Tips on the insects collecting and insect specimen care. Entomological equipment for collecting and storing specimens.
Colleagues, I am interested in the following question: how do you soak large ("fat") butterflies? In my desiccator, they start to mold, not getting wet well, i.e. the abdomen is already soft and covered with mold, and the wings are not very mobile ...
Всем доброго времени суток. Прислали жуков формалиновых. Совершенно резиновые. Я ...
We have accumulated a lot of feedback about the screens, plus we have generated our own thoughts on how to improve them. Now we are making new versions of screens for catching insects in the light. Who is interested in the question — let's discuss ...
А вот и готовая красотулечка 175 см в высоту и 140 см в ширину: Полное описание и ...
Happy New Year!You need a GOOD maximinus female, the subspecies is not as important as the size and condition.Write only to your email address.Thank you.This post was edited by Stapleton - 04.01.2018 05: 01
Good evening, I bring to your attention the December Price list of dry insects. Nice update on butterflies. Payment in rubles at the current ...
People, help, please, where can I (exactly) get an ultraviolet lamp for 250 W (exactly for 250!)?maybe someone will sell it or tell you where or from whom it is is Uv that is needed, and not any other. Halogen will not roll, DRL/DRV too ...
When exploring the serene art of fishing with light, it's essential to seek leisure that contrasts beautifully with the thrill of Leon casino ...
New entomological shop Naturaliste- We sell boxes-starting from ultra-budget wooden versions of re and ending with painted stained glass ones that are much more expensive.- Pins — black and stainless steel of any size, as well as minutiae for ...
The site contains dozens of new titles of literature — books, magazines, collections in Russian and other languages. As a result, 245 items are ...
Entomological boxes from the manufacturer - ready-made and custom-made!Finished: 30 x 40, plywood, glass, PPE. 350 rubles / piece.To order - any standard sizes, the price is subject to agreement.I will also consider suggestions for custom ...
I'm going to buy a camera for a microscope for photographing the morphological structures of small invertebrates. People, please tell me, what are now good models up to 1000 USD (if any)? Are there any cameras with optional optical zoom instead of ...
Bad catalog - no sensor model is specified for any camera.
And will pure alcohol go into the stains? If not, what else can you use that is easy to find in stores!?
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a butterfly...
Mdyayaya... Thinking about the "depository" - about a thousand butterflies on mattresses and in bags (I didn't have time to process all the material twice before the start of the next season, so I accumulated it), I remember with nostalgia the times ...
Colleagues, I would like to know your opinion on the question: is it necessary to spread the paws of ladybirds so that they stick out from under the ...
Sell microscopes MBS-10, MBS-9, MBR-2, MMU-3, New and used 8-926-216-96-96
а новые микроскопы лабораторные и профессиональные какие есть ...
HelloI am a butterfly collector who wants to get in touch with other collectors in order to exchange butterflies from the Palearctic region.My interest in this area is:, Zygaenidae, days of butterflies. I can help you with all kinds of ...
Dear Bjorn,I write you on your e-mail.With respect,Mikhail
Explain how to sign breeding insects for a collection (except in Latin)?
... Give me beer, give me honey, Let my stomach drop, Give me "dough" now, I'll make "raskolbas", Teach me to live beautifully, I'm tired of your ...
Colleagues, we need a net for catching aquatic larvae: a diameter of 20 cm and a telescopic handle - so that when folded, all this fits in a backpack or bag, max. length - 0.8-1m. A net of this diameter is prescribed in regulatory documents, so far ...
20 cm in the bag will fit without a folding hoop design. Accordingly, it can simply be bent from a thin steel bar or thick wire. No special skills ...
Need a ladder to align labels. Please write us if you can sell it in Moscow.
Need a ladder to align labels. Please write us if you can sell it in Moscow.
Tell me, please, where can I buy it?
No, plastic is not that, there is little adhesion (the wings slip off constantly) and it does not "breathe", it dries longer. Or maybe my hands are ...
Good afternoon! My name is Alexander Lozovsky, I work as an assistant director for props on the new feature film " Mira "in Timur Bekmambetov's company"Bazelevs". The action takes place in the near future on a new Russian space station, in the ...
Well, I looked at this crap-I noticed a butterfly in the amount of one piece, it seems to be made of pure graphonium, and a danaid! Where are the ...
Hello everyoneUpdate my 2023 exchange list.Many species have been added to my exchange list : Carabidae,Cetoniidae,Buprestidae,Melolonthidae ect.ect.If you have Carabidae,Cicindelidae,Cetoniidae,Buprestidae,Tenebrionidae,Scarabaeidae,do not hesitate ...
