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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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09.06.2016 23:17, Sergey Rybalkin

Please help me with the definition.

I assume that:
410-Cucullia pustulata ???; 20.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
411-Orthosia gracilis; 7.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0001 -? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0002 -? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0003 - ? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
1001-Phyllodesma ilicifolia Phyllodesma japonicum 07.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
1002-Aberrant 14.05.2016, Orenburg region Kuvandyk
1003-Phyllodesma ilicifolia or Phyllodesma japonicum, 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk

picture: 0001.JPG
0001.JPG — (298.13к)

picture: 0002.JPG
0002.JPG — (293.51к)

picture: 0003.JPG
0003.JPG — (297.85к)

picture: 410.JPG
410.JPG — (296.64к)

picture: 411.JPG
411.JPG — (280.28к)

picture: 1001.JPG
1001.JPG — (276.92к)

picture: 1002.JPG
1002.JPG — (280.97к)

picture: 1003.JPG
1003.JPG — (284.4к)

10.06.2016 0:29, vla-mityanin

Help me identify butterflies. The photo was taken near the city of Kirov, Kirov region, on June 6.

picture: _DSC3749_.JPG
_DSC3749_.JPG — (274.17к)

picture: _DSC3758_.JPG
_DSC3758_.JPG — (286.96к)

picture: _DSC3418JPG.jpg
_DSC3418JPG.jpg — (221.58к)

10.06.2016 5:23, Shamil Murtazin

2. _DSC3758_.JPG it is similar to Eumedonia (Aricia) eumedon
If there were two photos of both the top and the bottom-it would be possible to say more precisely.
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10.06.2016 12:59, vla-mityanin

2. _DSC3758_.JPG it is similar to Eumedonia (Aricia) eumedon
If there were two photos of both the top and the bottom-it would be possible to say more precisely.

The first and second photos are the top and bottom of the same butterfly.

10.06.2016 13:21, vla-mityanin

2. _DSC3758_.JPG it is similar to Eumedonia (Aricia) eumedon
If there were two photos of both the top and the bottom-it would be possible to say more precisely.

Last photo with butterfly-can Melitaea britomartis Assmann 1847.

10.06.2016 13:24, Alexandr Zhakov

2. _DSC3758_.JPG it is similar to Eumedonia (Aricia) eumedon
If there were two photos of both the top and the bottom-it would be possible to say more precisely.

Exactly Aricia eumedon.
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10.06.2016 19:48, vassa1

please help me. identify butterflies. Chuvashia

10.06.2016 20:03, svm2

Please help me with the definition.

I assume that:
410-Cucullia pustulata ???; 20.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
411-Orthosia gracilis; 7.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0001 -? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0002 -? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
0003 - ? 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
1001-Phyllodesma ilicifolia Phyllodesma japonicum 07.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk
1002-Aberrant 14.05.2016, Orenburg region Kuvandyk
1003-Phyllodesma ilicifolia or Phyllodesma japonicum, 25.05.2016, Chelyabinsk region Snezhinsk

Cucullia lucifuga
001-Macaria alternata
002-Odontopera bidentata
003-Scotopteryx luridata/mucronata
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10.06.2016 21:24, RoPro

Tell me, please, what kind of leaflet is this? Moscow region, May 29.

picture: DSCN4639.jpg
DSCN4639.jpg — (295.98к)

10.06.2016 22:19, Nick444444

please help me. identify butterflies. Chuvashia

1 - Heteropterus morpheus
2 - Lycaena tityrus
3 - Coenonympha pamphilus
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11.06.2016 13:57, Sergey Rybalkin

Tell me what kind of thick head it is. June
user posted image

Carterocephalus silvicola (Meigen, 1830)
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11.06.2016 16:29, alex242

South Kazakhstan region, Dzungarian Alatau. ~ 2200 n. o. m
. Another Lithostege . Please help me identify it.

picture: DSC01829.jpg

this sweet couple is probably Ematurga atomaria ?

picture: DSC01546.jpg

This post was edited by alex242 - 11.06.2016 19: 36

11.06.2016 19:41, Alexandr Zhakov

South Kazakhstan region, Dzungarian Alatau. ~ 2200 n. o. m
. Another Lithostege . Please help me identify it.
this sweet couple is probably Ematurga atomaria ?

The first one is probably not a moth, but a moth from the genus Udea, but I don't know what kind of species, not European.
and the second one is correct.
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11.06.2016 20:00, kut

Hello, please tell me about butterflies. Thank you in advance!
Moscow region, Stupinsky district, okr. Old Sitney. 10.6.16.
I will assume that 1-Parectropis similaria, 2-Cyclophora sp., 3-Cabera pusaria, 4-Paradiarsia punicea. shuffle.gif
picture: 1_Parectropis_similaria.JPG
picture: 2_Cyclophora.JPG
picture: 3_Cabera_pusaria.JPG
picture: 4_Paradiarsia_punicea.JPG

11.06.2016 21:39, Nick444444

Hello, please tell me about butterflies. Thank you in advance!
Moscow region, Stupinsky district, okr. Old Sitney. 10.6.16.
I will assume that 1-Parectropis similaria, 2-Cyclophora sp., 3-Cabera pusaria, 4-Paradiarsia punicea. shuffle.gif

2 - Cyclophora punctaria
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11.06.2016 21:43, Eidalon

Good afternoon! Help please with the definition of Neptis
1) 16.07.15 Primorye Neptis thisbe female ?
picture: IMG_3538_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3539_2_.JPG
2) 15.06.14 Primorye Neptis thisbe male?
picture: IMG_3540_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3541_1_.JPG
3) 27.06.15 Primorye, Neptis ilos male?
picture: IMG_3542_1_.JPG
picture: IMG_3543_1_.JPG

