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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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15.06.2016 22:12, Andrey Ponomarev

Krasnoyarsk Territory. Pheromone traps on G. molesta. June.
Is this Pammene germmana?
picture: IMG_9832.JPG
picture: IMG_9833.JPG

It looks like she's
picture: 1237_pammene_germmana_m_pc_1455719552.jpg
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15.06.2016 22:20, svm2

M. O., Topoliny, 14.06.2016

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16.06.2016 6:33, RoPro

Help determine who it is from the Micropterigidae. Moscow region, May 28.

picture: DSCN4291.jpg
DSCN4291.jpg — (349.77к)

16.06.2016 6:34, Vlad Proklov

Help determine who it is from the Micropterigidae. Moscow region, May 28.

M. calthella. And where, by the way, is the exact location in the Moscow region?

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 06/16/2016 06: 35

16.06.2016 10:51, RoPro

M. calthella. And where, by the way, is the exact location in the Moscow region?

Thanks ! It was filmed in Peredelkino.
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16.06.2016 11:57, akulich-sibiria

tell me what kind of moth it can be. Krasnoyarsk.
the abdomen is yellow.
picture: ________4______________.JPG
picture: ________4______.JPG
picture: ________4________.JPG

16.06.2016 12:02, akulich-sibiria

help me figure it out. I doubt between Epiblema cirsianum and scutulana
1. Picture: Epiblema_scutulana____3.JPG
picture: Epiblema_scutulana____3______.JPG

2. Picture: Epiblema____6.jpg
picture: Epiblema____6______.JPG

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 16.06.2016 12: 03

16.06.2016 12:29, Zheka

tell me what kind of moth it can be. Krasnoyarsk.
the abdomen is yellow.

It would be in our area, I would think that Scythris sinensis

16.06.2016 12:53, akulich-sibiria

It would be in our area, I would think that Scythris sinensis

I look at the photo of the genitals and noted this particular genus. Thank You

16.06.2016 13:44, kut

Hello, please identify these butterflies, if possible. Thank you in advance.
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, various points in the vicinity of Romashkov. Ser. June 2016.

16.06.2016 13:50, Zheka

Hello, please identify these butterflies, if possible. Thank you in advance.
Moscow region, Odintsovo district, various points in the vicinity of Romashkov. Ser. June 2016.

Coenonympha pamphilus
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16.06.2016 13:52, Vlad Proklov

It would be in our area, I would think that Scythris sinensis

He is.
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16.06.2016 14:11, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar 16.06.2016
Eupithecia abietaria ?
picture: IMG_5995.jpg

16.06.2016 14:12, Vlad Proklov

M. O., Poplar 16.06.2016
Eupithecia abietaria ?

Such a long nose-analoga.
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16.06.2016 19:52, OEV

Dear experts, help us determine the moth that was collected in the afternoon. Kazakhstan, Karaganda region, Temirtau district, 6. VI. 2016.
user posted image

16.06.2016 20:35, Sve4ka

Good evening! Once again, I ask for your help. Can you tell me who it is?
1 - 03.06.2016. The first glass case in my collection. smile.gif
2 - 13.06.2016
3 - 04.06.2016.

picture: IMG_1486.JPG
IMG_1486.JPG — (116.78к)

picture: IMG_1765.JPG
IMG_1765.JPG — (118.08к)

picture: IMG_1790.JPG
IMG_1790.JPG — (124.79к)

16.06.2016 20:50, Vlad Proklov

Good evening! Once again, I ask for your help. Can you tell me who it is?
1 - 03.06.2016. The first glass case in my collection. smile.gif
2 - 13.06.2016
3 - 04.06.2016.

1-it is better to send a glass jar to relevant topic and there Oleg Gorbunov will see it and answer it expertly. I don't remember that he answered in this topic.
2-Donacaula nilotica
3-in my opinion, a banal Nomophila noctuella, just taken from a strange foreshorten
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17.06.2016 1:59, Ольга Титова

Please help me with the definition. 16.06.2016, Sakhalin. Last year there was a similar Polia goliath. But it seems to me that photo 1573 is different.

This post was edited by Olga Titova - 17.06.2016 02: 41

picture: DSC_1573____.jpg
DSC_1573____.jpg — (57.3к)

picture: DSC_1565____.jpg
DSC_1565____.jpg — (60.79к)

17.06.2016 4:27, akulich-sibiria

C. Scythris dahurica Sinev, 2001

This post was edited by akulich-sibiria - 17.06.2016 04: 27

17.06.2016 8:52, NicoSander

Please help me with the definition. 16.06.2016, Sakhalin. Last year there was a similar Polia goliath. But it seems to me that photo 1573 is different.

