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Crimea June 2008

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCrimea June 2008

collector, 24.05.2008 17:07

12-28 I will be in the Crimea with my family on vacation
to my wife and daughter the sea . imagine a net and mountains.
Can someone grab something if they get caught along the way

ps - Also actively collecting land clams


24.05.2008 23:15, AlexEvs

If it is not difficult, grab the diplopod and woodlice in 70% alcohol

25.05.2008 1:21, RippeR

First of all, barbels and carabuses (from carabuses, proceruses, campestris, hungariscus in the first place and everything else in the second placesmile.gif)!! Then goldfinches, scarabaeids, and weevils. If there is an opportunity - butterflies too, diaries smile.gif
And what will you collect yourself?

25.05.2008 8:16, Bad Den

If possible - all ground beetles, not only carabuses smile.gif

25.05.2008 12:15, bugslov

me zhuzhelits and plastinchatousykh(bronzovki, khrushchi, etc.)

27.05.2008 0:37, AlexandrB

and me karabusov and other zhuzhelov mol.gif

27.05.2008 17:14, Kemist

Bronzes, preferably live

27.05.2008 17:56, Трофим

Uchachi, leaf eaters, ground beetles, and diaries.

27.05.2008 19:23, Grigory Grigoryev

I suggest that everyone who wants to write in response, what kind of gifts from their side will receive a respected collector. And so it turns out a pure freebie - not convenient....
Likes: 3

27.05.2008 22:28, RippeR

What are you interested in and from what places?

28.05.2008 10:02, collector

I collect a lot of things !
60% of the collection consists of carabus
15% antlers of the world
10% barbels of the world
10% diurnal lepidoptera of the world
5% everything else
Likes: 1

28.05.2008 12:22, RippeR

Then there is only one thing left - to catch everything, and then re-describe or photograph everything and put it in the Material for exchange smile.gif

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