bromius obscurus (Linnaeus, 1758)
307crop.jpg Lygistopterus sanguineus (Linnaeus, 1758)? (doubtful some, maybe someone will make it even clearer).
308crop.jpg and 309crop.jpg Cicindela campestris Linnaeus, 1758
310crop.jpg Clytra quadripunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
312crop.jpg Rhagium (Megarhagium) mordax (DeGeer, 1775)
314crop.jpg / Selatosomus aeneus (Linnaeus, 1758) (it has black legs)

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 19.02.2015 12: 28
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19.02.2015 12:51, Mantispid

307crop.jpg Lygistopterus sanguineus (Linnaeus, 1758)? (doubtful some, maybe someone will make it even clearer).

nooo, it's definitely not Lygistopterus sanguineus, it's probably Dictyoptera aurora (Herbst, 1784)
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19.02.2015 21:36, stierlyz

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20.02.2015 15:47, Irina92

Size 6 mm. 8 dots on each elytra, and 4 dots on the pronotum. Please help me determine!

picture: ___024243_2563.JPG
___024243_2563.JPG — (145.02к)

20.02.2015 17:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

Size 6 mm. 8 dots on each elytra, and 4 dots on the pronotum. Please help me determine!

Irina, for b. m. accurate determination of the beetle, you must specify the geography and date of capture.

20.02.2015 23:00, аруд

The green devil -- ???? Bryansk region, June. Thank you very much. Sorry for the photo.

picture: 74.jpg
74.jpg — (251.6к)

20.02.2015 23:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

The green devil -- ???? Bryansk region, June. Thank you very much. Sorry for the photo.

Chrysanthia viridissima (Linnaeus, 1758)
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