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Identification of beetles (Coleoptera)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of beetles (Coleoptera)

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25.02.2015 15:40, scarit

I will add: if you shine a flashlight on them, the back looks mirror-golden in beetles. Not transparent

Not these? http://zhivaja-priroda.ru/zhivotnye/knizhn...izhnyjj-senoed/

25.02.2015 16:56, akulich-sibiria

tell us what are the main differences between Dromius (Dromius) angusticollis and Dromius (Dromius) quadraticollis
in green there is no first species.
Or does only the first species live in the Krasnoyarsk Territory?

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 25.02.2015 17: 00

25.02.2015 19:01, Guest

Not these? http://zhivaja-priroda.ru/zhivotnye/knizhn...izhnyjj-senoed/

I don't think so. My beetles have a head that doesn't seem to be separate from the body. And my antennae are even slightly longer than my legs. I tried to take a picture...
People, how do I get rid of them if the Raptor didn't work on them? Please tell me! mol.gif // I don't know how to add a photo. Here is the link https://vk.com/photo58901849_353657888

25.02.2015 19:05, Guest

Not these? http://zhivaja-priroda.ru/zhivotnye/knizhn...izhnyjj-senoed/

Although... I looked at the Brownie Hay Eater - it looks similar from the photo. Only I didn't find what size this hay eater is. and how to get rid of it.

25.02.2015 19:42, I.solod

tell us what are the main differences between Dromius (Dromius) angusticollis and Dromius (Dromius) quadraticollis
in green there is no first species.
Or does only the first species live in the Krasnoyarsk Territory?

look at the determinant 3 volume part 1 on DV pages 219-220 there they both and you also both should meet they are a couple from Belarus meet in the forest zone to the east

This post was edited by I. solod - 02/25/2015 19: 43
Likes: 1

25.02.2015 20:07, akulich-sibiria

Krasnoyarsk Region, 6 mm. Coniferous forest
picture: DSCN0795.JPG
picture: DSCN0796.JPG
picture: DSCN0798.JPG
picture: DSCN0800.JPG
picture: DSCN0801.JPG

25.02.2015 20:25, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Zabaykalsky Krai, Olovyaninsky district, Komkay settlement Okr

25.02.2015 20:30, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Zabaikalsky Krai, Olovyaninsky district, okr. village of Komkaipicture: IMG_8158.JPG
Zabaikalsky Krai, Chernyshevsky district, 5 km South of Bagulny village
leg. Biksaleev A. A.
picture: IMG_8101.JPG

This post was edited by Evgeny Ribalchenko - 02/25/2015 20: 32

25.02.2015 21:00, Victor Titov

Please tell me! The photo can't be removed-you can't see them.
Yellow-red beetles are slightly less than 1 mm in size. They run pretty fast. 6 legs and 2 antennae. Round ones. If you crush it, you can hear a soft click. You can only see them when they move, and when they don't move, they just seem to be a speck of dust.
They're in our closet with children's clothes and running around the floor along the closet.
They don't seem to bite. They don't seem to be afraid of the light.
They tried to poison them with a Raptor, but they survived.
How to poison them, and who can it be?

I will add: if you shine a flashlight on them, the back looks mirror-golden in beetles. Not transparent

I don't think so. My beetles have a head that doesn't seem to be separate from the body. And my antennae are even slightly longer than my legs. I tried to take a picture...
People, how do I get rid of them if the Raptor didn't work on them? Please tell me! mol.gif // I don't know how to add a photo. Here is the link https://vk.com/photo58901849_353657888

The last thing is to guess who it is, according to the description and such a photo.
First, it is better to do it on this forum here in this one: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=339580&st=4700 in this topic, not here, because this topic is about beetles. Your objects almost certainly have nothing to do with beetles.
Secondly, as it seems to me from your description and photo (albeit of poor quality), these are some kind of mites, possibly gamazovye. Read these: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...%EA%EB%E5%F9%E8 http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...%EA%EB%E5%F9%E8 links. What you think is a mustache is probably a fourth pair of limbs. Well, "Google" ticks in general, including gamazovyh, rat, chicken, bird...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 25.02.2015 21: 01

25.02.2015 21:05, Victor Titov

Zabaykalsky Krai, Olovyaninsky district, Komkai settlement area

Stictoleptura variicornis (Dalman, 1817)

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 25.02.2015 21: 06
Likes: 1

25.02.2015 22:04, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Codocera ferruginea?
1.08.12. Zabaikalsky Krai, Chernyshevsky district, 5 km to the north of Bagulny village

picture: IMG_8130.JPG
IMG_8130.JPG — (299.56к)

25.02.2015 22:08, Guest

"google" ticks in general, including gamaza, rat, chicken, and bird ticks...

Thank you very much!!!

25.02.2015 22:54, stierlyz

Likes: 1

26.02.2015 3:45, akulich-sibiria

Similar to Atrecus longicornis, Google it. For the future, I recommend writing the date, ecology, and not having the photo "backwards".

on this beetle 28.06.2013 Fir tree. Into the bark beetle pheromone trap.
By "back-to-front" you mean from the general plan to the photo in parts?

