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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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05.05.2016 10:40, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Two more undefined butterflies brought to light on the night of 30.4.2016. Taken in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

picture: toID_1.jpg
toID_1.jpg — (686.81к)

picture: toID_2.jpg
toID_2.jpg — (888.56к)

05.05.2016 12:07, svm2

Lithostege coassata
Stegania dalmataria
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05.05.2016 12:09, Vlad Proklov

Two more undefined butterflies brought to light on the night of 30.4.2016. Taken in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

1 - Lithostege coassata
2 - Stegania dalmataria

Southern views both! The first one in the Volga region is known to the south of the Ulyanovsk region, but the second one in the Saratov region was known only from the Dyakovsky reserve in the south of the region-it is moving further north!

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 05.05.2016 12: 09
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05.05.2016 12:37, Evgeny Kotelevsky

1 - Lithostege coassata
2 - Stegania dalmataria

Southern views both! The first one in the Volga region is known to the south of the Ulyanovsk region, but the second one in the Saratov region was known only from the Dyakovsky reserve in the south of the region-it is moving further north!

The climate is changing, it is getting warmer, so the areas are expanding smile.gif

05.05.2016 13:24, Ilia Ustiantcev

This is Caloptilia populetorum, who the hell is she pretending to be?

picture: DSC06205.JPG
picture: DSC06208.JPG

05.05.2016 14:18, Vlad Proklov

This is Caloptilia populetorum, who the hell is she pretending to be?

Yes, it seems... cook it, of course.
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05.05.2016 15:09, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Taken in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region, 30.4.2016. Lured into the light.

Dear experts, please help me determine the scoop!

picture: toID_1.jpg
toID_1.jpg — (355.07к)

picture: toID_2.jpg
toID_2.jpg — (378.1к)

05.05.2016 15:46, Alexandr Zhakov

Taken in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region, 30.4.2016. Lured into the light.

Dear experts, please help me determine the scoop!

Dicranura ulmi ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
Calophasia lunula (Hufnagel, 1766)
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05.05.2016 21:15, coriander-lithurgus

Deuce to you, this is Udea olivalis.

Thank you for your introduction. I also had doubts about the definition of the 4th fire pit. Several copies. I have Evergestis frumentalis (see the file). But I thought an intraspecific variation in color might be possible. Nevertheless, the level of knowledge of kotbegemot in my eyes has not decreased at all. Anyone can make a mistake.

picture: SAM_1819.JPG
SAM_1819.JPG — (305.11к)

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05.05.2016 21:21, Natali22206

Please help me with the definition!

Ryazan region, Shilovsky district:

1. the end of summer. is this Amata phegea ?

user posted image

2. early summer
user posted image

05.05.2016 21:56, Vlad Proklov

Please help me with the definition!
Ryazan region, Shilovsky district:

Amata nigricornis.
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05.05.2016 22:08, alex242

South Kazakhstan, foothills of Dzungara. May 5
afternoon, in large numbers.

picture: DSC00267.jpg

05.05.2016 22:14, Natali22206

Amata nigricornis.

Thank you very much!
Both the first and second?

05.05.2016 22:17, Alexandr Zhakov

South Kazakhstan, foothills of Dzungara. May 5
afternoon, in large numbers.

Lithostege coassata
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05.05.2016 22:20, Nick444444

Both the first and second?

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06.05.2016 16:43, bogdan88

Sudaksky district 6.05

image: ____. jpg
____.jpg — (245.64к)

06.05.2016 16:56, Alexandr Zhakov

Sudaksky district 6.05

Cnephasia sp.
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06.05.2016 17:44, bogdan88

Cnephasia sp.

Thank you. Cnephasia chrysantheana is very similar. also recorded in Crimea is

06.05.2016 18:48, Ilia Ustiantcev

Thank you. Cnephasia chrysantheana is very similar. and in the Crimea recorded

Cnephasia is almost impossible to distinguish by appearance, except that the departure time can help - in the Ministry of Defense, for example, in early May, none of them is flying yet.
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06.05.2016 22:14, Natali22206

Please help me with the pigeon holes!

1. Ryazan region, Shilovsky district; May
user posted image

user posted image

2. Northeast China, Liaoning Province, Anshan
Spring, late April.
user posted image

user posted image

06.05.2016 22:20, coriander-lithurgus

Tell me the names of butterflies. The wingspan of both is 15-16mm.
I apologize for the quality of the images. The butterflies are quite small, so I couldn't squeeze out the best with my soap dish. frown.gif

picture: SAM_1830.JPG
SAM_1830.JPG — (234.51к)

picture: SAM_1831.JPG
SAM_1831.JPG — (247.89к)

06.05.2016 22:28, Andrey Ponomarev

Please help me with the pigeon holes!

