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Lepidoptera.ru and money

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Peter Khramov, 19.05.2014 20:26

Until now, the site operates on the principle "let us not trivialize", ie All participants worked on the enthusiasm. Exception - specialized tasks, but we are not talking about them. It is possible that this principle must continue to work on. Or maybe not. Let's discuss.We have problems that require constant attention, but attention is now loses. This, for example, the addition of information about the species and other taxa, formalization signs to the sample in the catalog worked more than adequately, tight control over the tree taxa and bugs in it. Again, it's all done now.But in much smaller scale than that required on the site of our size. So, you can offer some kind of enough fully trained person (or several people) to address these and / or other problems on a fee basis. To combine, as they say, with pleasure. Perhaps it will come out the site to a new level.But then the question arises ...
But it works for the grandmother, and we are on the enthusiasm! It is unfair, some people think.
And what does "enough fully trained"?
And who do offer such a thing and how to evaluate?
And if this does not debase the idea?
Etc. (by the way, can be supplemented in this topic).
Pay will obviously I am.Some will be easier if you can not do it nalom and barter at the Entomological equipment from sami_znaete_kakogo store. Well, in the case of these payments will rise a question about this here button Donate, I mean help hristaradi so thirsty, already there is no place to spend the night. To at least partially neutralized.Write who thinks that this issue - from ideological thinking, finishing concrete proposals. Lushche on the public, in this topic, but as lichku and can email me.


19.05.2014 21:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov

I will be a little emotional :)
I have been working on enthusiasm because I just love this thing.
And I earn grandmother in another field: "Working on the basic work."
A website for the soul, and then I did not have the money :)
Attendants will not take me with you, Peter. Do not hurt (
Although ...... barter should think :)

19.05.2014 22:21, Alexander Boldyrev

Not being a permanent participant of the site, I answer the request of Peter.
As for me, now I can not take part in the development of the project, even more so - for a fee; as in this case assumed certain obligations.
But the whole idea - a good (as with money, and with barter).I hope there will be wishing both among the permanent members and to attract new ones.
Success in the development of the site!

19.05.2014 22:32, Peter Khramov

I remind you that this is a topic for a change (or not change) approach, as such, well, if anyone has any thoughts on the candidates - even for him, too. But for the time being it is not an advertisement for the job; -)

20.05.2014 8:22, Shamil Murtazin

I, as always, global ideas. =)
This site is always seen as a directory. Well formalized capable in readable form on request to give information about some form. But already it is possible to build infrastructure around.
The store already has. It is planned to catalog and "market" trophies.IMHO should be something like a social network, as if it did not sound scared. There is a need to publish reports on raids, to ask questions of your inventory, how to raise pets, etc.
Perhaps we should start to think about the directory not only butterflies.

With regard to the form in which it is specified.I do not see anything bad that some people will be awarded on the vsemizvestnogo store . The main thing is not to ruin the enthusiasm to working =)
You can kill two birds with giving discounts of 5-10% for a couple of months (or a pair of first order of thousands) for the newly arrived in the ranks of the authors website. And it does not hurt and advertising shop.Evaluation question - he most difficult. Systematics changes all the time, the standard itself is not. IMHO it is necessary to start from the applicability of the taxon: ie need for control is often used. But the details do not understand, the knowledge is not enough :)

The site is wonderful, especially created benevolent atmosphere here;)

20.05.2014 14:25, Peter Khramov

Shamil, in general, all right saying I support. A couple of comments:
Store still not built around this site, it is simply connected to it, because I have been involved in both projects. And here is the program for the collection - is yes.
With regards to social networks - also the direction is correct, as I already wrote in the comments Vasily earlier (about the reports on fishing).Only the name is not quite - what you say, it's still not gay: -) In general, the blind end of May, I think.
Regarding the incentives - then why not, but it is only a little more. I talked about that was the person or persons who would be not only the rights and promotion, but also duties. As correctly observed Alexander above.

21.05.2014 0:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, Peter, about the social network we have not talked, and talked about the new blog. Today evening I'll dial up and discuss how it should look. A gay, at least in the form in which there is now a majority of the city is really not worth it.Personally, I do not perceive organically and run like hell :) Why another and even within the site? They and so full of the network ... Why another site bytovuha and gossip on the benches?

24.05.2014 2:29, Peter Khramov

Here I am saying that the described functionality is not exactly and exclusively to the social network. And since all the rules.

28.05.2014 11:35, Dmitriy Pozhogin

Where the salary for May?

28.05.2014 12:51, Peter Khramov

He went on payments to the pension fund and has not returned.

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