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Naturaliste.ru: Production and sale of entomological equipment

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsNaturaliste.ru: Production and sale of entomological equipment

Peter Khramov, 13.06.2013 23:04

New entomological shop Naturaliste

- We sell boxes-starting from ultra-budget wooden versions of re and ending with painted stained glass ones that are much more expensive.
- Pins — black and stainless steel of any size, as well as minutiae for amateurs.
- Nets/handles/hoops/bags of our own production, including for mowing and fishing in water.
- Screens for night fishing, malaise traps, cages of our own production.
- Straighteners — made of linden, balsa and plastazote, plus a tape for them. Although the last time is solid balsa.
- As well as tweezers, scalpels, dissecting needles, blocks, exhusters, books, magazines and so on.
"And some things for nerds: botanical presses, herbarium folders, pencil cases.

We deliver by courier to the door of the office / apartment in ~200 regions of Russia. Pick-up points are also located in ~200 regions. If you are unlucky and there is no delivery/pickup in your region, we will send it by Russian Post.

Until the end of June 2013, all MolBiol users registered before 12.00 on 14.06.2013 will receive free pick-up from any region where we have it (pick-up).
Especially well-deserved, experienced and other similar — free delivery to the door.
UP3: other promotions are held from time to time (as a rule, products are free or with a very significant discount for an honest review of this product). See the latest posts on this topic for more information.

Legal entities
We work not only with physicists, but also with commercial and budget organizations.

If you are interested in selling your products through us, but I or someone else from our store has not yet communicated with you-write or call with suggestions.

To mere mortals
If you have any extra literature, we can exchange it for our equipment. Write or call us.

Contact Information
Website https://naturaliste.ru
Toll-free line for regions 8 (800) 775-60-95 (call for you is free from any phone in the Russian Federation, including mobile).
We work from 10 to 20 from Mon to Sat. Sometimes we drink and then linger until night or morning. So if you feel sad somewhere in Khabarovsk and want to call early in the morning-do not hesitate, it is quite possible that someone here will be conscious and with a warm phone.
You can catch me personally either by calling the phone numbers listed above (ask me to switch to Peter), or by mail naturaliste.ru#gmail.com (a dog instead of a bedbug), or through the BOS / topic on Molbiol, or in the "Community" section Insecta.pro.

If you have any questions or comments — you can leave them in this topic or on the comments page on the site.

Good hunting."

The post was edited by Asar - 28.04.2024 22: 33


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14.06.2013 7:49, KingSnake

Tempting prices smile.gifIn Mordovia (Saransk) is there a pick-up point? Do you work with electronic payment systems or only in cash?

14.06.2013 10:47, Peter Khramov

Yes, there is a pick-up service in Saransk (Bogdan Khmelnitsky St.).
A detailed list of regions with delivery and / or pickup is available on the page http://lepstore.ru/delivery

Electric money is still in the process of being connected, but I don't think this system will start working until a week later, and maybe later.

P.S. Last night and this morning there was a glitch with the display of illustrations — on the product pages, the images might not be displayed or enlarged. Now it is treated, for most products there are pictures.

This post was edited by Asar - 14.06.2013 11: 07

14.06.2013 21:18, Kharkovbut

Peter, a micro tube for storing Nema's genitals? smile.gif

14.06.2013 22:19, Peter Khramov

That's what's dumb, that's dumb :-- ) There is a thought of all sorts of mini-capacities/containers from America to deliver, then this is clearly not in the near future...

14.06.2013 22:34, Vorona

Useful things for all sorts of small things - eppendorfs... If you had any, I'd take a little of it shuffle.gif
I don't know, however, how convenient they are for entomologists.

14.06.2013 22:38, Peter Khramov

Yes, yes, like these, too. Large ones will probably be a thread somewhere in a month, but with small ones it's a little more problematic...

14.06.2013 22:49, Vorona

And they are also colored-och. convenient. (I'm hinting wink.gif)
And how big are they?

14.06.2013 23:02, Peter Khramov

About 10 cm. Colored-yes, there are options with multi-colored covers or stickers. If with colored glass — it's probably not very practical anymore :--)

14.06.2013 23:09, Vorona

Glass, not plastic?
Well, if you look at the object without getting it, then really, transparent and colorless ones are better. I fix them (buds, for example). All the same, then get it, but you can choose a specific color for each species, or for the upper-middle-lower flowers in the inflorescence. Or from different populations. In short-a bunch of features smile.gif

14.06.2013 23:28, Peter Khramov

Plastic ones are also transparent...
In general, yes. More good and different options. There will be multi-colored ones, and we'll take multi-colored ones for the assortment.

15.06.2013 2:44, Proctos

what about chemicals?

