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Entomological test tubes for storing insects genitals

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsEntomological test tubes for storing insects genitals

Pages: 1 2

23.12.2009 18:09, Pirx

Interesting idea - we should try it.

23.12.2009 19:04, barko

Plugs can be made from soft plastic using a suitable diameter segment of the antenna from the radio receiver. I think an artificial cork from wine bottles will work well. Unfortunately, there is no such thing at hand now, so I show the process on other materials.

But it is easier to buy ready-made test tubes smile.gif

0001.JPG — (106.68к)

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23.12.2009 19:07, Yakovlev

But it is easier to buy ready-made test tubes smile.gif

This is more difficult. Even people make canned food themselves - it tastes so much better. I talk to an entomologist once, and he tells me:
- I dream of going on a cart ride.
I am silent in response, because my dream is to expedition by helicopter

24.12.2009 1:12, Black Coleopter

This is more difficult. Even people make canned food themselves - it tastes so much better. I talk to an entomologist once, and he tells me:
- I dream of going on a cart ride.
I am silent in response, because my dream is to expedition by helicopter

To each his own...

30.12.2009 22:58, Bad Den

The parcel arrived from Poland today. Anyone who ordered the equipment, please let me know in liichku:
1. Full name
2. Address with ZIP code to send the parcel to

23.09.2011 15:29, Pirx

These are the ones that started the discussion, at $ 21 per 100 pcs.

It's a pity that in America, I would like a couple of such wives to start with. It seems that the Poles are different. I'm tired of soldering tubes.


picture: 1133A_001_Polyethylene_Micro_Vial.jpg
1133A_001_Polyethylene_Micro_Vial.jpg — (118.75к)

23.09.2011 15:35, Bad Den

I tried to contact the Americans, but they ignored me. So I still buy polackie
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23.09.2011 15:59, rhopalocera.com

The American ones are much worse than the Polish ones:

1. Cork made of dense foam rubber-passes glycerin.
2. The cork itself is solid, it is very inconvenient to close (inside it is glycerin and air, when closing it is compressed).
3. The shape of the test tube itself is inconvenient - it is much better when it is thinner to the top.
4. The plastic is not too transparent, it sucks to see what's inside. If your genitals are divided into fragments (say, aedeagus separately, valva separately, etc.), then they are much more difficult to find in this test tube, and given the shape of the test tube, it is not so easy to get them out.
5. Finally, for me, they simply lack aesthetics smile.gif

In the second picture, see for yourself: left Amerovskie, right Polish
[attachmentid ()=122192]
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23.09.2011 16:01, lepidopterolog

Oh, what cool test tubes! And the Polish ones are infuriating - too big and traffic jams fly out periodically.

23.09.2011 16:03, lepidopterolog

OK, looks are deceptive) We continue to use Polish)

Pages: 1 2

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