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Literature on Lepidoptera

Community and ForumLiterature and websitesLiterature on Lepidoptera

Dr. Niko, 10.03.2008 1:51

Dear forumchane!
In this topic, I invite those interested to ask questions about various types of literature on biology, habitats, principles and problems of lepidopteran taxonomy.

The fact is that I find almost only taxonomic trees of butterflies on the web, or very highly specialized scientific articles that do not allow me to form a complete picture of any group. It is clear that there are such works devoted to the characterization of families and subfamilies. But in the network, IMHO, there are one or two of them and there are not enough. You need "paper" links, which are not easy to find. I say this as a simple amateur.

In short, people: please drop links ("paper", electronic) to work on: Pyraloidea, Noctuoidea, Geometroidea.

Thank you in advance smile.gif


15.03.2008 20:19, Dr. Niko

Thanks guys jump.gif
Frenzied activity in the topic, you don't have time to read the posts! It's phenomenal!
Strange people, by God confused.gif
And for scoops, in addition to Fibiger (which costs 7-10 pieces on a Bird), can anyone suggest something?

Uh ... like thank you.

15.03.2008 20:22, AntSkr

Fibiger is considered a good author. There is also a book on Korean scoops:
Likes: 1

21.03.2008 8:49, Сергей-Д

according to the scoops of Ukraine-Klyuchko Z. F. a couple of books in Kiev can be ordered. In general, in the topic " scans of books with ent.the theme is " a lot of things, maybe you'll find something there. There was a link to ognevok Slamka - there really only pictures and genitals.
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21.03.2008 19:29, Nozer

Most often, you have to buy serious literature on families. I also need a book on Noctuoidea, if I have one, I'll try to post scans.
And in general, here are links to stores with fairly good books, trade in Moscow, but prices of course ...frown.gif
By the way, scans may appear here, but the page is still under development
Likes: 1

09.07.2008 20:18, Guest

What a country we have! for the last period IN GENERAL!! practically nothing happened! It's a shame for the STATE!! At least cooperate and use your own money to publish books. KMK is all nerds. Here is lafa im. I'm even envious. And we'll still be crawling through the cracks and pirating! Or buy good books from foreign publishers for a lot of money. Sometimes I do it and I don't regret it.

28.09.2008 2:44, Cerura

Microlepidoptera of Europe V.4 Pyraloidae. - Apollo Book. - Stenstrup. - 2005.
Only text


28.09.2008 8:32, collector

I will publish interesting informative works on beetles and butterflies with a volume of
24 to 42 pages that will be of interest to both researchers
and insect collectors ( in paperback, A5-B5 format).
If you have any questions about cooperation, write to zoocollection@narod.ru

23.10.2011 14:43, Pliss A


I really need articles (a lot! absolutely any), literature on the genus Leptidea, please who has what.

23.10.2011 16:26, lepidopterolog


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