Hello everyoneUpdate my 2023 exchange list.Many species have been added to my exchange list : Carabidae,Cetoniidae,Buprestidae,Melolonthidae ...
Then the trap-making project was imposed. Butterflies should be electrocuted! I don't know how many volts to use. In general, they say that 120 does not take!
The main thing is not to burn the poor things
Can you tell me how to dissolve the glue used to glue insects to the dies? In general, is it possible not to damage the material itself?
Yes, now there are so many things in stock that it is really difficult to choose
Good afternoon.There are 5 pairs of Tadumia acco ssp. mirabilis. Offer in exchange for other types of parnassius.Write to:
Hello there is a topic sale and exchange
A completely new version of EntomoLabels has been released. It also contains a short user's manual. I encourage you to try it. Download it from: labels.entomo.plEntomolabels is freeware for all puproses. Pictures:el1.jpg — (89.35к) el2.jpg — ...
Last winter, I recorded a couple of videos for the participants of the butterfly chat on how to use this wonderful program, but I forgot to post the ...
Upload photos! It's interesting to see, because I still have nothing to brag about!
Well, then the non-commercial group is a super-rare subspecies of a banal type that can't be sold to anyone With almost all insects, the situation is ...
I decided to buy a stationary magnifying lamp (like cosmetologists and doctors), but I can't decide which one.For sampling, sorting, and straightening of small beetles and riders (1-5mm). Bigger and so visible. My eyesight is already weak, but I ...
Better a late response than no response at all. Maybe someone else will need it. So, for the purposes of the vehicle, no "magnifying lamp"is ...
Glue for sticking insects on dies.I bring to your attention glue that is sold in hardware stores...Perfect in my opinion, as beetles do not peel off even from transparent dies-when the box is hit or shaken...And it leaves no traces on the beetle ...
The next stage of "progress" is pouring into epoxy blocks, it is poorly visible from both sides, but for centuries Out, Pan Hierophis has been doing ...
I have such a question, someone will tell me how to prepare the genitals of Holotrichia. If possible, in detail, I have never been involved in such a "dirty" case
Hello, everyone.Please help me how to cook the genitals of plavuntsov genus Ilybius?)You can do everything in detailed colors, I will be doing this ...
Good afternoon.Does anyone have P. honrathi eggs?Yours sincerely, Олег
Good afternoon.Does anyone have P. honrathi eggs?Yours sincerely, Олег
Crown traps - from now on, please go into more detail. Is this by any chance a window trap with a cone for accumulation??? What kind of retainer do you use? Please tell us more about these traps
I saw such a trap in one article.Size 40cm × 40cm × 60cm. White polyester fabric with 0.5 mm mesh.Probably, you can make this yourself, but I don't ...
Hello! Please help me... In wooden boxes with glass, with a hermetically fitting lid (but apparently not quite..) found book lice. Tell me, what is the best way to poison them?
Well, if it is for beekeepers, then the insecticidal properties are pretty bad.
Zaldacha - get photos like these:As I did not pick the unfortunate wasps, the ovaries are torn out only one at a time. This is enough to count and measure oocytes, but not for beautiful photos. But you should. Independent searches for publications ...
Thank you all, everyone is dismissed I figured it out by trial and error. If you need more details, just ask.
Comrades, help, pozh-ta! I see you have a professional community of knowledgeable people here. I'm just an amateur, having a rather impressive (by my standards), approx. 100 copies. Bye, butterfly collection. I collect them for beauty, they hang all ...
I can also add the brightness and color temperature of the lighting. There, it seems, they complement each other; but earlier, when the exhibition ...
After a few days in the collection, mantises and leafhoppers start to turn black. How can I avoid this ?
I have a friend who paints-you can't tell the difference from the living ones!
After a few days in the collection, mantises and leafhoppers start to turn black. How can I avoid this ?
It turns out, of course, not a scientific copy...
Greetings to all! I bring to your attention dies for mounting beetles. Material transparent plastic, thickness 0.5 mm. Any quantities and sizes. I'll exchange it for your dry material.If you are interested, write to your email address ...
Greetings to all! I bring to your attention dies for mounting beetles. Material transparent plastic, thickness 0.5 mm. Any quantities and sizes. I'll ...
I sell a collection of butterflies! The collection includes representatives of the pigeon family, yolks, appolons, and many others (I attached only part of the photo here, I can send additional photos and videos). I only sell the whole thing. ...
I sell a collection of butterflies! The collection includes representatives of the pigeon family, yolks, appolons, and many others (I attached only ...
Dear colleagues, please share the sources of entomological pins - where do you get them, how do you get them?And then my grandfather's supplies are running out .... and where to go and I don't even know :|
Eugene, thank you for your feedback!)
