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Literature on entomology published in the USSR

Community and ForumLiterature and websitesLiterature on entomology published in the USSR

полистес, 19.11.2017 16:19

Every entomologist has a bookcase, or at least a shelf, with what they consider to be valuable books on various entomological topics. Many of them, although outdated, are still useful. Some works have become classics. And the authors are Shvanvich, Kuznetsov, Yakhontov, Bey-Bienko ... there are dozens of them. I propose to post a bibliography of the most important works on entomology published in the USSR in this topic. They can be divided both chronologically (1917-1950, 1950-1990) and thematically: "general questions-physiology, biology, ecology, etc."," agricultural entomology "and"determinants". Books published in the early 90's can be singled out separately. They were published in extremely small print runs and if they are not available online, young people often do not even know about their existence.
Here is a suggestion.
To begin with, I post a list of (very incomplete) books on general issues (here are some books published after 1990 - in my opinion, they are also fundamental)

Shteynkhauz E. A., Microbiology of insects, Moscow: Inostrannaya literatura, 1950g. 768 p
. Shteynkhauz E. A., Pathologiya insektov, per. s angl., Moscow, 1952..
Yelizarov Yu. A. Chemoreception of insects, Moscow: Moscow University Publishing House. 1978. 232 p
. Zhantiev R. D. Bioacoustics of insects, Moscow State University 1981. 256 p.,
Jacobson M. Sexual pheromones of insects. Translated from English by M. Mir 1976g. 392c.
Kharsun A. I. Biochemistry of insects. Kishinev Kartya moldovenyaske 1976. 336 p
. Skirkevicius A. V. Pheromone communication of insects. - Vilnius: Moxlas, 1986. - 287,[1] p.
Gribakin F. G., Mechanisms of insect photoreception, L., 1981.
Tyshchenko V. P. Fundamentals of insect physiology. In 2 parts (books) LSU 1976 303s+364s
Tyshchenko V. P. Physiology of insects. Textbook for universities. Moscow. Higher school. 1986. 304 p.,
Tyshchenko V. Physiology of insect photoperiodism. Trudy Vsesoyuznogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva [Proceedings of the All-Union Entomological Society], vol. 59, Nauka Publ., 1977, 156 p.
Chauven R. Fiziologiya izeksekovykh [Physiology of insects]. 1953. 494s.
Wigglesworth V. B. Physiology of insects. Translated and edited by Prof. N. Ya. Kuznetsov. Moscow Biomedgiz 1937g. 148 p
. Mazokhin-Porshnyakov G. A. Zrenie insektov [Vision of insects]. Moscow Nauka 1965g. 264 p.
Zavadkin Yu. Embryology of insects. kurs lektsii M Vysshaya shkola 1975g. 328c
Danilevsky A. S. Photoperiodism and seasonal development of insects. Leningrad State University Press, 1961, 243 p.
Mazokhin-Porshnyakov G. A., Elizarov Yu. A., Zhantiev R. D., Chernyshov V. B. Handbook of physiology of insect sense organs. G. A. Mazokhin-Porshnyakov, Moscow, Moscow University Press. 1983. 262 p
. Ivanov V. P. Sense organs of insects and other arthropods. 2000. 279 p.
Frantsevich, L. I. Spatial orientation of animals, Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1986
Frantsevich, L. I. Visual analysis of space in insects", 1980
Kuznetsov N. Ya. Fundamentals of insect physiology. in 2 volumes. M-L OF the USSR Academy of Sciences 1948, 1953. 380, 402 p.
Svidersky V. Polet insekomogo [Flight of an insect].
Svidersky V. L. Neurophysiology of insect flight. 215c
Svidersky V. L. Fundamentals of insect neurophysiology. Leningrad Nauka 1980.
Svidersky V. L. Locomotion of insects. L. Nauka. 1988. 259 p.
Greenfeld, E. K. Origin and development of anthophilia in insects, Leningrad: LSU Publishing House, 1978, 208 p.
Greenfeld, E. K. Origin of anthophilia in insects .- L.: Leningr. Univ. Publishing House, 1962.
Atlas of electron microscopic morphology of chemoreceptor organs of insects. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 2006, 344 p.
