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How to avoid darkening of the mantis?

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsHow to avoid darkening of the mantis?

Guest, 16.02.2022 17:59

After a few days in the collection, mantises and leafhoppers start to turn black. How can I avoid this ?


17.02.2022 11:07, Wild Yuri

In acetone, it is necessary to soak-so that the fat is taken away. They'll lose their color anyway... You can touch it up later.

17.02.2022 17:49, Dracus

Females should be dissected, males should be dried quickly. But like acetone, it ruins your DNA. If the color is lost quickly, then the air is too humid where you are drying.

17.02.2022 18:04, ИНО

It's not necessarily the air. Darkening is the result of putrefaction, and its degree reflects the peculiarities of the putrefactive microbiome, which depend on many factors: air temperature, the state of the fat body, the contents of the intestine, etc. Under equal external conditions, hungry, emaciated individuals dry out best.

The soaking method is working. Not necessarily acetone, alcohol is also suitable. But the color will still be unnatural, although not dark. Preserving the natural shade of green is a rare piece of luck. Sometimes it happens, but you can't repeat it on purpose.

18.02.2022 0:26, Wild Yuri

I have a friend who paints-you can't tell the difference from the living ones!

18.02.2022 0:26, Wild Yuri

It turns out, of course, not a scientific copy...

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