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Collecting soil arthropods

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCollecting soil arthropods

lerth, 13.05.2008 19:19

There is method to collect soil biota in special devises

IMG_9430.jpg — (602.1к)

IMG_9432.jpg — (579.73к)

IMG_9434.jpg — (594.04к)


13.05.2008 23:27, RippeR

How does this "Lunokhod" works? And what did they contain? And skolkyo stole them? smile.gif
Likes: 1

15.05.2008 16:28, lerth

there is sistem of bolters inside and bulb, artrapods go from a soil sample in glass with ethanol on the bottom of Lunokhod. The soil insects and other artrapods can be collected such a method.

stolen it? confused.gif

15.05.2008 18:55, Sungaya

stolen it? confused.gif

Uperli smile.gif

19.05.2008 22:42, RippeR

they seem to have solid ground in their office..

21.05.2008 23:18, Guest

so what?

22.05.2008 14:05, lerth

We were stuck smile.gif

ya vas ne ponimayu

2 RippeR: ona pod lampochkoi vysohla

This post was edited by lerth - 05/22/2008 14: 06

22.05.2008 19:17, AlexEvs

I understand that these devices are something like eclectors for collecting microarthropods. All sorts of ticks, nogohvostok etc.

23.05.2008 13:04, lerth

I understand that these devices are something like eclectors for collecting microarthropods. All sorts of ticks, nogohvostok etc.

eti konkrento stoyat na melkih staphilin

24.05.2008 0:09, Fornax13

I wonder if there are a lot of staphylins running up?

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