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Identification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

Community and ForumInsects identificationIdentification of Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

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01.07.2016 23:45, Nick444444

Moscow region, Klin, today. Who is this black and red beauty?

Zygaena filipendulae
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02.07.2016 0:40, Eidalon

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02.07.2016 1:04, kut

Hello, please tell me, is this Pechipogo strigilata ? shuffle.gif
New Moscow, Valuevo, shady lipnyak. 21.6.16.
picture: P20160621_1637a__Plen_valuevo__v__NC.jpg

02.07.2016 12:40, Zheka

Hello, please tell me, is this Pechipogo strigilata ? shuffle.gif
New Moscow, Valuevo, shady lipnyak. 21.6.16.

That's right, it's her. In addition samochka
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02.07.2016 16:31, Romanov2000

Gentlemen, Please tell me the name of the moth. Glistening mother-of-pearl in the light, collection yesterday, Moscow, Tsaritsyno Park.

picture: IMG_20160702_124535________.jpg
IMG_20160702_124535________.jpg — (291.14к)

02.07.2016 17:24, Vlad Proklov

Gentlemen, Please tell me the name of the moth. Glistening mother-of-pearl in the light, collection yesterday, Moscow, Tsaritsyno Park.

Pleuroptya ruralis (Crambidae).
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02.07.2016 20:17, RoPro

Please help me identify the scoop. Moscow region, forest, July 2.

picture: DSCN6701.jpg
DSCN6701.jpg — (376.19к)

02.07.2016 22:41, KingSnake

Help me identify the butterfly. 01.07.2016, Mordovia, mixed forest.

This post was edited by KingSnake - 02.07.2016 22: 46

picture: DSC02553.jpg
DSC02553.jpg — (543.27к)

02.07.2016 22:56, Vlad Proklov

Help me identify the butterfly. 01.07.2016, Mordovia, mixed forest.

Sesia apiformis is the simplest glass case!
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02.07.2016 23:25, Ilia Ustiantcev

Sesia apiformis is the simplest glass case!

In my experience of MO fishing, the "simplest" one is triannuliformis...

02.07.2016 23:56, Nick444444

Perhaps I'll give you my own example smile.gif
In Yenakiyevo, the simplest and most recognizable was Paranthrene tabaniformis.
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03.07.2016 10:48, Alexandr Zhakov

Please help me identify the scoop. Moscow region, forest, July 2.

Apamea monoglypha
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03.07.2016 12:24, Woodmen

But my undetectable again? smile.gif

03.07.2016 12:59, vassa1

help me identify the butterfly. Chuvashia, 2.7.2016

03.07.2016 13:02, Vlad Proklov

help me identify the butterfly. Chuvashia, 2.7.2016

Calyptra thalictri
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03.07.2016 13:24, Romanov2000

Pleuroptya ruralis (Crambidae).

thank you very much!

03.07.2016 13:27, svm2

But my undetectable again? smile.gif

Quite common
1-Alcis repandata
2-Euplexia lucipara
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03.07.2016 14:50, Бабистр

Help with the pigeon house! Yesterday, Istra district, Moscow region. The photo shows the same individual. smile.gif

picture: IMG_5962.JPG
IMG_5962.JPG — (33.07к)

picture: IMG_5982.JPG
IMG_5982.JPG — (34.8к)

03.07.2016 15:09, Уралочка

Tell me, please, this is eumedon ??? №1 - 06.06.16, №2-4 - 11.06.16, Yekaterinburg, all from one point

picture: DSC_8611.JPG
DSC_8611.JPG — (325.09к)

picture: DSC_8615.JPG
DSC_8615.JPG — (299.87к)

picture: DSC_8616.JPG
DSC_8616.JPG — (283.66к)

picture: DSC_8617.JPG
DSC_8617.JPG — (289.58к)

picture: DSC_8618.JPG
DSC_8618.JPG — (285.17к)

03.07.2016 15:34, c clegg

Help with the pigeon house! Yesterday, Istra district, Moscow region. The photo shows the same individual. smile.gif

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03.07.2016 15:34, c clegg

Tell me, please, this is eumedon ??? №1 - 06.06.16, №2-4 - 11.06.16, Yekaterinburg, all from one point

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03.07.2016 16:05, аруд

Tell me. pliz, what kind of Perelivnitsa? Thank you.

picture: ________.jpg
________.jpg — (276.63к)

03.07.2016 16:16, Vlad Proklov

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03.07.2016 16:31, Ai.