Upper Trichosea sp.
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17.06.2016 13:59, NicoSander

Please take a look at Vologda moths on the previous page URL #29482

17.06.2016 15:30, dabl

Is it possible to identify a butterfly? Karelia, August.

This post was edited by dabl-17.06.2016 15: 30

picture: P8262714_3_2.jpg
P8262714_3_2.jpg — (416.7к)

picture: P8252759_3.jpg
P8252759_3.jpg — (288.29к)

17.06.2016 17:04, Andrey Bezborodkin

Is it possible to identify a butterfly? Karelia, August.

Amphipyra tragopoginis
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17.06.2016 17:35, Andrey Ponomarev

M. O., Poplar 17.06.2016
Eupithecia ochridata ? The female is taken for breeding.
picture: IMG_6135.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 17.06.2016 17: 36

17.06.2016 17:57, Ilia Ustiantcev

M. O., Poplar 17.06.2016
Eupithecia ochridata ? The female is taken for breeding.
picture: IMG_6135.jpg

A difficult case, but my secret attribute says that it is more likely to be her)
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17.06.2016 18:00, Ilia Ustiantcev

Is this Incurvaria praelatella? Pestovo.

picture: DSC06541.JPG
picture: DSC06542.JPG

17.06.2016 18:09, vassa1

help me identify the butterfly. Chuvashia, forest edge

17.06.2016 19:38, MaximusK

Please help me determine what kind of caterpillar it is. I can't find it.
The region is Omsk.

picture: 2016_06_17_2741.jpg
2016_06_17_2741.jpg — (305.06к)

picture: 2016_06_17_2742.jpg
2016_06_17_2742.jpg — (120.76к)

picture: 2016_06_17_2745.jpg
2016_06_17_2745.jpg — (99.17к)

picture: 2016_06_17_2744.jpg
2016_06_17_2744.jpg — (127.25к)

17.06.2016 20:22, agronomist

Please help me determine what kind of caterpillar it is. I can't find it.
The region is Omsk.

Xylena exsoleta http://www.lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?Xylena_Exsoleta

17.06.2016 20:42, MaximusK


17.06.2016 21:26, RoPro

Please tell me what kind of butterfly it is. One of the Micropterigidae, probably.

picture: DSCN5323.jpg
DSCN5323.jpg — (459.89к)

17.06.2016 22:15, Ilia Ustiantcev

No, Cauchas fibulella from dlinnousok, they always rummage on veronica. And here even the proboscis is visible, showing that it is not a small-winged bird)

This post was edited by Ilya U - 06/17/2016 22: 18
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17.06.2016 22:18, Vlad Proklov

No, Cauchas fibulella from dlinnousok, they always rummage on veronica.

The region is not specified-what if there is a Far Eastern vicariate?

17.06.2016 22:20, MIV

Can you use these images to identify a scoop from Tajikistan (Badakhshan), at least before giving birth?
Collected on the road to Sarezskoe lake. in July 2014

picture: 1.____________..jpg
picture: 2.____________.jpg
picture: 3.____________.jpg
picture: 4.____________.jpg

17.06.2016 23:08, Ilia Ustiantcev

The region is not specified-what if there is a Far Eastern vicariate?

In such cases, I believe that the region is as close as possible to the one specified under the nickname)

17.06.2016 23:33, vassa1

help us identify pigeons from Chuvashia. 17.6.16

17.06.2016 23:39, Nick444444

help me identify the butterfly. chuvashia, forest edge

Diacrisia sannio female
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17.06.2016 23:42, Shamil Murtazin

Southern Urals, 13.06.2016
1. Polyommatus amandus?
picture: IMG_0676_33_Polyommatus_amandus_02cr.jpg

2. Polyommatus amandus?
picture: IMG_0701_24_Polyommatus_amandus__03cr.jpg

3. Melitaea britomartis/aurelia?
картинка: IMG_0712_19_Melitaea_britomartis_aurelia_04cr.jpg

picture: IMG_0717_18_Melitaea_britomartis_aurelia_05cr.jpg

17.06.2016 23:44, Nick444444

help us identify pigeons from Chuvashia. 17.6.16

In the first photo on the left, Cupido osiris
the third photo shows a pair of Glaucopsyche alexis
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17.06.2016 23:48, Nick444444

Please help me with the definition. 16.06.2016, Sakhalin. Last year there was a similar Polia goliath. But it seems to me that photo 1573 is different.

The lower photo shows Spilosoma lutea , but there may be a different species on Sakhalin smile.gif
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