Eltringham G. Structure and activity of insect sense organs. 25 drawings in the text. M.-L. Biomedgiz 1934. 96 p
. Bekker E. G. Teoriya morfologicheskoy evolyutsii insektov [Theory of morphological evolution of insects]. Edited by Prof. E. S. Smirnov, Moscow State University Press, 1966, 328 p.
Gornostaev G. N. Vvedenie v etologiyu insektov-fotoksenov (let insektov na iskusstvennye istochniki sveta) [Introduction to the ethology of insects-photoxenes (years of insects on artificial light sources)]. (Proceedings of the All-Union Entomological Society, vol. 66).
Chernyshev V. B. Ecology of insects, Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 1996-304 p.
Chernyshev V. Diurnal rhythms of insect activity, Moscow, MSU Publishing House, 1984, 220 p.
Yakhontov V. V.-Ecology of insects, 1964
Zlotin A. Z. Technical entomology. Reference manual, Naukova dumka Publ., 1989, 183 p.
Tamarina N. A. Osnovy tekhnicheskoi entomologii [Fundamentals of technical entomology], Moscow, MSU Publishing House, 1990
. Kozhanchikov I. V. Metody issledovaniya ekologii insektov [Methods of studying the ecology of insects], Moscow, Vysshaya shkola, 1961, 286 p.
Marikovsky P. I. Insects are protected. Popular science series of the USSR Academy of Sciences.Editor-in-chief Candidate of Biological Sciences D. V. Panfilov, Moscow, Nauka 1977, 200 p.
Biological rhythms in 2 volumes. Edited by Yu. Ashoff. Translated from English by M. Mir 1984. 414 p.+262 p
. Pheromones and behavior. Moscow, Nauka, 1982, 328 p.
Andrianova N. S. Ecology of insects. Course of lectures, Moscow State University 1970, 158 p.
Balayan V. M., Korotkiy R. M. Chemical language of insects, Moscow, Agropromizdat 1987-140 p.
Brian M. Social insects. Ecology and behavior Moscow Mir 1986 400 p
Varley J. K., Gradwell J. R., Hassell M. P. Ecology of insect populations (Analytical approach). Translated from English. Monograph by M. Kolos. 1978 222 p.
Yaroslav Weiser. Micro-biological methods of controlling harmful insects. (Diseases of insects). Translated from Czech. Edited and prefaced by M. S. Gilyarov, M. Izdanie Kolos. 1972. 640c.
Gilmour D. Metabolism of insects. Translated from English. M. Mir 1968. 229 p
. Greenfeld E. K. Insects - pollinators of red clover. M., L. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1954. 56 p
. Zaslavsky V. A. Photoperiodic and temperature control of the development of insects. Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Volume 120 Leningrad Nauka 1984 180 p
. Wright R. H. Nauka o odakhakh [Science of smells]. Ser.: V mire nauki i tekhniki [In the world of Science and technology]. Translated from English by M. Mir 1966g. 224 p.
Kalmykov P. G. Influence of ionizing radiation on insects. Diagrams, tables, and drawings. Moscow, Atomizdat Publ., 1970, 143 p.
Kirshenblat Ya. D. Telergons - chemical means of animal interaction. Popular Science Series, Moscow: Nauka 1974, 127s.
Masokhin-Porshnyakov G. A. Vision and visual orientation of insects. New in life, science and technology. Series ' Biology`, No. 3, 1980, Moscow: Znanie. 1980. 63 p.
Poltev V. I. et al. Microflora of insects. Novosibirsk Nauka 1969g. 272s
Pringle D. Polet insekhkov [Flight of insects]. Editor: O. Messner. Translated from English, Moscow, IL. 1963, 180 p.
Lapitsky V. P. Head ganglia and motor activity of insects. Leningrad State University Press, 1990, 196 p., fig.
Kozlov A. T. Vital forms and behavior of building insect larvae. Voronezh Publishing House of the Voronezh University 1993. 176 p., ill
. Makarova L. A., Doronina G. M. Synoptic method for forecasting long-distance migrations of harmful insects-St. Petersburg: Gidrometeoizdat, 1994. - 198 p.
Eskov E. K. Acoustic signaling of public insects, Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1979, 209 p.
Kipyatkov V. E. The World of Social Insects, Leningrad: Leningrad University Press. 1991. 408 p.
Zherikhin V. V., Ponomarenko A. G., Rasnitsyn A. P. Vvedenie v paleoentomologiyu [Introduction to paleoentomology]. Moscow: KMK, 2008, 371 p.