1. Ryazan region, Shilovsky district; May
user posted image

user posted image

Celastrina argiolus (female)

The post was edited by Gennadich - 06.05.2016 22: 29
Likes: 1

06.05.2016 23:05, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Undefined butterflies:

1 and 2 - surroundings of Leninskoe village, Engelsky district, Saratov region. 30.4.2016

3-surroundings of the village of Priestannoe, Saratovsky district, Saratov region. 2.5.2016

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

This post was edited by Evgeny Kotelevsky - 06.05.2016 23: 05

picture: toID_1.jpg
toID_1.jpg — (745.8к)

picture: toID_2.jpg
toID_2.jpg — (485.23к)

picture: toID_3.jpg
toID_3.jpg — (771.2к)

07.05.2016 1:31, Zheka

Undefined butterflies:

1 and 2 - surroundings of Leninskoe village, Engelsky district, Saratov region. 30.4.2016

3-surroundings of the village of Priestannoe, Saratovsky district, Saratov region. 2.5.2016

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

1,2 - Anarta trifolii
3 - Lacanobia suasa
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07.05.2016 14:41, chebur

Please help me identify several types.
All collected 4.05.2016 MO, Chekhov district, village Lyubuchany
1. Phyllonorycter cf. comparella ?
picture: 4.05.2016_________.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________2_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________3_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________4_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________5_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________6_.jpg

This post was edited by chebur - 07.05.2016 14: 41

07.05.2016 21:30, Vlad Proklov

Please help me identify several types.
All collected 4.05.2016 MO, Chekhov district, village Lyubuchany
1. Phyllonorycter cf. comparella ?
picture: 4.05.2016_________.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________2_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________3_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________4_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________5_.jpg
picture: 4.05.2016___________6_.jpg

4-Agonopterix arenella
1, 2-like yes, but it's better to check
the depressant-brew
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08.05.2016 6:12, coriander-lithurgus

Sorry, these butterflies were ignored in the first request. Maybe who knows their names? Both have a wingspan of 15-16 mm. I'd really appreciate it.

picture: SAM_1830.JPG
SAM_1830.JPG — (234.51к)

picture: SAM_1831.JPG
SAM_1831.JPG — (247.89к)

08.05.2016 8:44, Alexandr Zhakov

Sorry, these butterflies were ignored in the first request. Maybe who knows their names? Both have a wingspan of 15-16 mm. I'd really appreciate it.

Dolicharthria stigmosalis
Cochylis posterana
Crop your photo. smile.gif
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08.05.2016 10:52, chebur

4-Agonopterix arenella
1, 2-like yes, but it is better to check
the depressant-cook

Thanks! I collected the depressant for cotton wool. Now I will collect all the micra, but I will hardly get around to cooking it... shuffle.gif

08.05.2016 16:50, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Yesterday, 7.5.2016, such a beautiful moth flew into the world. Taken in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the moth!

Cyclophora albiocellaria?

picture: toID_1.jpg
toID_1.jpg — (654.62к)

08.05.2016 17:44, Ilia Ustiantcev

Cyclophora albiocellaria
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08.05.2016 21:26, Eidalon

Good afternoon, help with the definition of Seaside ribbon-bearers, if you don't mind, also see if the gender is correctly determined.
1. 10.07-female
picture: IMG_3481_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3482_1_.JPG
2. 7.07-male
picture: IMG_3483_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3484_1_.JPG
3. 27.06-male
picture: IMG_3486_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3487_1_.JPG
4. 10.07 male
picture: IMG_3488_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3489_1_.JPG
5. 30.06 male
picture: IMG_3490_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3491_1_.JPG

08.05.2016 21:41, Sve4ka

Dear experts, please help us identify these butterflies in Grozny. These days.
1-I am very small, the body length is about 2 mm . Unfortunately, my camera did not allow me to take a better picture of this butterfly.

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (117.39к)

picture: 2.JPG
2.JPG — (115.76 k)

picture: 3.JPG
3.JPG — (101.53к)

08.05.2016 21:56, Alexandr Zhakov

Dear experts, please help us identify these butterflies in Grozny. These days.
1-I am very small, the body length is about 2 mm . Unfortunately, my camera did not allow me to take a better picture of this butterfly.

2/Cochylimorpha discolorana
3/Siona lineata
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09.05.2016 18:03, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar 8.05.2016
Eupithecia intracata?
picture: IMG_3662.jpg

09.05.2016 19:36, svm2

virgaureta, please
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09.05.2016 20:07, Сергей-Д


The hind wings are not visible - maybe helechids Eulamprotes?
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09.05.2016 20:18, Ilia Ustiantcev

The hind wings are not visible - maybe helechids Eulamprotes?

This is no longer on Eteobalea sp. it looks like
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09.05.2016 22:59, Evgeny Kotelevsky

Taken on 7.5.2016 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

1 - Grapholita caecana?

2 - ?

3-representative of the genus Ancylis?

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (382.29к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (596.02к)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (646.55к)

09.05.2016 23:04, Vlad Proklov

Taken on 7.5.2016 in the vicinity of the village of Leninskoe, Engelsky district, Saratov region.

Dear experts, please help us identify the butterflies!

2-Elachista type subocellea (not the fact that it is!)
3 - Ancylis unculana
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