26.02.2015 11:09, scarit

Codocera ferruginea?
1.08.12. Zabaikalsky Krai, Chernyshevsky district, 5 km to the north of Bagulny village


26.02.2015 13:50, Urman

Please help me identify leaf eaters. North of the Omsk region, forest zone. Bolshye Uki village. 19-20. 06. 2014. 8-9mm.

picture: IMG_6943.JPG
IMG_6943.JPG — (285.48к)

picture: IMG_6958.JPG
IMG_6958.JPG — (301.62к)

picture: IMG_6964.JPG
IMG_6964.JPG — (299.86к)

picture: IMG_6856.JPG
IMG_6856.JPG — (286.54к)

26.02.2015 18:45, smax

Zabaikalsky Krai, Chernyshevsky district, 5 km south of Bagulny village
leg. Biksaleev A. A.
picture: IMG_8101.JPG

Eodorcadion humerale
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27.02.2015 6:59, Dmitry Vlasov

Please help me identify leaf eaters. North of the Omsk region, forest zone. Bolshye Uki village. 19-20. 06. 2014. 8-9mm.

In order:
1. Donacia sp.
2-3 Plateumaris sp. from the group sericea/discolor
4. Donacia clavipes
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27.02.2015 12:08, Woodmen

Attempt #2. smile.gif
Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 28. On Fragaria vesca.

user posted image

This post was edited by Woodmen - 02/27/2015 12: 09

27.02.2015 12:51, Dmitry Vlasov

Attempt #2. smile.gif
Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 28. On Fragaria vesca.

user posted image

If you feel better, then Meligetes sp.
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27.02.2015 15:34, scarit

Kemerovo region, Karakansky village, ostepnenny slope, 08.2014

picture: SAM_1157.JPG
SAM_1157.JPG — (239.92к)

27.02.2015 16:13, Mantispid

Kemerovo region, Karakansky village, ostepnenny slope, 08.2014

in my opinion, someone from this group
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27.02.2015 16:18, scarit

Also from Kemer.region, Krasnobrodsky settlement, bereznyak, 07.2014

picture: SAM_1158.JPG
SAM_1158.JPG — (306.16к)

27.02.2015 16:44, scarit

Kemerovo region Anobiidae?

picture: SAM_1156.JPG
SAM_1156.JPG — (206.86к)

27.02.2015 17:29, Mantispid

Also from Kemer.region, Krasnobrodsky settlement, bereznyak, 07.2014

Curculio rubidus (Gyllenhal, 1836)
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27.02.2015 19:20, akulich-sibiria

Krasnoyarsk Territory. The lake shore. 5 mm. Paws and antennae are yellow. The dorsum and elytra are brown, the head is darker. Forehead with coarse longitudinal wrinkles. Pronotum with weak transverse wrinkles near the median furrow.The elytra expand towards the apex.3rd gap with 4 setae. Perhaps Dromius ruficollis???
picture: DSCN0802.JPG
picture: DSCN0803.JPG
picture: DSCN0804.JPG

27.02.2015 19:31, smax

Paradromius ruficollis, logically presupposed
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27.02.2015 21:46, VBoris

Good day! I would be very grateful if you could help me identify these beetles.
378crop, 402crop, 406crop, 407crop - end of June, Vitebsk oblast, Belarus.
387crop-beginning of September, Minsk Oblast, Belarus.
431crop - end of June, Minsk Oblast, Belarus.
452crop - end of July, Minsk Oblast, Belarus.

This post was edited by VBoris - 27.02.2015 22: 06

picture: 378crop.jpg
378crop.jpg — (216.08к)

picture: 402crop.jpg
402crop.jpg — (320.93к)

picture: 387crop.jpg
387crop.jpg — (404.22к)

picture: 406crop.jpg
406crop.jpg — (133.65к)

picture: 407crop.jpg
407crop.jpg — (145.79к)

picture: 431crop.jpg
431crop.jpg — (198.94 k)

picture: 452crop.jpg
452crop.jpg — (221.25к)

27.02.2015 22:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

378crop.jpg Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
402crop.jpg Cicindela (Cicindela) hybrida Linnaeus, 1758
406crop.jpg Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier, 1795) (male)
407crop.jpg Thanasimus formicarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
431crop.jpg Anomala dubia (Scopoli, 1763)
452crop.jpg Stictoleptura rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) (самец)
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28.02.2015 5:25, scarit

Crimea, 07.2014, V. Shaporinsky leg.

picture: SAM_1144.JPG
SAM_1144.JPG — (320.82к)

28.02.2015 10:54, stierlyz

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28.02.2015 11:08, scarit

Kemerovo region, Kemerovo region, 07.2014.

picture: SAM_1152.JPG
SAM_1152.JPG — (262.47к)

28.02.2015 12:41, stierlyz

Likes: 1

28.02.2015 20:15, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 26. On a willow tree.
Is it possible to reach the Galerucella species?

user posted image

28.02.2015 21:45, AGG

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. May 26. On a willow tree.
Is it possible to reach the Galerucella species?

Lochmaea caprea
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28.02.2015 22:09, akulich-sibiria

Quedius? 9 mm. Krasnoyarsk Region, fir forest, in a pheromone trap for bark beetles
picture: DSCN0835.JPG
picture: DSCN0839.JPG
picture: DSCN0836.JPG
picture: DSCN0837.JPG
picture: DSCN0838.JPG

28.02.2015 22:15, Fornax13

Quedius? 9 mm. Krasnoyarsk Region, fir forest, in a pheromone trap for bark beetles

Yes, Microsaurus is a species I don't know - maybe mesomelinus? edeagus sticks out, you can compare it with pictures.
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28.02.2015 22:32, akulich-sibiria

picture: DSCN0841.JPG
picture: DSCN0842.JPG

28.02.2015 23:30, stierlyz

Bugaga, good photos, but the angle is not the same! We need a ventral one.

28.02.2015 23:51, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, May 14, 2011
user posted image

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