Yesterday in Rylsk on the light here is such a pigalitsa looked in:

image: ______. jpg

Very small: sitting in a crowd of dwarf silkworms and noticeably losing to them in size.
It's one of the flower moths, isn't it? I couldn't find it in the familiar pictures))
What's your name - please tell me!

03.07.2016 16:38, svm2

Yesterday in Rylsk on the light here is such a pigalitsa looked in:

Very small: sitting in a crowd of dwarf silkworms and noticeably losing to them in size.
It's one of the flower moths, isn't it? I couldn't find it in the familiar pictures))
What's your name - please tell me!

Idaea inquinata
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03.07.2016 17:44, dabl

Please tell me the name of the butterfly. Karelia, June.

This post was edited by dabl-03.07.2016 17: 47

picture: P6300185.jpg
P6300185.jpg — (221.18к)

picture: P6300188.jpg
P6300188.jpg — (206.7к)

03.07.2016 18:25, Vlad Proklov

Please tell me the name of the butterfly. Karelia, June.

Lasiommata petrovitana, sort of. Correct =)
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03.07.2016 20:27, Уралочка

Help me also deal with the pigeons: 1 and 2 argiades or alcetas? they seem to have a sling of black spots on the PC, which is curved in the middle part compared to 3.1
,2 - 06.06.16; 3 - 27.05.16, Yekaterinburg, various points
picture: DSC_8610.JPGpicture: DSC_8612.JPGpicture: DSC_8613.JPGpicture: DSC_8614.JPG

03.07.2016 21:00, аруд

Who is pliz? Shashechnitsa or mother-of-pearl, sorry for the drowsiness. Kaluga region. June. Thank you very much.

picture: _____________.jpg
_____________.jpg — (255.91к)

03.07.2016 21:54, c clegg

Help me also deal with the pigeons: 1 and 2 argiades or alcetas? they seem to have a sling of black spots on the PC, which is curved in the middle part compared to 3.1
,2 - 06.06.16; 3 - 27.05.16, Yekaterinburg, various points of interest

1,2 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...o-alcetas-.html
3 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...s-argiades.html

03.07.2016 22:04, Уралочка

  1,2 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...o-alcetas-.html
3 - http://babochki-kavkaza.ru/index.php/lycae...s-argiades.html

well, it seems to me that 1,2 is alcetas, and 3 is argiades

03.07.2016 22:12, Eidalon

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04.07.2016 7:34, шамильдав

Tatarstan, Aznakaevo, found a clutch on a dry burdock at the end of May, in a swampy area, fed rose hips, but it seems they even eat lawn grass, the development period is about a month.

picture: IMG_0416.JPG
IMG_0416.JPG — (297.63к)

04.07.2016 10:07, Alexandr Zhakov

Tatarstan, Aznakaevo, found a clutch on a dry burdock at the end of May, in a swampy area, fed rose hips, but it seems they even eat lawn grass, the development period is about a month.

Lacanobia suasa

04.07.2016 21:20, Andrey Ponomarev

Can anyone identify Aristotelia
M. O., Shatursky district, Tugolesye platform, 2.07.2016
picture: IMG_1024.jpg
picture: IMG_1026.jpg
picture: IMG_1029.jpg

05.07.2016 17:27, Ilia Ustiantcev

Unfortunately, we don't have much choice. Aristotelia subdecurtella most likely.
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05.07.2016 19:32, Ilia Ustiantcev

A couple of problematic moles from Pestovo:
1. Dumb Syricoris tiedemanniana with very wide bandages or equally dumb Phiaris bipunctana without a trace of yellow dusting?
user posted imageuser posted image

2. Huge and somehow red Oncocera faecella?
user posted imageuser posted image

05.07.2016 20:07, RoPro

Tell me, please, is this Eurois occulta ? Moscow region, forest, June 26.

picture: DSCN6362.jpg
DSCN6362.jpg — (466.58к)

05.07.2016 21:42, Woodmen

Surroundings of Kirovo-Chepetsk, Kirov region. (#7 region). 26.06.2016.

1.user posted image 2. user posted image

This post was edited by Woodmen - 05.07.2016 21: 43

05.07.2016 21:44, Andrey Ponomarev

Moscow region, Tugolesye platform, 2.07.2016
picture: IMG_0974_____________.jpg
2 Eupithecia plumbeolata?
picture: IMG_0978_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0980_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0992_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_0998_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1000_____________.jpg
picture: IMG_1007_____________.jpg
8 The Black platform 1.07.2016
picture: IMG_0175.jpg

The post was edited by Gennadich - 05.07.2016 21: 45

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