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Determining the sex of butterflies

Community and ForumTaxonomy. ClassificationDetermining the sex of butterflies

bahurin, 05.01.2009 20:55

Can someone tell me where to read about determining the sex of daytime butterflies. This refers to butterflies, the males and females of which do not differ in appearance in the pattern on the wings. I searched the forum, but unfortunately I didn't find anything on the way.
Thank you in advance.


05.01.2009 22:38, lepidopterolog

In my opinion, the most reliable sign is the thickness of the abdomen, the female is almost always visible (but this is if you have several specimens). In males of some species, the genitals protrude slightly outward. Well, all sorts of androconial affairs, sphragis in female sailboats, etc ...

06.01.2009 0:22, RippeR

pigeons are most easily distinguished by their pattern, thick-headed birds usually by the shape of their wings and body, melitae, klossians, etc. are most easily distinguished by their abdomen - the female has a thicker and shorter body, the male has a thin and elongated body, sailboats have sphragis and golum bellies-in females, and males have lighter, flattened bellies. Satyrs are usually in the form of wings, color. Night by mustache, wing shape, color, and sometimes abdomen.
it seems like something like this.. smile.gif Well, the most correct structure of the genitals-males and females differ smile.gif

06.01.2009 15:14, bahurin

pigeons are most easily distinguished by their pattern, thick-headed birds usually by the shape of their wings and body, melitae, klossians, etc. are most easily distinguished by their abdomen - the female has a thicker and shorter body, the male has a thin and elongated body, sailboats have sphragis and golum bellies-in females, and males have lighter, flattened bellies. Satyrs are usually in the form of wings, color. Night by mustache, wing shape, color, and sometimes abdomen.
it seems like something like this.. smile.gif Well, the most correct structure of the genitals-males and females differ smile.gif

Is there any guidance? I am referring to the manual sex determination by the structure of the genitals. In my opinion, a thicker or thinner abdomen does not give a 100 % result.

06.01.2009 16:36, RippeR

meliteas, klossians, especially fresh ones, are very good smile.gif
The manual hardly exists.
And on the genitals, you need to take specific literature for the family or the like, drag it and determine it.

06.01.2009 17:18, bahurin

well, I want to ask where to get such literature for daily bvbochki)

12.01.2009 18:12, okoem

I don't think there is any special literature. Determining the sex of most diurnal butterflies is actually very simple. Collect a few specimens of different species, consider all the above-mentioned signs, and quickly figure it out for yourself. I repeat-nothing complicated.
To the above, I can add this method - slightly press down the tip of the abdomen with tweezers - the males will move out their beaks. However, I will immediately make a reservation that this method is not suitable for whiteflies.
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