This post was edited by polistes - 21.11.2017 17: 58


19.11.2017 16:30, полистес

I'll add more

Pavlovsky E. N. Metody ruchnogo anatomirovaniya insektov [Methods of manual anatomization of insects], Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, 88 p., ill.

Very interesting work. Probably the only book on this topic in russian

19.11.2017 18:21, полистес

It is worth adding work on med. entomology:

Beklemishev V. N. Ecology of the malarial mosquito. (Anopheles Maculipennis Mgn.) Moscow: Medgiz, 1944, 298 p., fig.
Textbook of medical entomology. Part 1. Edited by Prof. Beklemisheva V. N. Textbook for secondary medical institutions, Moscow: Meditsina 1949g. 490s.
Textbook of medical entomology. Part II. Medical disinsection and antimalarial hydraulic engineering. Edited by Prof. V. N. Beklemeshev. Compiled by R. G. Bertyn and V. A. Nabokov. M. Medgiz 1949. 204 p.

Shtakelberg A. A. Bibliography of malaria (epidemiology, vectors, control of malaria; organization of antimalarial business in the USSR 1771-1935). Moscow-L. 1940. 963 p.
Has anyone ever seen Stackelberg's book on sale?

19.11.2017 20:11, Alexandr Zhakov

I won't say anything about the topic itself (I didn't understand its purpose and objectives. frown.gif )
But if you started this, then at least put the books in alphabetical order, and add them not in new posts, but in the first message, clicking on "edit", then at least all the books that you posted will be in one message.

19.11.2017 22:13, полистес

I won't say anything about the topic itself (I didn't understand its purpose and objectives. frown.gif )
But if you started this, then at least put the books in alphabetical order, and add them not in new posts, but in the first message, clicking on "edit", then at least all the books that you posted will be in one message.

The purpose of the topic is to identify the most important works on entomology published in Russian, and the task is to draw attention to these works of young researchers who often do not know the history of the issue and fundamental works on their topic. By the way , I hope that forum participants will determine the importance of certain books for their work by adding new items to the list. Other comments are accepted.

20.11.2017 9:17, Nemov

This topic can turn into a catalog of personal libraries. With all due respect, I see in the list of Polistes many highly specialized books that can not be considered the most important.

20.11.2017 11:10, полистес

This topic can turn into a catalog of personal libraries. With all due respect, I see in the list of Polistes many highly specialized books that can not be considered the most important.

Any idea in the process of implementation can turn into anything. It depends on how you approach it. As for the list , it is incomplete and quite open to discussion.
However, if the topic seems untimely, harmful or useless to forum participants, you can close it.

20.11.2017 14:02, ИНО

Read all this thoughtfully and there will be absolutely no time to work on your own topic.

20.11.2017 16:53, полистес

Read all this thoughtfully and there will be absolutely no time to work on your own topic.

These works are designed to be read thoughtfully. Another question is whether to read everything or selectively, in the context of your specialization? But I think it will be useful for young people to orient themselves in literature.

20.11.2017 17:48, ИНО

Thank you for your clarification. After reading the initial post, I thought that you read it necessary for every domestic entomologist to study the entire list. A small note: the works of the middle of the last century on the anatomy, physiology and evolution of insects in our time are mainly of historical significance

20.11.2017 18:06, полистес

Thank you for your clarification. After reading the initial post, I thought that you read it necessary for every domestic entomologist to study the entire list. A small note: the works of the middle of the last century on the anatomy, physiology and evolution of insects in our time are mainly of historical significance

So no one talks about their 100% relevance, but there is a lot of useful information there. Moreover, such reports (more up-to-date) were practically never published in Russian. As an example, I will cite the "Pathology of Insects" by Steinhaus. A similar summary on this topic in terms of volume and significance was published only relatively recently (Insect pathogens: structural and functional aspects: [Monograph] / [M. V. Shternshis, I. V. Issy, E. G. Voronina et al.]; Edited by V. V. Glupov. - Moscow: Round Table, 2001. - 725 p.)
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20.11.2017 18:14, ИНО

Unfortunately, there is very little Russian-language literature on fundamental issues of entomology today, and there is nothing but faunalism all around. Basically, you have to learn English.