15.06.2013 2:45, Proctos

Are Malaise traps planned?

15.06.2013 11:30, Victor Titov

Now I tried to log in with my own password from Lepidoptera.ru to the site http://lepstore.ru - failed: returns the error "the site is currently unavailable"frown.gif.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 06/15/2013 11: 32

15.06.2013 11:47, Peter Khramov

Now I tried to log in with my own password from Lepidoptera.ru " it didn't work out...

Victor, thank you so much for the signal. Now everything is fixed, go under your data, everything will be normal.

15.06.2013 11:54, Peter Khramov

what about chemicals?
Ethyl acetate should arrive next week. If you need anything else from this category, please let us know.

This post was edited by Asar - 21.06.2013 19: 07

15.06.2013 15:24, vasiliy-feoktistov

Peter, a comment on the product range.
I didn't find any cotton mattressesfrown.gif, or am I looking for them in the wrong place?
There are bags for butterflies, but there are no mattresses confused.gif
The disadvantage in my opinion if they are not. You can glue it yourself, of course,but it's a huge chore......

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 15.06.2013 15: 24

15.06.2013 15:29, Peter Khramov

We'll have to look for someone to get these mattresses from...
Likes: 1

15.06.2013 15:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

We'll have to look for someone to get these mattresses from...

There will be a case beer.gif.
And now I started the fourth mattress this summer and while I made it: "seven sweats came offsmile.gif. " Probably out of habit: for the first time this season, I decided to collect for people (previously only for myself) and needed them. And here is such a topic.......

15.06.2013 15:56, Peter Khramov

A. And I'm wondering why you became a fan of purchased mattresses, when earlier you seemed to be riveting and enjoying life yourself...

17.06.2013 18:14, Peter Khramov

We will soon open a product reviews section on our site. Accordingly, we need these same reviews, first of all, about our own products, which are not sold anywhere else, and therefore it is more difficult for them to deal with reviews.
Therefore, there is an offer to users of MolBiol with a high turnip (well, since there is no rep system on the forum, it's just with a good registration date, number of messages, etc.):
We will send you one here is such a box 25x35 free of charge, and you write us a review about it on the site (not_order laudatory, but quite honest and, if possible, objective).
Or. We send you four such boxes for a symbolic 1000 rubles, and you still write us a review :--)
About delivery:
In the first case (free box) , you still pay for delivery/pickup. But if this box goes inside the order (even if there are only a couple of packs of pins in the order besides it), then the free pickup mentioned above is also triggered for you, as for any standard order from a MolBiol user.
In the second case, pickup will be free even if there is nothing in the order other than these four boxes.
You need more than one review. More precisely, not from one person, but from more.
If you are interested in this offer, write to me in the BOS or in this topic or call the store's phone numbers.
P.S. If someone is in Moscow, sometimes I have the opportunity to cross paths somewhere and pass the box from hand to hand. In this case, you will not need to pay for pick-ups either.

This post was edited by Asar - 17.06.2013 18: 15

17.06.2013 20:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

We will soon open a product reviews section on our site. Accordingly, we need these same reviews, first of all, about our own products, which are not sold anywhere else, and therefore it is more difficult for them to deal with reviews.
Therefore, there is an offer to users of MolBiol with a high turnip (well, since there is no rep system on the forum, it's just with a good registration date, number of messages, etc.):
We will send you one here is such a box 25x35 free of charge, and you write us a review about it on the site (not_order laudatory, but quite honest and, if possible, objective).

There will be an honest review about the box, I promise smile.gif

17.06.2013 20:36, Peter Khramov

There will be an honest review about the box, I promise smile.gif

No reason not to drink;--)

This post was edited by Asar - 17.06.2013 23: 57

17.06.2013 23:57, Peter Khramov

Tex. Chet I pressed the wrong button it seems...
No reason not to drink;--)

By the way, several more variants of boxes will arrive soon, including Italian ones. As a result, there will be 10 noticeably different variants from 5 manufacturers. We can somehow get together with everyone in a nice place so that everyone can feel everything with their hands and compare it live. And then questions often arise, what are the differences. Well, at the same time and just chat over a glass of tea.
Likes: 2

18.06.2013 1:26, AGG

We have it coming soon

I was very interested in your offer jump.gif beer.gifbecause we - "provincials" have to go to your "non-rubber" or leave money for delivery, comparable to our salaries.
should I consider your 6 emails as a hint to the box (taking into account my registration)? wink.gif
substantive questions: 1-about the pick-up point in Tambov/phone number, 2-custom dies - manufacturer? What time is it? is there a transparent "paradox"?
PS boxes of quality "Romuald = entomolodzhibox" (and it is better that they were) at the same price, but without the road to Moscow we take!!! pcs so ... 10-50... wink.gifif the options, then of course first feel

This post was edited by AGG - 06/18/2013 01: 56

18.06.2013 7:16, Mantispid

A tempting offer! Is there a pick-up service in Saratov?

