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Czech straightening tape

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCzech straightening tape

Sergey Rybalkin, 26.07.2023 20:39

Tell me, please, where can I buy it?


08.08.2023 7:55, ИНО

In the Czech Republic? smile.gif What is it and why is it needed? If you press the wings of butterflies, then the usual tracing paper is not bad? The pieces of paper that are used to move slides in their original packaging are generally a song.

10.08.2023 22:21, Sergey Rybalkin

I use tracing paper (the tape was much more convenient, it's more transparent!

10.08.2023 23:54, Evgenich

Files for storing papers. Not the most subtle ones. Cut into strips of the desired width

11.08.2023 14:49, ИНО

No, plastic is not that, there is little adhesion (the wings slip off constantly) and it does not "breathe", it dries longer. Or maybe my hands are in the wrong place.

Well, the edges of the wing are quite visible on a light background through tracing paper, and even through tissue paper. And what's the point of seeing more? Admire - after removing from the straightener.

If you only knew what this "Czech tape" looks like, you might be able to find a domestic analog. It is doubtful that the Czechs specifically for butterflies plant some special polymer cooks.

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