20.11.2017 18:42, полистес

Unfortunately, there is very little Russian-language literature on fundamental issues of entomology today, and there is nothing but faunalism all around. Basically, you have to learn English.

Yes, it's hard to disagree. Books on many issues are published there almost every year - not all of them are equivalent in scientific terms, but nevertheless.

20.11.2017 19:21, полистес

A little off-topic, but a very good book:

Tereshkin A.M. Guide to the preparation of scientific illustrations in entomology on the example of riders of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera), 2013

It is available in Russian and English. The network also has it.
The Russian-language edition is very beautiful.

20.11.2017 19:50, ИНО

I looked through it - it's a good thing. But alas, this is preparation for the last war. In everything that concerns the external morphology of imago, photography now rules. Much easier, faster, and most importantly-no subjectivity. And we see this in publications: in the first descriptions of species and determinants, especially by Western authors, you will find drawings less and less often, except for genitals. But with the larva, it's another matter, it's impossible to take one photo where everything will be visible. Something should be viewed from one angle, something-from another, something-live, something-after alkaline maceration. So in this area, a good drawing is still in demand. Unfortunately, there is nothing about larvae in this book. Do you know any good Russian-language literature on this topic, about the peculiarities of examining and sketching ichneumonid larvae?

20.11.2017 20:12, полистес

As far as I know, only Tereshkin works at this level. The schedule is great. He has many publications, but in English. Maybe there is something about larvae. Only this work was published in Russian and in an extremely small print run.
Likes: 1

05.07.2020 9:19, СергейС.С

I looked through it - it's a good thing. But alas, this is preparation for the last war. In everything that concerns the external morphology of imago, photography now rules. Much easier, faster, and most importantly-no subjectivity. And we see this in publications: in the first descriptions of species and determinants, especially by Western authors, you will find drawings less and less often, except for genitals. But with the larva, it's another matter, it's impossible to take one photo where everything will be visible. Something should be viewed from one angle, something-from another, something-live, something-after alkaline maceration. So in this area, a good drawing is still in demand. Unfortunately, there is nothing about larvae in this book. Do you know any good Russian-language literature on this topic, about the peculiarities of examining and sketching ichneumonid larvae?

Works in the field of taxonomy should be illustrated
by drawings made by the author of the work, and not by photographs. The fundamental
difference between scientific drawing and photography, in our opinion, is as
follows: a photograph is only an image of an object made with
a certain degree of skill, and a drawing is primarily a graphic representation of
scientific knowledge about the object at this stage and
the author's own ideas. Based on the above, when preparing a total drawing
, the main task is to increase the emphasis on the taxonomic features
of the object, their graphic execution and moving secondary features
to the "background" while maintaining the general appearance and features of the object as a whole.
Another important condition is the graphic execution of illustrations of
objects in a single perspective, which is necessary for comparative analysis.

05.07.2020 9:25, Helmut

Works in the field of taxonomy should be illustrated
by drawings made by the author of the work, and not by photographs. The fundamental
difference between scientific drawing and photography, in our opinion, is as
follows: a photograph is only an image of an object made with
a certain degree of skill, and a drawing is primarily a graphic representation of
scientific knowledge about the object at this stage and
the author's own ideas. Based on the above, when preparing a total drawing
, the main task is to increase the emphasis on the taxonomic features
of the object, their graphic execution and moving secondary features
to the "background" while maintaining the general appearance and features of the object as a whole.
Another important condition is the graphic execution of illustrations of
objects in a single perspective, which is necessary for comparative analysis.

Absolutely right!
Likes: 1

08.07.2020 3:14, ИНО

If the subject of our interest is the scientific knowledge of the author of the publication, then this is true. For example, images of homunculi inside sperm cells can tell a lot about the views of preformist animalculists. But if the focus of our interest lies in the field of animal morphology as an objective reality that does not depend on someone's knowledge, ignorance, visual acuity,artistic talent and mood, then this is a completely different song. Anyone who has a specimen of an insect in their hands and wants to identify it, as a rule, is interested in the second one. Who will strengthen the emphasis on the instance for him?

The post was edited INO-08.07.2020 03: 16

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