12.06.2016 0:12, Shamil Murtazin

Help to determine the micra
of the Southern Urals, 05.06.2016

picture: IMG_0409_19_01cr.jpg
IMG_0409_19_01cr.jpg — (419.2к)

12.06.2016 6:32, Alexandr Zhakov

Celypha striana
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12.06.2016 8:57, vassa1

please tell me the name of mother-of-pearl. chuvashia

12.06.2016 11:28, Ольга Титова

Please help me identify the moth. Two angles: the top and underside of the wings. Quite a large one. Sakhalin, 10.06.2016

picture: DSC_1135____.jpg
DSC_1135____.jpg — (56.64к)

picture: DSC_1143____.jpg
DSC_1143____.jpg — (60.84к)

12.06.2016 13:22, Nick444444

please tell me the name of mother-of-pearl. chuvashia

This is not mother-of-pearl, but a draughtsman.
I'm leaning more towards Melitaea phoebe .
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12.06.2016 13:30, c clegg

This is not mother-of-pearl, but a draughtsman.
I'm leaning more towards Melitaea phoebe .

Most likely
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12.06.2016 14:04, Nick444444

Most likely

or is she smile.gif
If there was still an ic-pod, then he would have thrown away all doubts.

12.06.2016 18:40, AlexT

Heliomata glarearia? Crimea, Simferopol reservoir, zakustarennaya forest plantation, today.

picture: Heliomata_glarearia__3137_____________________________..jpg
Heliomata_glarearia__3137_____________________________..jpg — (331.3к)

12.06.2016 20:02, Alexandr Zhakov

Heliomata glarearia? Crimea, Simferopol reservoir, zakustarennaya forest plantation, today.

Heliomata glarearia is correct. smile.gif

12.06.2016 22:48, Sve4ka

Good evening! Help, please, with the definition of these butterflies. Grozny
1 - 03.06.2014
2 - 27.05.2015
3 - 08.09.2015
4 - 27.05.2016
5 - 12.06.2016

picture: 1_DSC01866.JPG
1_DSC01866.JPG — (187.63к)

picture: 2_DSC05613.JPG
2_DSC05613.JPG — (203.42к)

picture: 3_DSC08891.JPG
3_DSC08891.JPG — (192.47к)

picture: 4_IMG_1050.JPG
4_IMG_1050.JPG — (107.99к)

picture: 5_IMG_1691.JPG
5_IMG_1691.JPG — (138.9к)

12.06.2016 23:24, Vlad Proklov

Moscow region, Poplar 28.05.2016

1-I would also say so
2 - looks like
Pammene obscurana 3-looks like Pammene splendidulana

From Zolotilovo - something from Gelechiidae: Gnorimoschemini, in my opinion-but I agree with Ilya, brain removal=)
Likes: 1

12.06.2016 23:26, Vlad Proklov

Good evening! Help, please, with the definition of these butterflies. Grozny
1 - 03.06.2014
2 - 27.05.2015
3 - 08.09.2015
4 - 27.05.2016
5 - 12.06.2016

1-Melanchra persicariae
2-in my opinion, banal Caradrina clavipalpis
3-Thalpophila matura
4, 5-Platytes cerussella, male and female
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12.06.2016 23:45, vla-mityanin

Birch-leaved moth-Rheumaptera hastata? Photo taken on June 11 near the city of Kirov, Kirov region.

picture: DSC_4328__.JPG
DSC_4328__.JPG — (326.88к)

13.06.2016 0:11, Shamil Murtazin

13.06.2016, Southern Urals
Is it possible to determine what kind of Monopis it is?
picture: IMG_0568_6_02cr.jpg

picture: IMG_0560_8_01cr.jpg

This post was edited by rumpelstiltskin - 06/13/2016 00: 12

13.06.2016 1:39, Vlad Proklov

13.06.2016, Southern Urals
Is it possible to determine what kind of Monopis it is?

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13.06.2016 8:23, svm2

2-in my opinion, the banal Caradrina clavipalpis

Yes no, this is Rhyacia simulans/arenacea, in my view
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13.06.2016 12:20, svm2

Birch-leaved moth-Rheumaptera hastata? Photo taken on June 11 near the city of Kirov, Kirov region.

In my opinion-Epirrhoe tristata
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13.06.2016 17:13, NicoSander

Please help me identify Vologda butterflies

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (304.68к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (421k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (315.93к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (292.81к)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (316.21 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (292.47к)

13.06.2016 20:14, RoPro

Tell me, please, is this Pechipogo strigilata ? Moscow region, June 13.

picture: DSCN5379.jpg
DSCN5379.jpg — (388.18к)

13.06.2016 22:22, vla-mityanin

In my opinion-Epirrhoe tristata

Thanks! Very similar.

14.06.2016 7:17, vla-mityanin

Large-eyed aegeria-Pararge aegeria ? The photo was taken near Kirov, Kirov region, on June 11.

picture: DSC_3889_.JPG
DSC_3889_.JPG — (297.56к)

picture: DSC_3893_.JPG
DSC_3893_.JPG — (280.71к)

picture: DSC_3892_.JPG
DSC_3892_.JPG — (300.45к)

14.06.2016 7:42, Eidalon

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15.06.2016 8:56, akulich-sibiria

Krasnoyarsk Territory. Pheromone traps on G. molesta. June.
Is this Pammene germmana?
picture: IMG_9832.JPG
picture: IMG_9833.JPG

15.06.2016 22:07, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar, 14.06.2016
picture: IMG_5989.jpg

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