Has a long-winged form of chorthippus fallax been discovered and has such a form been found in the forums?This post was edited by TMZ-09/04/2021 15: 50
Has a long-winged form of chorthippus fallax been discovered and has such a form been found in the forums?This post was edited by TMZ-09/04/2021 15: ...
Friends, let's discuss this topic. After all, each material from which the stain is made has advantages and disadvantages...
Ladies and gentlemen, Designed a container for ethyl acetate for stainingReport on operational experience.It is impossible to operate without a laid ...
Good day to all!I'm a young entomologist.I became interested in this activity in early December)I need your help can you give me pins and so on please I am Vanya "Ivan"11 years old I want to become an entomologist.I live in Ukraine)Please love ...
I forgot the completely useless 000 and 7They are very useful. Prick mosquitoes, midges, small beetles and weevils.The post was edited by Microwars ...
I don't sell them individually, I will consider adequate offers Pictures:B46EA1E2_0270_4C4B_B45A_B999DA28204A.jpeg — (2.33 mb) 0ED16AFE_2C37_4E3C_9440_48343C8D53E5.jpeg — (2.05 mb) E7C5D54E_9F69_4B99_AA8F_F43FE9926A37.jpeg — (2.44 mb)
Why would someone who hasn't even started collecting his own collection need someone else's?
What color should a net bag have? I've seen black, white, and khaki.As I understand it, the color depends on the specifics of the fishing method?I would like to hear informed opinions about the choice of a particular color, and whether the color is ...
Hello!Can you tell me what kind of fabric to use for a butterfly net?Read this topic. there is about everything.
Greetings!I broke my whole head in which section to write, "expedition reports" is the most appropriate one, like, if you write about a fait accompli. And I want to offer to organize a" meeting of spring " to colleagues from Krasnoyarsk or try to ...
Got the hint!
Citizens, the following question arose: what is the harm of a zip-bag (polyethylene) as a replacement for a classic butterfly bag? As a plus, it has-butterflies do not dry up so quickly, respectively, they can not be soaked (the idea was suggested ...
Sell bags for butterflies self-assembled from tracing paper.In one package of 100 sheets of 70 x 110 mm format.The ideal format for the entire ...
I've heard a lot and sometimes read about them, but I don't have the faintest idea what they look like, much less how to make them. In this regard, I would like someone to share their experience... I apologize if there was such a topic.
Does anyone use pheromone traps? Maybe you have experience buying pheromones or general semiochemicals?
I have a suggestion (in order of spring aggravation): encourage participants of this forum to post their dissertations ' abstracts here, for public discussion. I know it all sounds like, "come out Billy, get killed..." but still... It seems to me ...
Frames.The material is MDF.Glass.Painted only externally .Inside is white foam board 5 mm on double-sided tape.The back is 5mm foam board+ 4mm MDF.The depth from the glass to the back is 35mm, 55mm, 85mm.You can stick pins and needles into the foam ...
Frames.The material is MDF.Glass.Painted only externally .Inside is white foam board 5 mm on double-sided tape.The back is 5mm foam board+ 4mm ...
Every entomologist has a bookcase, or at least a shelf, with what they consider to be valuable books on various entomological topics. Many of them, although outdated, are still useful. Some works have become classics. And the authors are Shvanvich, ...
If the subject of our interest is the scientific knowledge of the author of the publication, then this is true. For example, images of homunculi ...
For moderators: to avoid creating a parallel topic, please attach the survey to the topic "Soaking insects" .
I try to use the freezer whenever possible. On long trips-primarivayu ethyl acetate.
At the end of 2017, the second edition of the catalog of Russian Lepidoptera was announced by S. Yu. Sinev in the article "Experience of inventory of Russian insect biodiversity on the example of the order Lepidoptera" ...
Pyrgus andromedae in the Vologda region? This is what the caterpillars develop on there? But P. centaureae may well be. So it is correct that the ...
We are going to sculpt dies in the Russian Federation. To make it cheaper than foreign ones. And always available.Question:Are there any options that you do not have enough from Czechs and other similar manufacturers? Size, shape, or whatever. Or ...
Here, for example, such almost without rounding made. Size 41x16.
Frame color white black. Foam board is white and 1.5 mm passepartout 1.5 mmAll the walls inside are covered with 5 mm foam boardthe backdrop is 5 mm foam board(you can add another 5 mm for 100r on scotch tape and there will be a ...
my prices have gone up.25x25 frames 860r. depth 3, 5.7 cm to glass30x40 frames 1200r. depth 3, 5, 740x60 2400r depth to glass 3cm.