I'd buy some boxes like this - http://lepstore.ru/catalog/1510
on trial. Perhaps someone from Saratov will also want to, then you can immediately take more. We have a lot of entomologists here, but they're all on the road.

18.06.2013 11:18, Peter Khramov

should I consider your 6 emails as a hint to the box (taking into account my registration)? wink.gif
Roman, I didn't quite understand about the six letters (from Lepidoptera?), but we'll send you a box for your review without any problems.

1-about the pick-up point in Tambov/phone number
Two locations are Chichkanov Street and Morshanskoe Highway. One of them seems to be going to move, as you will order, we will clarify this issue for you again. But as of "right now" — the above coordinates.

2-custom dies - manufacturer? What time is it? is there a transparent "paradox"?
Entosphinx. There is no exact information on the time yet, but it will definitely not reach us before July 5. I'll let you know when a more accurate forecast appears.

PS boxes of quality "Romuald = entomolodzhibox" (and it is better that they were) at the same price, but without the road to Moscow we take!!! pcs so ... 10-50... wink.gifif the options, then of course first feel
Sell entomolodzhibox boxes at the price of a Novel (their manufacturer) can only be a Novel ;--) We have them much more expensive. As for alternatives, additional options for boxes will appear in about a week and a half.

This post was edited by Asar - 18.06.2013 11: 20
Likes: 1

18.06.2013 11:23, Peter Khramov

A tempting offer! Is there a pick-up service in Saratov?
I'd buy some boxes like this - http://lepstore.ru/catalog/1510
on trial. Perhaps someone from Saratov will also want to, then you can immediately take more. We have a lot of entomologists here, but they're all on the road.
We will be happy to send them to you for a review in option 4 for 1000 with free pickup in Saratov. The points are located on 50-letiya Oktyabrya Avenue and on Universitetskaya Street.

This post was edited by Asar - 06/18/2013 11: 25

18.06.2013 11:28, rhopalocera.com

Hm. I also want to respond to the review. I'll give you some money, but do you have a pick-up service? A thousand rupees is no problem. I'll write a review angry and prickly, so I'm an ugly butterfly catcher smile.gif

18.06.2013 11:59, Peter Khramov

How can it not be? Everything is there, everything is there! Is Pachimu so angry? Box ladies, export ladies, only on foot!

18.06.2013 13:33, Mantispid

We will be happy to send them to you for a review in option 4 for 1000 with free pickup in Saratov. The points are located on 50-letiya Oktyabrya Avenue and on Universitetskaya Street.

I agree yes.gif
where should I write to?

18.06.2013 13:42, Peter Khramov

Gentlemen, who wants boxes for a review-write in the BOS phone number and name (if we are not familiar with you yet and if the name is not in your profile), I will call you on delivery. Or just call the store's phone number and tell them what's wrong with Molbiol, and they'll switch you to me.
Mantispid, if you need to receive this case as soon as possible, try to send a message before 15.30, then we will send you the shipment today.

This post was edited by Asar - 06/18/2013 13: 46

18.06.2013 14:44, Romyald

There is no free cheese, only life, cheese and a mousetrap. But there is really a lot of cheese at the same time.

18.06.2013 14:53, Peter Khramov

By the way, Roman, do you have a shortened version of the title? And then we do not have everything well cleaned in the designations of your boxes...

18.06.2013 17:43, Romyald

Not yetshuffle.gif. But if someone comes up wink.gifwith it, then a luxury box is provided smile.giffor him . And it is desirable that I like beer.gifit too .

18.06.2013 21:16, Kharkovbut

Not yetshuffle.gif. But if someone comes up wink.gifwith it, then a luxury box is provided smile.giffor him . And it is desirable that I like beer.gifit too .
e-box... tongue.gif

21.06.2013 16:17, AGG

21.06.2013 16:45, Peter Khramov

No Hercules glue yet.
All users who were registered before the check mark for receiving the newsletter appeared in the registration form will be sent an email with a request to participate in this newsletter.
ZY. Today mercury bulbs arrived, if anyone is relevant...

21.06.2013 19:09, Peter Khramov

what about chemicals?

Yes, well, I'm drawn to editing everything instead of quoting...
In general, ethyl acetate has arrived: http://lepstore.ru/catalog/s208

21.06.2013 23:21, fayst79

I liked it,the courier brought the parcel home.
And then with this mail some problems, queues, etc
. The most important thing is fast!

This post was edited by fayst79 - 06/21/2013 23: 26

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